

【作者】 徐广宇

【导师】 杨桂华;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 马克思主义哲学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 大学文化使命是一个关涉大学价值定位的根本性问题。随着科学技术的迅猛发展,大学的功利化和工具化倾向越发浓厚,由此带来的大学文化功能弱化问题日益凸显。与此同时,经济全球化背景下,文化普遍主义与文化相对主义之争日趋激烈,如何应对由此带来的文化深层变化,也成为大学需要研究的重要课题。本文根据马克思关于社会存在决定社会意识的基本原理,阐述了国内外大学文化使命与社会发展互动的发展脉络,反思批判了现代大学教育的现实问题,进而阐明大学的文化定位以及回归大学文化使命的基本路径。本文从大学教育与文化的内在关系入手,着重论述了现代大学内在的文化属性,阐明大学承载文化使命这一基本职能的缘由,进而提出现代大学的基本价值在于文化传承、文化启蒙、文化选择、文化创造和文化引领。为阐明国内外大学使命在不同的社会需求背景下的价值取向,本文分别从大学使命的历史演进和价值选择两个维度,着重阐述大学使命与社会发展需求互动的演进过程,从而揭示出不同流派关于大学价值观的论争,实质上反映了不同时代背景的社会需求。针对现代大学教育异化现象,本文阐明大学履行文化使命的基本模式,进而提出大学走出异化,担负起应有的文化使命的基本途径。本文认为,大学之所以存在和称之为大学,关键在于她的精神存在和文化表征,大学内在的文化性品质和内涵,决定了其具有其他社会机构不可替代的生存空间和生活样式。从大学诞生之日起,大学就担负着文化使命,但不同的历史时期,由于不同的社会文化需求,大学承担的文化责任有不同侧重。关于中外大学使命问题的论争,折射出人们对大学存在理由和价值归依的不同哲学观的冲突。大学存在的哲学基础主要可归纳为认识论、政治论和人本论三类观点,认识论适应了大学追求高深学问的需要,政治论则追求大学对社会发展的适应,人本论则重视人的自由发展的需要,这三种哲学观从不同视角和层面,反映了人类社会对大学存在的多维度文化需求。现代大学教育异化的根源在于大学文化使命的弱化和缺失,在于教育与文化的分离,现代大学要超越异化,必须强化本原文化价值,回归大学的文化使命。如何定位大学的文化使命是个有争议的问题。本文超越了有关大学三大功能的概括,把文化使命定位在大学基本功能层面,视为贯穿于人才培养、科学研究和社会服务之中的核心要素。针对国外知名学者提出的确立大学地位主要有认识论和政治论两种哲学的观点,本文认为人本论哲学也是一种重要的体现文化意蕴的大学哲学思想,深刻地影响着中外现代大学的发展与实践。以往有关大学职能的研究,大多就大学本身而进行探讨,本文则从大学文化使命与现实社会需求关系的哲学层面开展研究,概括了大学文化使命五个方面的内涵,并阐述了不同社会需求背景下其具体内涵发展变化的轨迹。

【Abstract】 The cultural mission of university is a fundamental issue connected with the positioning of the university’s value. With the rapid development of science and technology, the utilitarian tendency has become more and more serious, which weakens the cultural function of university day by day. At the same time, under the circumstances of globalization, the controversy between cultural universalism and cultural relativism has become more and more fierce. Subsequently how to cope with the culture changes in a deep and profound way has become an important research topic for the university. According to the basic principle of Marxist philosophy that social consciousness is determined by social existence, this dissertation straightens up the interactive development history of university mission and social development at home and abroad, reflects and criticizes the present problems of modern university education, then further explains the university cultural orientation and the typical solution to restore the university cultural mission.By analyzing the internal relation between university education and culture, this dissertation focus on the intrinsic cultural attribute of modern university, clarifies the reasons that the university transmits cultural mission, and then puts forward that the basic value of modern universities lies in cultural inheritance, cultural enlightenment, cultural selection, cultural creation and cultural conduction. In order to clarify the value orientation of the domestic and western university mission under different social demands, this dissertation focus on the evolution process of the interactive development between western university mission and social development demands, reveals the controversy of university values of different schools, and expounds the value orientation of the western university mission under different social demands. According to the dissimilation of modern university education, this dissertation clarifies the fundamental patterns for the university to fulfill its cultural mission, and then puts forward the fundamental methods the university takes to avoid the dissimilation and assume the cultural mission.This dissertation emphasizes that the spiritual existence and cultural token are the key to the university’s presence. The inner cultural quality and connotation determine the irreplaceable living space and life style the university possesses. From the beginning, the university has taken on the cultural mission. Due to the different social and cultural demands, the university assumes different cultural responsibilities in different historical periods. The controversy about university mission at home and abroad reflects the confliction between different philosophical viewpoints on the reason of university existence and value orientation. The philosophical foundation for the existence of universities can be summarized into three viewpoints: epistemology, political theory and humanistic theory. The epistemology meets the demands that the university pursues profound knowledge, while the political theory is on the need that the university should adapt itself to social development. The humanistic theory emphasizes the free development of human being. These three philosophical viewpoints reflect the multi-dimension cultural demands for the existence of universities. The root of university education dissimilation lies in the weakening and deprivation of the university cultural mission, as well as the separation between education and culture. In order to surpass the dissimilation, the modern university must strengthen the primitive cultural value and restore the university cultural mission.The definition of university cultural mission is a controversial issue. This dissertation goes beyond the summary of the three functions of the university, defines the cultural mission as the fundamental function of universities, and regards the cultural mission as the core element running through personnel training, scientific research and social services. According to the two philosophical views of epistemology and political theory on how to establish the status of universities, this dissertation emphasizes that humanistic theory is an important philosophical thought to reflect the cultural implication and thus deeply influence the development and practice of modern universities. Different from the previous studies on university functions, this dissertation carries out the study from the relation between university cultural mission and social demands, summarizes the university cultural mission from five aspects, and expounds the track of the cultural mission development under different social backgrounds.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 07期

