

【作者】 王凌

【导师】 孟昭连;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 中国古代文学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 所谓“文体”,简单来说就是指文学作品的体裁或体类。文学作品之所以呈现各自不同的类型特征,是因为作者在创作中有意参照了某种特殊标准。文体的内涵涉及多项所指,郭英德先生认为,一种文体的基本结构应该包括从外至内依次递进的四个层次,即“体制”、“语体”、“体式”和“体性”。总结起来也就是文本表层的体制特征和文本深层的表现手法以及审美精神。这几个层面相互作用,共同构成文学作品的体类特征。“文体”是文学“自律性”研究的重要方面,历来受到关注。国人对于“文体”认识的传统由来已久,但针对小说作品进行专门的文体分析则至明清时期才始盛行。当时的小说评点家们在对作品进行细读鉴赏的基础上,总结、归纳出不少有关小说文体的理论概念。这些成为我们进行古代小说文体分析的宝贵材料。近代西方小说理论的大量译介对我国传统文体批评产生了一定冲击,但同时也带来某些新的视角和突破口。在这样的背景之下,现代学者对古代小说的研究取得了极其丰硕的成果,对于小说文体的分析更是呈现越来越细化和深入的态势。不过,由于我国古代小说文体本身所具有的特殊性和复杂性,学界对它的研究并未达到尽善尽美的程度,对某些问题的探讨还有待加强,因此仍存在一定的研究空间。本论文选择文体分析作为古代白话小说研究的基本切入点,目的就是要通过“细读”分析的批评方法来对白话小说独有的文体特征进行整体的全面描述,以期达到对我国白话小说文体的更深入之认识。本论文由绪论、正文和结语三部分组成。绪论部分主要介绍本论文的选题依据,学界对此问题的研究现状以及本论文写作中的重点和难点。结语则是对正文部分的简略回顾,并再次总结、强调“说书体”对于白话小说文体特征的重要影响。正文部分共分为五章:第一章,语言形式。主要从通俗易懂的白话语体,常见的说书套语以及韵散结合的叙述体制三个方面来论述古代白话小说的“表层”文体特征。第二章,修辞形式及人物话语表述形式。此章一共分为四节,一至三节分别论述与“说书”活动密切相关的三种积极修辞格:设问、反问和夸张。第四节则对白话小说中人物话语的表达形式(直接引语、间接引语、自由直接引语、自由间接引语以及言语行为叙述体等)进行集中讨论。第三章,人称与视角。分别由有关“视角”的理论问题,白话小说对叙述人称的特殊选择,白话小说叙述视角类型以及白话小说对视角的综合运用情况四部分组成。第四章,顺序与节奏。该部分主要是针对小说的“叙述时间”而论。此章分为三节:顺序与节奏概述(主要包括中、外对顺序、节奏问题的不同看法);白话小说叙述顺序状况分析,白话小说叙述节奏特征。第五章,叙述结构。论文首先对“结构”观念进行了溯源(包括中、外不同的叙述结构观念),接着从“‘说话文本’与‘小说文本’的总体结构特征”,“白话小说结构宏观类型”,以及“白话小说微观结构技巧”三个方面加以论述。

【Abstract】 Literary Style is the types or forms of literature work. The reason why literature work presents respectively the different body class characteristic is that writers refer to some kind of special standard when they are writing, it is the intrinsic regulated of literary style. The literary style contains not only the surface structure of literature, but also the internal technique of expression and the aesthetic standards. Style is the important respect of literature researching, it attracts researchers’ attention all the time. Chinese people have understood this conception since long time before, but the style -analysis on novels began at Ming and Qing Dynasty. Researchers today have made considerable headway on novel’s style, the analyzing has almost reached all details. But it seems that a standard model that how to analyze the novel’s style hasn’t been set up. So, the author chose style-analyzing as the cut point of researching, and want to acquire a better understanding of Chinese vernacular-novels with close-reading.There are three parts of this thesis: introduction, main body and concluding remarks. The introduction is about the foundation , and present researching situation of this topic. In the concluding remarks , the author reviewed the content of main body briefly. The main body contained five aspects.The first chapter, language form of vernacular novel. It discussed the "surface" style of vernacular novel through three parts: the character of vernacular, the stereotype expressions and the combine of prose and rhymes.The second chapter, rhetoric and expression ways of character in vernacular novels. This chapter consists of four parts, it discussed three positive figures of speech from 1-4 section: supposes question , rhetoric question, and exaggeration. Then, we discussed the expression ways of character in vernacular novels.The third chapter, person and narrative perspective. There are three parts of this chapter: some questions about theory, the person feature of vernacular novel, the types of narrative perspective. The forth chapter, sequence and rhythm. It related to the narrate time in novels. This chapter took up the following three questions one by one: essentials of sequence and rhythm, the sequence of vernacular novels, and the rhythm of vernacular novels.The fifth chapter, structure. This chapter traced back to the source of structure at first. Then, it discussed from three respects: the requirement on structure of novels, the macro-types and micro-technique of vernacular novels.

【关键词】 文体形式细读白话小说
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 07期

