

【作者】 白一瑾

【导师】 卢盛江;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 中国古代文学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 清初的贰臣,是已经在明朝出仕为官,又在明清易代后再仕于清朝,因而违反了儒家君臣伦理道德的士人。这是一个相当特殊的士人群体,他们具有相似的性格弱点,面临着同样的人生困境,因而形成了本群体特有的心态和文学,对清初的文学发展有巨大影响。但因道德上的争议,这一群体长期被边缘化,因而有很多内容值得重新发掘和思考。本文描述这一群体的形成过程、其特有的苦闷心态,以及在精神重压下的发展变化,试图勾勒出这一群体心态的大致面貌,以及由此导致的文学创作和文学思想倾向。全文共分为五个部分:引论界定了本文的研究范围——明清之际先后出仕于明清两朝的士人:论述贰臣这一概念随社会道德观念而演化的过程;回溯历代贰臣的历史,特别是某些贰臣现象多发的历史时期贰臣的普遍心态;以及贰臣因仕于异族政权而背负更大心理压力的特殊情况。第一章论述清初贰臣群体的形成,对这一士人群体形成的过程,其范围和成员身份的划分,以及形成这一群体的各种政治文化因素作了说明。清初贰臣士人群体,是由于明王朝以及承其正朔的南明等政权灭亡,服务于这些政权的明朝官吏逐渐出仕于清朝而形成的,这个群体的数量相当庞大,社会影响力惊人,其构成也是极为复杂,在地域、功名、资历背景个方面都有较大的区别。清初贰臣改节再仕现象的成因异常复杂:在政治现实条件方面,有清政府的优厚延揽和强制举荐、南明政权的政策失误、以及贰臣自身地域家族利益的影响;在文化背景方面,有晚明科举制度和政局恶化的流弊、晚明心学和人欲至上观念的普及、以及某些传统文化观念如权变、孝亲等因素的影响。第二章分析清初贰臣改节再仕后的心理状态,在曾经的人格理想被自己亲手损毁后的精神创痛。这个群体由于具有相似的性格弱点和人生经历,面对着相同的生存困境,因而具有普遍的群体性心态:身为故明官吏和满清新贵双重身份的“两截人”、处于整个人生前后割裂、反差巨大的生存状态中:面对着来自外界社会谴责和内心自我谴责的双重压力;由于贪生怕死而抛弃节操所导致的强烈的生存罪恶感;精神支柱缺失后的心灵荒芜状态。在如何看待和重新定位自我身份方面,这个群体也有较多的共性心态:对这一可耻身份的掩饰与逃避,以及在无法掩饰逃避的情况下,产生的同病相怜式的群体认同感。第三章着重分析清初贰臣在人格理想损毁后,重新寻求自身价值的努力。有的贰臣通过积极从政、建立功业,来实现儒家政治理想和自我意识;有的贰臣通过修史撰述,以保存故国史料文化、反思明朝灭亡的原因;也有的贰臣在与大节未亏的遗民士人的交往中,寻求其谅解和慰藉。第四章论述清初贰臣文学的特点。由于在明末已取得的成就,和入清后政治地位的优势,贰臣文人对清初诗坛具有巨大的影响力,特别是创作成就和身份地位都比较高的“江左三大家”等诗人,影响力更为可观。贰臣文人通过唱酬交往、提携后辈的方式,普及自己的文学观念。清初贰臣的文学创作有较鲜明的本群体特征,其内容以故国之思和失节之恸交织在一起的双重主题为主,表现形式则是半吞半吐、含蓄曲折的“失啼之鹃”的抒写方式,其作品中往往还蕴含着隐秘的自我意识。在文学传承方面,清初贰臣的承上启下地位尤为突出,创作上表现为从悲慨沉郁的黍离诗风,到清正闲雅的庙堂诗风的演变过程;文学思想方面,则表现为对明代各种文学流派观念的反思,和对未来文学发展趋势的整体关照。

【Abstract】 The turncoat officials at the beginning of the Qing dynasty are a group of officials that had already become officials of the Ming dynasty, but after Qing dynasty substituted Ming dynasty, they became officials of the Qing dynasty, so they violated the Confusion morality that official should be loyal to his emperor. This group is very special. They had similar character weakness, and faced to the same predicament, so the special mentality and literary of that group formed, which greatly influenced the literary of the beginning of the Qing dynasty. But for the moral disputation, this group have been despised and ignored, so there are lots of problems to be found and solved. The essay describes the process of the forming of this group, their special depressive mentality, and their development and change under heavy mental pressure, tries to sketch the contours of the general outlook of their mentality, and thus attempts to explain their literary creation and tendency of literary ideology.The essay is divided to the following parts.Introduction delimits the investigation scope of the essay is the group of officials who successively became officials both in the Ming dynasty and the Qing dynasty, discusses the process of which the definition "turncoat official" developed with the development of social morality, traces the history of turncoat official, specially some period which turncoat official frequently occurred, and the special state of the turncoat officials who worked for the regime build by different race bore more pressure.Chapter One discusses the forming of the group of the turncoat official at the beginning of the Qing dynasty, explains the process of its forming, its scope and the members’ status, and the political and cultural factors which produce this group.The group of the turncoat official at the beginning of the Qing dynasty came from the destruction of the Ming dynasty and its succession South Ming government, and the official who worked for them became officials of the Qing dynasty gradually. This group has a great deal quantity, has great social influence, and its constitution is very complicated, has lots of distinction between native, official rank and background.The reason of they became turncoat official is complicated. The political and practical reasons are the appointment and solicit from the Qing dynasty, the political mistake of the South Ming government, and the native and family interests of turncoat officials. The cultural reasons are the abuse of the official selection system and political situation of Ming dynasty, the dissemination of hedonics philosophy of Ming dynasty, and the influence from some traditional conception of flexibility and filial piety.Chapter Two analyzes that after they became turncoat officials, their mentality and the mental suffering for their morality and ideal be destroyed by themselves.This group had similar character weakness and experience, faced to same predicament, so they had group mentality. They had double status of officials of the Ming dynasty and the Qing dynasty, in the condition of whose lives been divided and had great contrast. They faced to double pressure of condemnation both from social and themselves. For cravenly afraid death, they abandoned morality, so they often feel criminal for their living. And for the loss of morality, their spirits often fell into desolation.For how to recognized and re-defined their status, this group also had lots of the same mentality. They tried to cover up or escape from that shameful status, and for they couldn’t escape from it, they engendered group’s sympathy.Chapter Three analyzes after their morality and ideal been destroyed, how the turncoat officials tried to find their life values again.Some turncoat officials realized the political ideal of Confusion and self-consciousness for be engaged in politics positively. Some turncoat officials wrought history to save the historical materials of Ming dynasty and introspect about the reason for the destruction of Ming dynasty. And some turncoat official associated with the adherents of Ming dynasty whose moralities were pure, tried to get their understanding and comfort.Chapter Four discusses the characteristic of the literary of the turncoat officials of the beginning of the Qing dynasty.For the achievements they had got in the Ming dynasty, and the superiority of political status in the Qing dynasty, turncoat officials had great influence to the literary circles of the beginning of Qing dynasty, especially those writers who had both great literary achievements and superior status. They popularized their literary conceptions from poetic association and supporting younger poets.The literary creations of turncoat officials of the beginning of the Qing dynasty have distinct group character. The content includes double-theme about yearning for onetime nation and distress for their disloyalty. The way of their expression is intentionally obscure, complicated and implicit. And their literary creations often express potential self-consciousness.About literary inheriting, the link function of turncoat officials is important. Their literary creations express the change from solemn, depressing and gloomy style about yearning for onetime nation, to pure, refined and elegant style about imperial court. Their literary thoughts express the introspection of the literary sects of Ming dynasty, and thoughts about the tendency of literary development in the future.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 07期
  • 【分类号】K249;I206.2
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】1737

