

【作者】 宋喆

【导师】 杨桂华;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 马克思主义哲学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 计算机网络和网络世界把人类带入一个新的时代——网络化时代。网络化时代的到来要求教育自我发展以适应时代的要求。在网络化时代,知识的性质及其社会功能、教育所能运用的传播手段、教育的社会需求和要求都有很大的改变。本文以马克思主义理论为基本立场,借鉴了后现代主义哲学的知识观,以教育中的“工具一机器系统”(教育媒介)与教育的关系为视角,对网络化时代的教育进行了较为全面的探索。总的观点是:随着教育中的“工具-机器系统”(教育媒介)的每一次划时代的进步,教育都改变它的形式和内容。论文运用了历史分析的方法考察前网络化时代教育的涵变,且运用了现实分析方法分析了网络化社会的特点,在此基础上,创造性地探索了网络化时代教育应该做出的改变。本文认为由于时代的变化,网络化时代的教育理念、教育内容、教育手段和方法、教育形式、教育目的、教育制度和教育价值都必须做出相应的调整。论文分为三章。第一章以马克思关于生产工具作为“人类劳动力发展的测量器”原理为指导,把教育媒体视为教育中的“工具-机器体系”和“测量器”。并从教育媒体的演变及其对教育的影响入手,探究了前网络化时代四个阶段的教育概况。本章依次对口语语言、手书文字、印刷文字和电子媒体的产生、发展及其对教育的影响进行了探究。口语语言因传递信息的需要而产生,反过来促进信息传递活动,使教育成为可能,口耳相传的教育随之产生;文字能帮助人类积累认识成果,扩大知识总量,使专门化教育成为必须,也使学校得以产生;印刷技术和廉价纸张共同催生了廉价的书籍,使知识的广泛传播成为可能,也使人类的教育能力大增,促使教育较早地进入到“机械化时代”,并导致批量化生产的班级授课制的出现;各种电子媒体在教育中的应用使教育的批量化生产能力大增,也使教育手段和教育形式多样化,推动教育由“机械化时代”演进到“电气化时代”。总的说来,在教育媒体等因素的影响下,教育由最初非正式的口耳相传教育,经过类学校教育和学校教育,向系统化、制度化的学校教育系统演变。在教育的演变过程中,教育等于学校教育的观念逐步得到强化。第二章在简要地介绍计算机网络的产生和发展的基础上,探究了网络化时代的时空特性、人类的生存方式和交往方式,并阐述了网络化给教育带来的挑战和机遇。产生于二十世纪的计算机网络在短时间内覆盖了整个世界,并把世界联系成为一个“地球村”。网络世界的形成使人类生活在两个时空(物理时空和虚拟时空)和两个世界(现实世界和网络世界)之中,人类的交往既能在现实生活中进行,也能在突破时空限制的网络世界中进行。计算机网络和网络世界给教育提供方便快捷的教育传播媒体,促使新的远程教育形式的产生和发展。绚丽多彩的网络世界对于自控能力相对薄弱的学生来说极具诱惑力,从而导致大量学生沉迷网络不能自拔,因此,计算机网络的产生和发展既给教育带来了发展的机遇,同时带来了不小的挑战。第三章分七节阐述了网络化时代教育的七个方面。终身受教育是古今中外都有的观点,时代也要求人终身学习,因此,网络化时代一定要树立终身教育和学习化社会的教育理念,并把这些理念付诸实践。为了建设学习化社会,在网络化时代应该放弃教育等于学校教育的观念,并借助计算机网络带来的有利条件,充分发展非正规教育和非正式教育,从而形成正规教育、非正规教育和非正式教育共同存在共同发展的局面,为人们提供各种各样的受教育机会。在网络化时代,人们要处理的事情更多、更繁杂,况且促使人全面发展是教育的应有之责,因而,网络化时代的教育必须改变过去把目光局限于客观知识的做法,对人进行全面的知识、感情和能力教育,促使人全面发展。促使人全面发展的教育必须以整合课程取代传统的分科课程教育。所有的这一切都指向一个教育目的:促使人的全面发展,进行全人教育。因此,在网络化时代,需要重建一个合理的教育制度以保证整合了个人价值和社会价值的全民终身教育的实施。总之,网络化时代的教育应该是在终身教育和学习化社会理念指导下,采取多种手段和教育形式,促使学生在知识、情感和能力等方面全面发展的全民终身教育。

【Abstract】 The computer networks and the Internet lead the human into a new era: the era of network. The coming of the era of network requests of self-development of education to adapt the request of the new era. The nature of knowledge, the function of knowledge, the educational media, social request and demand for education have been undergoing great changes in the era of network. This thesis, taking the Marxism theory as the basic standpoint and benefiting from the Post-Modernism concept of knowledge, explores significantly several important problems of education in the era of network from the view of the relation between education and "tools - machine system"(educational media). The general view in the thesis is that education changes its form and content every time with the progress of "tools - machine system" for education. After investigating the progress of the education before the era of network by historical analysis method and analyzing the feature of society in the era of network by realistic analysis method, the author explores creatively the changes of education in the era of network. The thesis holds the point of view that the education content, the education means and the method, the education forms, the educational purposes, the educational system and the educational value must make the corresponding adjustment in the era of network.The thesis is divided into three chapters. In the first chapter, being guided by the Marxism principle that the implements of production is "the measurer of the development of labor force", the author regard the educational media as the "tools -machine system" in education and "measurer" of education. Starting with the evolution of the educational media and the influence of educational media on education, this chapter explores the four phases of general situation in education before the era of network. This chapter explores the production and development of the oral language, the handwriting, the printing writing and electronic media in turn and their influence on education. The oral language had been created because of the transmitting of message; in turn it promoted information transmission. The appearance of the oral language made education become possibility; and the education teaching orally comes into being after that. The characters can help human being to accumulate knowledge and to expand the quantum of knowledge, making the specialized education to be obliged to, also making school education to come into being. Printing technology and the low-priced paper actuated production of low-priced books, making transmitting of knowledge in large range to become possible. Printing technology and the low-priced books increased greatly the ability of human in education, impelling education into "the mechanized era" early; class teaching system was created after that. The application of various electron media in education increased the ability of productivity in education, also caused the education method and the education form diversification, and pushed the education from "the mechanized era" to "the electrification era". Generally speaking, by the influences of educational media, education evaluated from the unofficial education teaching orally to the systematized, institutional school education, undergoing the pre-school education and school education. In the course of the evolution of education, the idea, that education is equal to the school education, had been intensified gradually.In the second chapter, after briefly introducing the emergence and development of computer networks, the thesis explores the time characteristics and the spatial characteristics of the society in the era of network, living style and mode of association of human being and the challenges and opportunities for education in the era of network. The computer network, being created in the 20th century, has covered the entire world in a short time, and integrated the world into "the global village". After the formation of the network world, human being lives in two space and times (real space and time and virtual space and time) and in two worlds (the real world and network world). The association between people takes place not only in the real world but also in the network world. The computer network and the network world provide a convenient and rapid education media for education and urge a new remote education to produce and to develop. The gorgeous network world has extreme attraction to students who have relatively weak self-control abilities, and also makes a large amount of students indulge in the network world. The emergence and development of computer networks brings not only opportunities but also challenges for education.In the third chapter, this thesis explores seven aspects of education in the era of network. Lifelong education is a standpoint accepted by everyone both ancient and modern, Chinese and foreign. The era also requires that person learns lifelong, and therefore we must establish new educational idea of life-long education and learning society, and put these ideas into practice. In order to build the learning society, we should give up the idea that education is equal to the school education in the era of network, and fully develop the non-formal education and the informal education with the help of computer and network, thus to make the formal education, the non-formal education and the informal education development side by side and to provide various educational opportunity for people. In the era of network, things that must be dealt with are more complicated and more overloaded; moreover to urge person all-round development is the responsibility that education should have, as a result, education in the era of network must change the method of work to limit their view to the objective knowledge. In order to urge person all-round development, education should promote people all-round including knowledge, feelings and ability. Educations that promote people all-round should carry out the integrated curriculum instead of the traditional separate subjects. All these aim at an education purpose: the Holistic Education that promote people all-round. In order to carry on the civil lifelong education that integrates the personal value and social value, we should rebuild a rational education system in the era of network.In all, education in the era of network is the civil lifelong education that promote people all-round including knowledge, feelings and ability by a lot of education Means and education forms, guided by life-long education and learning society.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 07期

