

Research on Environmental Carrying Capacity and Development of Island Tourism

【作者】 刘伟

【导师】 李悦铮;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁师范大学 , 人文地理学, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 海岛旅游以其休闲、神秘和冒险等特性越来越受欢迎,逐渐成为近几年的旅游热点。国外很多海岛的旅游业达到了高度发展的状态,如加勒比海、地中海、太平洋、印度洋和东南亚的许多海岛。20世纪90年代中期以来,我国的海岛旅游开始蓬勃发展起来,如海南岛、浙江舟山群岛、普陀岛的观光度假旅游,以及我国沿海的一些小型岛屿都在积极地进行旅游开发建设。然而,在中国海岛旅游的发展过程中,存在诸如旅游资源开发不充分、旅游产品缺乏吸引力、旅游市场紧张等一系列问题。面对这些问题,我们不得不去探知其中的究竟:什么样的海岛旅游为我们所需?如何利用我国的海岛旅游资源?怎样开发海岛旅游能够更好地促进海岛的健康发展?为什么我国海岛总是被其他区域开发与规划“边缘化”?本文依托导师主持的课题“长山群岛旅游度假区总体规划研究”,通过研究海岛旅游环境承载力评价指标体系、海岛旅游开发与布局模式,试图为我国海岛旅游的可持续发展提供些许理论指导和实践借鉴。本文共分为9章。第1章绪论阐述了论文的选题背景和意义,归纳了论文应用的研究方法和技术路线、创新之处。第2章海岛旅游相关研究进展国外海岛旅游发展与研究都已经比较成熟,而我国海岛旅游处于探索发展阶段。第3章海岛旅游的特点及相关理论基础概述海岛旅游的相关概念,总结海岛旅游的基本特征。疏理了论文研究所涉及到的有关理论,如可持续发展理论、环境系统与生态系统理论、承载力理论、主体功能区理论。第4章海岛旅游环境承载力分析利用头脑风暴法、层次分析法、主成分分析法等研究方法,通过SPSS软件建立海岛旅游环境承载力评价指标体系。第5章海岛旅游开发布局模式研究总结海岛旅游一般开发模式,列举国内外一些成功开发海岛旅游地,如马尔代夫、夏威夷、新加坡、巴哈马,海南岛、舟山群岛等,总结海岛旅游实际开发应用的一些空间布局模式。第6章长山群岛旅游环境承载力研究介绍长山群岛区域概况,从区位条件、旅游环境状况、社会经济状况三方面评价长山群岛的旅游发展现状,利用模糊综合评判模型判断长山群岛旅游环境承载力的状态。第7章长山群岛旅游度假区的建设构想界定长山群岛旅游度假区的概念内涵,分析建设长山群岛旅游度假区的必要性与可行性,对长山群岛旅游发展进行战略定位。第8章长山群岛旅游度假区开发布局模式研究参照长山群岛旅游开发的现状及潜力,指出长山群岛旅游度假区发展的战略重点与措施,促进长山群岛旅游区域联合开发,制定长山群岛旅游度假区的空间布局模式。第9章结论与展望总结了论文的主要观点和创新点,指出了论文研究的不足之处以及未来研究方向。

【Abstract】 Island tourism with its leisure, mystery and adventure is more and more welcomed, and island has gradually become a popular tourist destination in recent years. Foreign island tourism is highly developed, such as some islands of the Caribban, Mediterranean, Pacific, Indian Ocean and Southeast Asia. Since the middle years of ninty in the 20th century, Chinese island tourism has been in flourish, such as the vocation tourism of Hainan Island, Zhoushan Islands and Putuo Island in Zhejiang, and a number of small coastal islands are actively carrying out the development and construction of tourism. However, during the development of Chinese island tourism, there are a lot of problems, such as the inadequate development of tourism resources, the lack of attractive tourism products and the nervous of tourism market. Faced with these problems, we have to find out what has happened in Chinese island tourism. What kinds of island tourism we need? How to make use of tourism resources of Chinese islands? How to promote island tourism into the healthy development? Why Chinese islands have always been "marginalized" by other regional planning? This article is based on the issue chaired by my doctor teacher "Changshan Islands Tourism Resort Planning" . It researches on the evaluation index system of environmental carrying capacity of island tourism, and the development and layout models of island tourism, then it provides some theoretical guidance and practical reference for the sustainable development of Chinese island tourism.This article includes nine parts.The first part introduces the background and significance, sums up the methods, technique line and innovation.The second part researches the development of island tourism. The study of the development of broad island tourism has been mature, and island tourism of our country is at the stage of exploratory development.The third part summarizes the characteristics and related theoretical basis of island tourism. It overviews the related concepts of island tourism, sums up the basic characteristics, describes some theories, such as the sustainable development theory, the environmental system and ecosysterm theory, the carrying capacity theory and the principal function area theory.The fourth part analyses the environmental carrying capacity of island tourism. It uses some methods such as the brainstorming, the AHP(Analytical Hierarchy Process), the principal component analysis and so on. Then by using SPSS software, it establishes the evaluation index system of environmental carrying capacity of island tourism.The fifth part researches the development and layout models of island tourism. It summarizes the development models and the classification of island tourism. It lists some domestic and foreign islands which developed successfully, such as the Maldives, Hawaii, Singapore, Bahamas, Hainan, Zhoushan and so on, and sums up some of the actual spatial layout models of island tourism.The sixth part researches on the toursim environmental carrying capacity of Changshan Islands. It introduces the regional overview of Changshan Islands. From the conditions of area location, tourism environment and social-economic status, it evaluates the tourism development status of Changshan Islands. Using fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model, it judges the state of the tourism environmental carrying capacity of Changshan Islands.The seventh part is the idea of building Changshan Islands Toursim Resort. It defines the concept of Changshan Islands Toursim Resort, analyses the necessity and feasibility of building the resort, posits the development strategy of the resort.The eighth part researches the development and layout models of Changshan Islands Tourism Resort. It refers to the status and potential of the tourism development of Changshan Islands, points out the strategic importance and measures of the resort, promotes the regional cooperation of Changshan Islands tourism, forms the spatial layout models of the resort.The ninth part sums up the main ideas and innovation, points out the inadequacies of the study and future research directions.

  • 【分类号】F592.7
  • 【被引频次】16
  • 【下载频次】2639

