

【作者】 李蒙

【导师】 任晓明;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 科学技术哲学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 人类已经进入赛博技术时代,在这个时代,我们不得不面对这样的一种伦理困境:赛博技术在带给我们很多便利的同时也引发了一系列全新的社会伦理问题,然而,以目前的政策法规处理这些伦理问题显得有些捉襟见肘。因此,我们不仅需要制定新的规则填补这些“政策真空”,还要为这些新政策提供伦理理论支持。依据什么样的伦理理论才能公允地解决由赛博技术引发的伦理问题无疑成为了当代伦理学学界讨论的焦点。在人类社会的发展过程中,按照对待道德行为的不同目的,或者说对待快乐和幸福、利益和需要的不同态度划分出了两种道德理论,即道义论和后果论。二者作为具有深远影响的伦理学理论和方法有效地规范着人们的行为,因此,在应对由赛博技术引发的伦理问题时,道义论和义务论必然会成为我们可借鉴的理论源泉。道义论,又称义务论,其特点在于:它关注的重点是道德动机,把义务或责任看作是中心概念;以社会或群体的整体利益及其公正分配作为道德考量目标;它所关注的重心不仅是单个道德主体的权益和目的,而且更多的是所有道德主体之间的权益;它对规范有效性的寻求总是普遍主义的、甚至是绝对道义性的。道义论的主要代表是康德主义伦理学和罗尔斯的社会契约论。后果论,又称为结果论、目的论。其主要观点在于:一个行为的价值完全由它的后果所决定,即看重行为的后果,不太重视行为的动机;遵循道德经验实证论的评价原则,表现出强烈的道德经验主义或道德实在论色彩;道德后果论更多地倾向于一种个体美德或人格道德的价值论思路,较少遵循社会伦理的道义论思路,它常常与道德价值论或道德完善论联系在一起;由于道德后果论强调行动的目的性价值,因而相对轻视如何实现该目的的手段或方式的价值意义,所以它常常与某种形式的道德乌托邦理论联系在一起,甚至成为社会乌托邦理论的道德依据。后果论的代表理论是功利主义。古典功利主义的现代形式是行为功利主义和规则功利主义。行为功利主义依据行为本身所产生的后果判断道德行为的有效性,它的难题在于怎样确切地评估行为本身的后果。规则功利主义依据行为所遵循的普遍道德规则产生的后果来判断一个道德行为的正当性。不过,伦理实践的历史表明,道义论和后果论虽然对于人类的生活有重要的指导作用,但是二者也有各自的缺陷,我们总会面对这样一个情景:同样一个问题经过道义论和后果论的分析得出的结论并不一致,有时甚至是互相冲突的。那么究竟哪一种理论得出的结论更具有说服力呢?这一问题也是我们在应用道义论和后果论分析赛博技术引发的伦理问题时不得不面对的问题。也就是说,不同的伦理理论从不同的视角思考赛博技术引发的伦理问题问题似乎都有一定的解释力。但是,对同一个问题或案例我们会得出各不相同,甚至截然相反的分析结论。这一点我们在论文讨论网络信息发布中的伦理问题、软件盗版与数字鸿沟问题以及计算机病毒和黑客的伦理问题时可以有清晰的了解。看来,不论从方法论上还是从道德判断的理论依据上,单独地运用道义论和后果论诉诸于解决赛博技术引发的伦理问题显然是不够的。因此,本文试图通过对赛博技术伦理问题的分析,提倡对于传统伦理理论进行整合或者超越,也就是说将道义论和后果论融合,实现二者的辩证统一。途径在于:在道德方法论中提倡一般主义和特殊主义的融合;需要在绝对主义和相对主义中保持必要的张力;努力超越内在理由和外在理由的二分;超越美德伦理学和规则伦理学实现二者互补;顺应当代实践哲学主流,复兴亚里士多德主义、改进康德主义和修正后果论。

【Abstract】 Humanity has entered into the era of Cyber-technology, in which we have to face such an ethic dilemma: Cyber-technology has given rise to a series of brand-new social ethical problems along with great convenience it brought us, but these social ethical problems apparently can not all be handled appropriately enough on the basis of existing policies and regulations. Therefore, we should not only establish new rules to fill up those "policy vacuum" but also provide ethical and theoretical supports to those new policies. And what kind of ethical theories should be adopted as the basis for the solution of those ethical problems caused by Cyber-technology in a fair and evenhanded way has become the focus of discussion in contemporary ethics academic community.During the development of human society, ethical theories had been divided into two categories according to different purposes with which we deal with moral behaviors or different attitudes we hold toward happiness, welfare, benefits and needs -Deontology and Consequentialism. Given that Deontology and Consequentialism have profound influence on the effective regulation of human behaviors, they certainly become valuable theoretical source for reference when we are dealing with those ethical problems caused by Cyber-technology.The feature of Deontology can be characterized as below. It focuses attention on ethical motives and perceives duty or responsibility as the core concept. It sets the whole benefit of a society or a community and its distributional equity as moral standards. It focuses attention not only on the benefit and purpose of singular moral agents, but also more on those of all moral agents as a whole. Its pursuit of the effectiveness of regulations has always been based on universalism, or even on absolute morality. It can mainly be represented by Kantian ethics and Rawls’ Social Contract Theory.Consequentialism viewpoints can be described as below. The value of a behavior is totally determined by its consequence; it is the consequence of a behavior that is valued a lot, not the motive of a behavior. It adheres to the appraisal principle of morality experience positivism, expressing strong morality empiricism or morality realism. Morality Consequentialism is more apt to an axiology thinking way of individual virtue or personality morality, seldom follow the deontology thinking way of society morality, and it frequently associates with morality axiology or morality eudaimonism. Because Morality Consequentialism puts emphasis on the motive value of behavior, it relatively depreciates the value of the means or methods used for purpose realization, and it therefore frequently associate with some forms of morality Utopia theory, even becoming the ethical basis of Social Utopia. The representative theory of Consequentialism is Utilitarianism. Act utilitarianism and rule utilitarianism are the modern forms of classical utilitarianism. Act utilitarianism judges the validity of moral behavior based on the consequence caused by behavior itself and the difficulty facing it is how to evaluate the consequence of behavior itself precisely. Rule utilitarianism judges the justification of moral behavior in accordance with the consequence caused by universal morality rules observed by behavior.The history of ethical practice demonstrates that, though Deontology and Consequentialism had played an important directing role in human life, they have deficiencies respectively. There is a scene we constantly see: the conclusion we draw from analysis based on Deontology and that we draw from analysis based on Consequentialism are not in consistency with each other, and sometimes they contradict each other. Then which of the two conclusions derived from the two theories is more persuasive? This is the exact problem we have to face when we are analyzing those ethic problems caused by Cyber-technology on the basis of Deontology and Consequentialism. In other words, different ethic theories based on which we consider those ethic problems caused by Cyber-technology from different perspectives seem all possess some interpretative strengths. However, we can derive different or even contradicting analytical conclusions from the same problem or case, of which we can get a clear knowledge when ethic problems in issue of network information, Software Piracy and Dital Divide problems, and ethic problems about computer virus and Hacker are discussed in this dissertation. Apparently, sole application of Deontology or Consequentialism in solving those problems caused by Cyber-technology is not enough, no matter in terms of methodology or theoretical criteria of moral judgment.Therefore, this dissertation tries to advocate the integration or transcendence of traditional ethic theories through analysis of those ethic problems caused by Cyber-technology, in other words, realize Dialectical Unity of Deontology and Consequentialism by a fusion of the two. The approaches are: advocating fusion of Generallism and Particularism in morality methodology, maintaining necessary tension between Absolutism and Relativism, trying hard to transcend the dichotomy of the inside reason and the external reason, beyond the Rules Ethics and Virtue Ethics to achieve complementary, following the mainstream of contemporary practical philosophy, to revive Aristotleim, to improve Kantism as well as to correct Consequentialism.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 07期

