

【作者】 徐丽敏

【导师】 关信平;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 社会学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 农村劳动力的乡城转移是世界各国工业化和城市化进程中的普遍规律(阶段),转移劳动力的子女进城接受教育则是这一规律的伴生性现象。我国的农民工随迁子女教育问题就是在这一过程中产生的。自上世纪80年代以来,我国农民工随迁子女教育突出表现为“入学难”的问题。随着“两为主”政策的出台,“入学难”问题在很大程度上得到了缓解。当前我国农民工随迁子女教育问题主要体现为教育融入上的难题,即农民工随迁子女在城市入学、就读过程中和在教育结果上存在着难以融入的问题。这一问题将会是未来相当长时期内我国农民工子女教育、教育、社会发展以及经济发展等领域中的一大议题,必将对我国现在和将来的城市化发展、城市社会稳定以及民生发展产生深刻的影响;同时对我国未来的社会人力资本发展和经济发展具有重要的意义。在对农民工随迁子女教育的研究上,已有的研究大多是基于“教育公平”理论视角,从起点平等、过程平等和结果平等三个层面探讨了农民工子女教育中的不均等问题。这种研究视角的基本预设是,把农民工子女教育看做是农民工子女对公共教育资源的一种消费行为,是需要花费社会资源和经济资源的事情,而不是一种能够直接产生经济效益的社会投资。从这种视角出发的研究也把关注点放在了对农民工子女教育权利平等的促进和权利保护上,试图通过更加均等地分配教育资源来满足农民工子女的教育需求。实际上,教育本身作为人类的一种基本活动,是兼有社会功能和经济功能的,尤其是其经济功能更是得到了大多经济学家(尤其是人力资本理论学者)的认可。农民工随迁子女作为现在和未来城市发展中的重要人力资源之一,其受教育程度的高低和对城市教育融入的状况不仅对我国社会稳定和社会发展有重要的影响,而且对于我国工业化、城市化的发展以及未来劳动力市场的发育和整个经济的发展都有着至关重要的影响。在此意义上,对农民工随迁子女教育问题的关注已经远远超出了权利平等和权利保护的范畴,更应该从一种发展型的视角出发对此进行介入。本文正是基于一种发展主义的研究框架,兼顾社会因素和经济因素,对农民工随迁子女教育中的社会融入问题进行探索,试图通过构建一种发展型的农民工随迁子女教育融入政策,以达到全面提升我国工业化和城市化进程中未来劳动力市场上的人力资本素质的目标。在此意义上,本研究突破了以往仅把农民工随迁子女教育视为公共消费行为,而忽略了农民工随迁子女的社会人力资本价值以及发展农民工随迁子女教育在社会资本建设中的重要意义的局限,在以发展为基础的前提下对农民工随迁子女教育融入问题进行了分析,对该问题的理论研究提供一种新的分析框架;并在一种多部门发展的思路下,把农民工随迁子女教育研究整合进一个更广泛的、更具包容性的发展模型中。本文的研究内容主要包括:首先,提出了文章的发展主义研究框架。在系统梳理社会发展理论和社会融入理论的基础上,界定了本文的核心概念——“教育融入”,即为了提高全体学生的福利,使每个人都能够平等、全面地参与教育全过程,分享教育资源和教育机会,所有学生都能被接纳和融入,共享教育成果,最终旨在促进社会融入。它也是社会融入理论在农民工随迁子女教育领域的运用。在此基础上,提出了关于农民工随迁子女教育融入的分析框架:包括教育起点融入、教育过程融入、教育结果融入、社会资本融入、文化与心理融入五个层面。其次,在教育融入的分析框架下,对当前我国农民工随迁子女教育融入发展中存在的问题进行了研究。认为农民工随迁子女在对城市教育的融入中存在着不足,这体现在:在教育起点上,进入公办学校就读还存在着困难;打工子弟学校的学生不能获得平等的教育资源。在教育过程中,农民工随迁子女在学业成就上没有很好的融入表现;同时在教学程序上(包括教学组织形式、课堂教学和教学评价)存在着融入的难题。在教育结果上,存在着升学和高考报名的难题。在社会资本融入上,农民工子女与城市学生的社会交往较少。在文化和心理融入上,存在着对农民工随迁子女的歧视观念,由此造成了农民工子女在心理上对城市教育的融入不足。第三,对农民工随迁子女教育融入问题的原因进行了分析。农民工随迁子女教育融入问题的产生有教育的、社会的与经济方面的原因:从教育因素来看,在城乡二元教育体制下,我国城乡教育发展处于一种非均衡的状态,城市教育处于一种优势,这在客观上吸引农村学生进入城市就读。但同时,大量农民工子女的涌入又增加了城市公办学校的压力,由此降低了公办学校接纳农民工子女的积极性。另外,由于二元教育带来的农民工对子女教育投资的负激励也是农民工随迁子女对城市教育融入的重要障碍。在教育政策上,“两为主”政策、“依户籍所在地入学”政策以及传统公共教育模式存在的问题阻碍了农民工子女对城市教育的融入。从社会因素来看,户籍制是造成农民工随迁子女教育融入问题的核心原因;同时,城乡二元社会政策造成了农民工子女在社会政策上的缺失,这也在根本上阻碍了其对城市教育的融入。从经济因素来看,由于我国农村劳动力转移的不彻底和不充分性,造成了农民工在城市的全面弱势地位,这种弱势化状态在其子女身上得到了传递与延续;并且由于父辈劳动力转移的不彻底性带来的高流动性对农民工随迁子女教育融入的影响也是明显的。第四,构建了农民工随迁子女教育融入政策框架。本文从教育的属性分析入手,认为教育兼具公共性与私人性的特点,公共性是其主要的属性特点。这决定了农民工子女教育融入政策框架的价值基础包括:发展主义、兼顾公平与效率、以及社会融入。在政策模式的选择上,社会发展理论及发展型社会政策所主张的多元主体协作模式对农民工子女教育融入政策构建具有内在的契合性,即主张政府、市场与公民社会之间的有效平衡和互相协作。而且,农民工随迁子女教育融入政策需要一定的社会经济环境支持,因此,需要对我国的户籍制度进行深化改革;完善农民工子女的社会保障政策;并促进农村劳动力的彻底和充分转移。农民工随迁子女教育融入政策的具体措施包括:明确各级政府在农民工随迁子女教育中的责任;保证农民工随迁子女教育的财政供给;明确规定农民工随迁子女享受免费义务教育的权利;明确混合编班原则;增加教育融入的政策内容;把“多元文化教育”纳入学校课程体系;制定关于农民工随迁子女升学和考试的过渡性措施:设立学校社会工作者岗位。

【Abstract】 Now social inclusion in education has become the most important issue for peasant workers’ children in city, and this problem will exist for some time in future. The development of educational inclusion of peasant workers’ children in city is very significant for the industrialization and urbanization, for social stability, and also for economic development in China.Until now, most scholars have studied the education for peasant workers’ children in city from the theory of educational justice. They thought that the education for peasant workers’ children is a kind of consumption of public resources, but not a kind of social investment. So they focused on the protection for the educational right of peasant workers’ children. In fact education has also economic function which has been recognized by most economists. Peasant workers’ children in city are important human resources in future in China. They will influence the industrialization and urbanization, the development of labor force market, and the whole economic development. So we should study the education for peasant workers’ children in city from a developmentalism angle.This dissertation studies the current situation and the problems in educational inclusion of peasant workers’ children in city, and analyzes the reason of the problems, then gives some advices on developmental policy framework for the education of peasant workers’ children in city. The central innovation in this dissertation is that it regards the education of peasant workers’ children in city as a kind of social investment and gives a developmental research framework.This dissertation points out several main viewpoints as follow:Firstly, the developmental research framework for the education of peasant workers’ children is set up. This dissertation reviews the theory on social development and social inclusion, explains the concept of educational inclusion, and sets up a research framework as follow: the educational inclusion on the starting point, the educational inclusion during the process of education, the educational inclusion about the outcome, the educational inclusion of social capital, the educational inclusion about culture and psychological situation, and so on.Secondly, the problems of educational inclusion are analyzed. This dissertation points out that there are difficulties in the educational inclusion of peasant workers’ children in city: the children of peasant workers are still difficult to receive equal compulsory education; the students in schools for peasant workers’ children can not receive equal educational resources; the outcome of school work of peasant workers’ children is not satisfactory; there are unequal treatments in the process of education; peasant workers’ children can not receive post-compulsory education in city; there are lack of communication between peasant workers’ children and urban children; there are some discrimination for peasant workers’ children and they have some psychological problems.Thirdly, the reasons of educational inclusion problems are given. There are educational factors, social factors and economic factors. Dual education system brings about some difficulties for the peasant workers’ children to be included by urban education system, the TWO FIRST policy and other educational policies limit the educational inclusion of peasant workers’ children. And the Household Registration System is the core factor that influences the educational inclusion. Dual social policy also limits it. Moreover, the transfer of rural labor force is uncompleted in China, which induces the disability group of peasant workers in city. This disability is passed to their children’s education.Fourthly, some advices on developmental policy framework for the education of peasant workers’ children in city are given. This dissertation thinks that the education is public and also private, so the value foundation of the developmental policy framework should be developmentalism, justice and efficiency, and social inclusion. Also, a kind of cooperative mode between government, market and civil society is given. Then, this dissertation thinks that it is important to develop social and economic environment, so we need to reform the Household Registration System, develop social policy for peasant workers’ children in city, and promote the transfer of rural labor force. Lastly, this dissertation gives some advices which include reforming educational policy, and integrating multivariate culture between peasant workers’ children and civil children.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 07期

