

【作者】 万希平

【导师】 李淑梅;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 马克思主义哲学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 生态危机在今天已经是一个世界性的难题,寻求生态危机的根源和解决的途径已经成为时下理论界关注的一个热点问题。作为西方马克思主义理论的新发展,生态马克思主义一跃成为当今西方马克思主义最引人关注的理论之一。它直指当今人类发展面临的严峻的生态危机,以对资本主义社会制度的批判替代了早期伦理生态主义的伦理生态主义批判和西方马克思主义(主要以法兰克福学派为代表)的技术理性批判。本论文主要是以马克思主义政治哲学视角分析生态马克思主义对资本主义社会的批判,从梳理生态主义从伦理批判和技术理性批判为主题到社会批判为主题的基本发展脉络入手,揭示出西方生态马克思主义实现批判主题转换的深层原因和目的及对于解决生态环境危机的理论价值和现实意义,以此突显出生态马克思主义自身的理论特质,即对资本主义生态危机进行全方位的社会制度批判。本论文围绕生态马克思主义对资本主义经济、政治和文化的反生态本性进行批判这一线索展开理论的剖析。首先,生态马克思主义揭露了资本无限扩张的生产逻辑必然导致对人和自然的双重剥削,进而导致环境危机的发生,这是生态危机在资本主义国家率先爆发的原因所在;其次,生态马克思主义揭露了以资本主义经济制度为基础的政治制度的反生态性,指出这种政治制度是建立在掠夺和剥削基础之上的。这正是资本主义国家政府不但不愿改变这种破坏生态的生产方式,反而以各种理由和借口继续维护它的原因所在。再次,生态马克思主义揭露了资本主义的文化价值观的误导,指出这种价值观是利己主义的代名词,利己主义滋生出的享乐主义和消费主义就潜在着对生态的破坏。生态马克思主义还将社会批判和社会重构结合起来,提出了生态社会主义的方案。本论文对生态社会主义理论从经济制度、政治制度和文化观念等方面进行了阐释,并分析了这种理论与经典马克思主义的社会主义理论之间的关系,指出在解决生态问题上社会主义应该开辟出自己的新路径。本论文最后对生态马克思主义进行了客观的评价,指出了把生态马克思主义归为当代马克思主义理论新发展的理由,重新反思了生产力的作用,并探讨了生态马克思主义对于建设中国特色社会主义生态文明的启示意义。

【Abstract】 Nowdays, the cological crisis is regarded as a worldwide difficult. Seeking the root and solution of the ecological crisis are the present theorists attention. the Ecological Marxism which is one of the newest genres in the West Marxism theory recently has been made great efforts to expose real deep root in the ecological crisis’s and inquire for the thorough solution to the ecological crisis’s. the Ecological Marxism becomes the most stern Theory of researching the ecological crisis which has substituted the early ecological ethics principle and the technical rationality critique made by the West Marxism (mainly by the Frankfurt school).This paper studys the Ecological Marxism of the capitalist society’s critique theory mainly by the Marxism politics philosophy view. The paper starts from combing the basic development vein of the ecology principle criticizes which is from the subject of the ethics critique and the technical rationality critique to the society, and promulgates the Western Ecological Marxism realizing in-depth reason which is the goal of the critique subject transforms. This paper points out that the practical values which the transformation for the solution to the capitalism ecological crisis’s theory is the most important. the guiding line of this paper centres on the Ecological Marxism analysis the counter-ecology nature of the capitalist economy,political and the culture. First, the Ecological Marxism has exposed the capitalism pursue capital infinite extension productive logic which inevitably causes the human and the natural dual exploitation, then the environment crisis’s occurrence, all of them are logic inevitable result by the capitalist production, and also are the reason of the ecological crisis which always took the lead in the capitalist country; Second, the Ecological Marxism has exposed the political system is similarly the counter-ecology, because this political system’s validity is established on the unjustice foundation of the plunder and the exploitation, it is fabricated. It is Not only the Capitalist country Government is not willing to change this destructive production method, but also the reason which the Capitalist country Government will continues to carry out by fair meansor foul;Third, the Ecological Marxism has exposed the capitalist culture values is also the counter-ecology. This kind of value is established in the liberalism foundation, and the hedonism and consumerism based on the egotism which are essentially latent destroying the ecology. The final goal of the Ecological Marxism is not criticizing capitalism, but seeksing the solution to the crisis problom. So,the author has discussed the Ecological Socialism from the four aspects ,such as the relations beween men and nature, the economic system, the political system and the social culture system .the Ecological Marxism construction’s theory has developed the Marxism construction socialism theory,and has pointed the socialism compared to the capitalism which has the interchange ability function on solving the ecology problem.Finally,the author has answered the question of the ecology Marxism is Subordinated in the Marxism School, and expanded the productive forces determinism dual function theory. The author is attention to the Ecological Marxism Enlightenment of constructing the Chinese characteristic socialism ecology civilization.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 07期

