

【作者】 柴定红

【导师】 关信平;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 社会学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本研究主要通过英美社会工作专业化模式及其成因的比较研究,结合我国实际探讨英美经验对我国社会工作专业化发展的启示。本研究由两部分组成。第一部分为理论研究。这一部分首先在文献回顾的基础上,通过完善和整合专业的特征要素研究视角和专业化过程论,建构社会工作专业化的特征-过程理论解释框架。特征-过程理论解释框架提出社会工作专业化本质上就是通过提高社会工作的科学性、利他性与必需性,以维护和提高社会工作的权威性与自主性,从而更好地服务人类与社会的动态过程。因此科学性、利他性、必需性、权威性和自主性是社会工作专业化的五大基本要素。接着,本研究通过文献回顾与概念解析建立社会工作专业化的科学性、利他性、必需性、权威性与自主性要素指标体系。第一部分所建构的理论解释框架与要素指标体系为第二部分英美社会工作专业化模式及其成因的比较研究建立了分析框架与测评工具。第二部分为实证研究,通过对英美社会工作专业化发展状况及其成因的比较研究,探讨英美经验对我国社会工作专业化发展的启示。通过对英美社会工作专业化模式及其成因的比较研究,本研究发现虽然英美都是社会工作的发源地国,并且两国社会工作的产生背景与社会福利制度方面具有颇多相似之处,但是经过一百多年的发展,英国形成了行政依赖型的社会工作专业化模式,而美国形成了专业主导型的社会工作专业化模式。英国社会工作专业化模式的主要特点是:(1)政府部门在社会工作专业化过程中发挥着主导作用;(2)社会工作主要向政府部门寻求合法性;(3)社会工作被定位为一门社会服务技术;(4)社会工作的专业化发展水平比较低;(5)社会工作专业化发展的动力不足。美国社会工作专业化模式的主要特点是:(1)社会工作专业协会及专业人士在社会工作专业化发展过程中发挥着主导作用;(2)社会工作通过自身发展证实社会工作专业存在的合法性;(3)社会工作被定位为实用性较强的社会科学和具有较高专业水平的服务性专业;(4)社会工作的专业化水平比较高;(5)社会工作专业化可持续发展的基础比较好。英美不同的社会工作专业化模式是各自经济、文化、社会、政治等环境因素及其社会工作专业自身努力共同作用的结果。英美社会工作专业化发展的经验表明:(1)社会工作专业化是经济发展到一定阶段的产物,但却不是经济发展的必然产物;(2)政府部门与社会工作专业协会是社会工作专业化的两大主要推动主体,但是由于社会角色与功能不同,这两大主体推动社会工作专业化发展的动机和动力不同;(3)社会工作专业化依赖福利政策与公共财政,但是随着服务领域的拓展和专业水平的提高,社会工作专业化可以降低对国家福利政策与公共财政的依赖。英美经验告诉我们,中国政府强势建构的社会工作发展模式对我国社会工作专业化发展有利也有弊。其利主要体现在中国社会工作的规模可以在短期内迅速发展,其弊主要表现在政府强势建构模式和行政力量的介入可能损害中国社会工作的专业性,并且不利于社会工作专业化的可持续发展。因此,中国社会工作专业自身应该积极地对社会工作发展的政策与制度支持做出回应,建立政府与社会工作专业自身的合作性建构模式。中国社会工作专业协会与社会工作专业人士应该充分发挥主观能动性,发展实务取向与学术取向并重的社会工作教育模式,发展一般社会工作者与高级社会工作者并存的多层次社会工作服务模式,建立适合我国实际的社会工作专业化模式。

【Abstract】 This research aims to explore the implication of the experience of social work professionalization in the United Kingdom (UK) and the United States of America (USA) to China based on the transnational study on the models of social work professionaliztion in the UK and USA. This research is composed of two parts. The first part is a theoretical study and the second is an empirical research. In the first part, this research constructs the theoretical interpretative framework and the index systems of social work professionlization through the literature review and concept analysis, so as to build the analytical framework and measurement tools for the comparable research on the model of social work professionalization and its causes in the UK and USA.So, the first part firstly constructs a new theoretical interpretative framework of social work professionalization, namely the trait-process approach of social work professionalization through improving and integrating the trait-element approach of profession and the process theory of professionalization based on the literature review. According to the new framework, the professionalization of social work is such a dynamic process to improve the scientism, altruism and essentialism of social work profession so as to maintain and promote authority and autonomy of social work profession, and finally to provide better service for the human beings and the society. And then this part builds the index systems of scientism, altruism, essentialism, authority and autonomy for the elements of social work professionalization based on the literature review and concept analysis.In the second part, this research compares the development of social work professionalization and the causes that shape the different models of social work professionalization in the UK and USA following the analytical framework and index systems constructed in the first part. This comparable study finds that the UK has formed the administration-led social work professionalization model, while the USA has formed the profession-led social work professionalization model after more than one hundred years of development despite of the similar origins and social welfare systems in the two countries.The basic traits of the UK model are as follows:a. The government plays the main role in professionalizing social work;b. Social work seeks its legitimacy from the government;c. Social work is taken as a technology for social service;d. The professional level of social work is not so high;e. The motivation and power to professionalize social work is not so strong that social work can be developed as a profession with high professional level and status.In contrast, the USA model takes on the following main characters:a. The professional associations and the professionals play the leading role in professionalizing social work;b. Social work confirms the legitimacy of its own existence through professionalizing itself;c. Social work is taken as a social science with a focus on practice and a profession with high level technologies;d. The professional level of social work is high;e. Social work has better foundation to promote the sustainable development of social work professionalization.It is the economical, cultural, social and political factors as well as the development of social work profession itself that jointly contribute to the shape of the different social work professionalization models in the UK and USA. The experience of social work professionalization in the UK and USA shows that:a. The professionalization of social work is the product when the economy develops to a certain stage, but not the natural or inevitable outcome of the economic development;b. The government and the professional association are the two main persons in charge of the professionalization of social work, but the motivation and power of the two persons to professionalize the social work are different due to their different role and function;c. The professionalization of social work depends on the social welfare policies and public finance, but social work profession can decline its dependence on the social welfare system and public finance with the enhancement of social work’s professional standards and the broadening of its working areas.The experience of social work professionalization in the UK and USA told us that there are both advantages and disadvantages for the model of China government strongly involving and constructing the social work in China. The main advantage is that the social work can rapidly develop, while the main disadvantage is that it may damage the professionalism and hinder the development of social work profession with the strong construction and involvement of the China government. So, the social work profession itself should positively response to the policy supports from the government and build strong cooperation model between the government and the social work profession. It is more reasonable to construct the co-existence model of practical orientation and academic orientation of social work education and build a multi-level model of social work service, permitting the co-existence of general social workers and senior social workers, general social work service and advanced social work service. The professional associations and professionals would have to play a more positive role in professionalizing social work in China.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 07期

