

Customized Product Ergonomics Evaluation Technology and Application Based on 3D Body Scanning

【作者】 董占勋

【导师】 孙守迁;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 数字化艺术与设计, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 在物质产品日益丰富的今天,产品的宜人性、可用性、以及产品使用过程中的工效问题越来越受到人们的重视。在此背景下,依照用户的身体形态、情感喜好、个性需求等因素设计制造的“客制化产品”逐渐受到青睐。“客制化产品”带给人们生活更大的舒适性和便捷性,迎合了现代人的消费观念,是产品发展的重要方向之一。以人体形态信息为代表的用户信息是“客制化产品”设计的基础。如何能充分挖掘并准确描述用户信息,如何能有效利用用户信息并可以对设计全流程提供指导,如何能在产品生产制造前就对其是否符合用户信息进行评价与反馈,是当前“客制化产品”设计制造领域的研究热点问题。本文将三维人体扫描技术和工效学评价方法引入“客制化产品”设计领域。在虚拟环境下建立工效学评价系统,使用富含个体信息的三维人体扫描优化模型和产品数字模型进行操作过程的工效学仿真,并将产品工效学分析与评价的结果反馈设计。这一方面可以使得用户信息能贯穿并影响整个产品设计过程,设计出最符合用户个体特点的“客制化产品”;另一方面,在数字模型阶段就能对产品进行王效学仿真与评价分析,可以优化设计方案、提高设计效率、节约设计资源。本文在总结“客制化产品”设计、三维人体扫描、工效学仿真评价等技术领域的研究现状基础上,研究了以下内容:(1)针对工效学仿真对三维人体模型的要求,研究了三维人体扫描技术,模型修复技术,提出基于“特征模板”的三维人体模型简化方法,使得人体模型在保持特征的前提下进行合理简化;(2)针对“大量客制化”对三维人体标准模型的要求,结合第二次全国人体尺寸测量数据,研究了中国人体体型分类方法和分类参数的选择,提出基于“聚类”结果的标准化模型生成方法,使得统计学模型更为真实可信;(3)针对工效学操作过程仿真的要求,研究了姿势预测方法以及服务于仿真过程可视化的皮肤变形技术。引入四元数插值方法优化骨骼皮肤混合算法和关键帧插值算法;(4)对部分标准工效学评价方法进行了针对中国人体型和生理特点的参数修正,使之适于中国人群。结合工效学实验和数据分析结果,对可及度、视域等工效学评价方法进行了研究,提出了扩展性评价方法在虚拟环境下的功能实现手段;(5)集成研究成果开发了客制化产品工效学评价原型系统。以驾驶舱和书架为例,分别对坐姿和站姿两种常见的产品交互姿态进行了工效分析评价与研究,验证了研究成果的有效性。最后,对论文进行了总结,对今后客制化产品工效学评价技术与应用的发展方向进行了展望。

【Abstract】 Nowadays, goods and products have been increasingly enriched. Comfort, usability, and ergonomics factors get more and more considered and emphasized than before. In this context, the customized products, which are produced according to user’s body configuration, interest, hobbies, personality and demands, have become popular. Customized products make life more comfortable and convenient. It has become a vital trend in goods development."Userinfo" such as body shape is the fundamental information for customized products. How to dig and describe "Userinfo" accurately, how to provide guidance during whole design process, how to test and evaluate whether digital product model fits "Userinfo" before manufacturing, which are three main hot-spot issues in design and manufacture field for customized products.In this dissertation, 3D body scanning technology and ergonomics evaluation was introduced into customized product’s field. In virtual environment, an ergonomics evaluation system, which could import optimized 3D human models, simulate gestures, execute ergonomics evaluation and feedback results, was built. This system had two main advantages: First, "Userinfo" could affect all the design phases, so the customized product was best suited; Second, Ergonomics evaluation could be done in digital product model stage, so it could optimize the design model, increase efficiency, save resource.Based on summarizing customized products designing, 3D body scanning, ergonomics simulation and evaluation technology, the main contents of this dissertation are as following:(1) In order to optimize human models to achieve the ergonomics simulation, 3D body scanning and repairing technology was researched. "Feature template" was proposed to decrease the number of faces with features maintained;(2) In order to build models which suited "mass customization", the somatotyping of Chinese people was studied. A new generating model method was proposed based on clustering results, which made human model approach reality.(3) Posture prediction method and skin deformation technology were applied in ergonomics simulation. Interpolation of quaternion was introduced to optimize both skin-skeleton mixing algorithm and key frames interpolation algorithm.(4) Parameters of some standard ergonomics evaluation methods were modified based on Chinese characteristics. Some extended methods, such as "reach envelope" and "view cone", were also proposed by experiments and/or mathematical modeling methods. (5) A prototype of customized product ergonomics evaluation system was developed to validate the key technology. Two representative cases were studied to verify the prototype’s usability.Finally, summarized the dissertation and describe the future of ergonomics evaluation technology and application for customized products.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 07期

