

Research on Mode and Estimation of High-Tech Industry Business Secondary Incubation

【作者】 左莉

【导师】 武春友;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 技术经济及管理, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 2007年夏天爆发的美国次贷危机,引发了百年一遇的金融危机,从美国蔓延到欧洲,从金融体系延展到了实体经济,并将对全球金融体系乃至经济体系,产生深远的影响。面对前所未有的挑战,我们不得不思考,在渡过改革开放30年的重要转折点后,中国将如何应对放缓的经济增长,如何在国际金融危机的浪潮下确保改革步伐的稳健?宏观调控政策的方向变化能否有效缓解外部冲击?中国经济又将走向何方?答案是清晰的:高技术产业是实现国家经济高速增长的引擎,发展高技术产业是增强国家贸易实力和国际竞争能力的重要途径。所以如何培育高技术产业成为我国乃至当今世界的一个重要课题。二次孵化是一个比较新的概念,它是将科技成果转化为企业规模化生产、形成社会化产品,即产业的孵化。也就是说二次孵化是针对经历初创期后的高技术企业自我生存能力差的特点,对其进行进一步的孵化,使其进入成长期并最终达到成熟期,对这些从孵化器毕业后处于服务“断层”的高技术企业,进行二次产业式孵化,即所谓的“二次孵化”,让它们就地产业化,这样也就实现了高技术产业的培育。高技术要实现产业化,需要一个加速培育的过程,特别是一次孵化的毕业企业,要发展成为高技术产业,更需要进行二次孵化,可以说,二次孵化是高技术实现产业化的重要载体,是培育和发展高技术产业的最有效途径之一。本文将高技术产业二次孵化模式作为主要研究对象。首先对孵化器理论进行了回顾与总结,包括孵化器的产生、概念、组成要素、孵化器的分类和作用。然后介绍了二次孵化的概念、机理及二次孵化的功能定位。同时,在对高技术产业概念的界定的基础上,总结分析了高技术产业发展的一般特征和竞争特征,讨论了高技术产业的培育过程和培育模式。构建了高技术产业二次孵化三因素开放模式,并提出了相应的保障体系。高技术产业二次孵化体系的战略目标是通过为高技术中小企业提供必要的孵化服务,达到加速培育和发展高技术产业的根本目标,以学习型组织战略和个性化服务战略为支撑战略。高技术产业二次孵化的制度选择是建立在整合现有孵化资源基础上的市场主导的二次孵化载体。高技术产业二次孵化体系的组织结构是以二次孵化载体为核心,搭建资本运作、技术转移、人力资源和管理咨询四个平台的开放式体系。在高技术产业二次孵化过程中,要解决技术因素、资金因素、人力因素三个方面的问题,这三方面的因素又是相互影响、相互制约的。技术、资金、人力等因素可以通过高技术产业二次孵化体系中的“技术转移平台”、“资本运作平台”和“人力资源平台”实现。资本等外部资源和服务及保障措施则是高技术产业二次孵化体系实现上述目标的必不可少的外部支持。为企业提供入驻服务、在孵服务、毕业和退出服务是高技术产业二次孵化的服务体系。从政策服务、资金支持、技术设施、信息共享和其他智力保障五个方面讨论了建设高技术产业二次孵化体系的保障措施及相应的政策建议。根据二次孵化的概念和机理,构建了二次孵化程度的评价指标体系和评价模型。在评价指标体系中,首次引入了“技术转移程度”和“生产力促进中心”这两个重要的一级指标,凸显了二次孵化区别于一次孵化的作为高技术产业培育载体的这一重要作用与特征。利用建立的二次孵化程度评价模型对全国9个副省级城市的二次孵化程度进行了评价。采用因子分析的方法验证了二次孵化程度评价模型的科学性和合理性。利用修正后的模型从实证方面证明了二次孵化与高技术产业发展的相关性。

【Abstract】 The severe global financial crisis, originating in US in 2007, rapidly overspreads to Euro, and to the whole world. This financial crisis heavily impacts the global financial and the whole economy systems. In front of the unexpected challenges, a lot of questions we have to face and consider. The slow economy development, the unstable reform steps in the financial crisis, and the future direction Chinese economy will approach are main problems before us. However, the answer is clear. High-tech industries are effective engines in national economic development, and high-tech industries also play an important role in the enhancing national trade strength and international competitive advantages. Thus, how to cultivate high-tech industries becomes a key task for China and other countries.Business secondary incubation is a new concept. It refers to industry incubation, which helps to transform R&D fruits to scaled production and socialized products. Business secondary business incubation focuses on those middle and small high-tech companies, which can not successfully survive. These high-tech companies can survive and develop rapidly with the service of Business secondary incubation. Therefore, high-tech industries are cultivated.The process of high-tech industrialization needs to be accelerated. And those companies graduated from business primary incubation need the help of business secondary incubation to form high-tech industries. We can reach the conclusion that business secondary incubation is an important carrier of high-tech industrialization, and also one of the most effective approaches to cultivate and develop high-tech industries.The mode of high-tech industry business secondary incubation is the main research object in this dissertation. Firstly, the concept, factors, classification and functions of business incubators are reviewed. Secondly, the concept, mechanism and functions of business secondary incubation are introduced. Meanwhile, analysis on general characters and competitive characters of high-tech industries is carried on the base of concept of high-tech industries. And the cultivation process and cultivation mode of high-tech industries are discussed.The three-factor open mode of high-tech industry business secondary incubation is constructed and relative supporting system is put forward. The strategic object of high-tech industry business secondary incubation system is to cultivate and develop high-tech industries through providing necessary services for middle and small high-tech industry companies. And learning organization strategy and individual service strategy are two supporting strategies. The system choice of high-tech industry business secondary incubation is business secondary incubation carrier based on conforming existing incubation resources. And the organizational structure of high-tech industry business secondary incubation system is an open system consisting with such four platforms as financial platform, technology transfer platform, human resource platform and management consulting platform around the core- business secondary incubation carrier.Three factors, technological factor, financial factor and intellectual talent factor, should to be highlighted. These three factors make effect and restrict each other. The financial platform, technology transfer platform, human resource platform in high-tech industry business incubation system will play an important role in these three factors. And both outer resources and supporting systems are necessary external conditions for high-tech industry business secondary incubation.The service system of high-tech industry business secondary incubation is to offer incoming, incubation, graduation and exit service to those high-tech industries. Policy service, financial support, technical establishment, sharing information and other intellectual measures are listed as the assistant measures to the high-tech industry business secondary incubation system.The model and index system on estimation of business secondary incubation is put forward according to the concept of business secondary incubation. Two important factors, technology transfer degree and productivity center, are introduced in the model, which demonstrates the main differences between primary and secondary incubation. And the business secondary incubation degrees of 9 cities in China are evaluated using this model. The factor analysis method is adopted to validate the scientific character and reasonability of this model. This model also proves the correction between high-tech industries and secondary business incubation.


