

【作者】 田源

【导师】 张睿壮;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 政治学理论, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 本文集中探讨的问题是:移民流入是否、如何以及在何种条件下会对输入国安全构成威胁?围绕这一中心问题,本文以国际政治现实主义安全研究的基本理论和方法为主要分析工具,在充分借鉴现有移民安全问题研究成果的基础上,演绎推导出本文的基本假设。在对移民和国家安全这两个核心概念进行清晰界定后,着重对国家安全的领域划分及其内涵进行了深入剖析。同时,本文充分借鉴学界有关移民与国家安全问题的主要分析模式,建立了一个涵括经济、社会、政治三个领域的、较为系统的移民安全问题分析框架。在此基础上,本文运用大量的经验证据,围绕基本假设,对移民在经济、社会、政治三个不同领域的影响进行了系统分析,对导致移民威胁国家安全可能性提高的条件因素进行了初步论证。通过分析发现:移民流入对输入国国家安全既有可能产生积极作用,也有可能造成消极影响。而且无论是积极作用还是消极影响,都不仅仅局限于某一特定领域,而是有可能波及经济、社会和政治等各个领域。在经济领域,移民既具有提高输入国社会总产出、增加财政收入、校正劳动力市场的结构性缺陷、拉动消费需求、促进人才流入以及资本和新技术的引进等积极作用,也有可能产生冲击输入国劳动力市场、增加非再生性资源消耗、加重生态环境压力等消极影响;在社会领域,移民既有可能产生激发输入国社会活力、增强输入国文化多样性等积极作用,也有可能造成国家身份特征异化、社会冲突加剧等不利后果;在政治领域,移民的流入既有可能产生促进输入国对他国政治理念和政治文化的吸收和借鉴、提高输入国政治声誉、改善和强化输入国与其他国家间的政治经济关系、帮助输入国实现对外政策目标等积极作用,也有可能产生破坏输入国国民对政治合法性的认同和忠诚、限制输入国政治决策的自主性、打破输入国内部政治力量的平衡等消极影响。因此,移民对输入国国家安全的影响,既有可能是积极的,也有可能是消极的,依具体条件而定。当输入国的地缘位置关键、领土存在争议、非劳动力要素供给刚性、国家认同跨族群政治整合功能缺失、存在制度性移民歧视、政府移民管理有效性欠缺等6个条件单独或同时存在时,移民威胁输入国安全的可能性会明显提高。上述理论分析的结论得到了大量经验证据的支持。但为了系统地证实本文的结论,本文选取南亚地区5国和西欧的法、德两国作为样本进行案例分析。针对南亚地区移民与安全问题的案例分析结果显示,移民能够构成对国家安全的威胁,而且本文基本假设中提出的6个提高移民威胁国家安全可能性的条件虽然并不总是同时出现,但也被证实能够对移民的安全后果产生关键性作用。在法国和德国的案例分析中,虽然移民并没有引发严重的安全后果,但一些潜在的风险仍然是存在的。而且在法、德两国,不同时期、具有不同身份特征和分布特点的移民对国家安全的影响也存在微妙的差别。本文的创新之处在于:在充分借鉴学界现有研究成果的基础上,对移民与国家安全这两个在学术界界定模糊的概念进行了厘清;构建了一个更适宜分析移民安全问题的分析框架;并运用这一分析框架,对学术界分歧较大、尚无定论的移民安全问题进行了新的解释,提出了移民威胁国家安全的条件。同时,努力克服现有研究资料匮乏、数据散乱等困难,通过对移民历史的深入挖掘和对大量数据资料的整理归纳,较为系统地对理论创新的成果进行了验证。

【Abstract】 This thesis focuses on the question that whether, how and under what kind of condition, migration will threat the national security of the entered country. Revolving this core question, this thesis deducts and infers the basic hypothesis by taking the elementary theories and methods of the international political realism security as the main analytical tool and drawing the researching results about existing immigration security problem. And after clearly defining two core conceptions of immigration and the national security, this thesis emphasizes on the field division and the connotation of national security. At the same time, this thesis fully draws the main analysis models of academic areas related to immigration and the national security, establishes a systematic analysis framework for immigration security problems which is covering economic, social and political areas.On this basis, the thesis utilizes massive experiences and evidences. And under the basic hypothesis, the immigration’s influences to the economic, social and political domains have been systematically analyzed, and the causing conditions which can enhance the possibility of immigration’s threat to the national security have been preliminary proved. Through the analysis, it can get that immigration inflow will have positive and negative impact on the national security of entered country. And whether it is positive or negative, this impact is not merely limited in one specified domain, but may affect the economy, society and the politics. In the economic field, the immigration inflow improves the total output of society, increases revenue, corrects the structure defects in labor market and stimulates consumer demand, promotes the inflow of the foreign talents and the introduction of capital and new technologies, but it also has impact on the labor market of entered countries, causes the non-renewable resource consumption to increase, and aggravates the ecological environment’s pressure. In the social field, immigration have an positive impact on inspiring the social vitality of entered countries and enhancing cultural diversity, but it also may result in alienation of national identity, social conflicts and other negative consequences. In the political field, on the one hand, the immigration inflow can promote entered country’s absorption of political philosophy and political culture from other countries, enhancing its political reputation, improving and strengthening the relationship between entered country and other countries so as to realize the foreign policy objectives of entered country. On the other hand, the immigration inflow can damage the national’s political justice approval and loyalty of the entered country, limits its political decision-making and independence, and breaks the balance of its interior political power. Therefore, the immigration will have positive and negative impacts on national security, which depends on specific conditions. When 6 conditions, namely, the inputted country has a key geopolitical status, the inputted country has territorial disputes with other countries, the non-labor element supply lacks rigidity, the inputted country losses the political integration function in inter-ethnic of national identity, the inputted country exists institutional discrimination against immigrants, and the government migration management are ineffective, exists alone or they all exist together, the possibility of threat to the entered country’s security can be significantly enhanced.The conclusions drawn from the above theoretical analysis are supported by massive experiences and evidences. But in order to confirm this thesis’s conclusion systematically, we have selected 5 countries from South Asia, France and Germany from Western Europe as cases to analyze. In the cases of South Asian countries, all the results demonstrate that immigration can threat national security. All the 6 conditions given in the thesis’s basic hypothesis under what the probability of national security threatened by immigration will be enhanced and not always appear at the same time. But it has been proved to have the crucial function to the consequence of immigration security. In the cases of France and Germany, although the immigration has not initiated serious consequence of security, but some potential risk still exists. Moreover, in the cases of France and Germany, it also demonstrates that the security degree caused by immigration, in different periods of time or with different status and distribution characteristics has some subtle differences. The analyzed result indicates that, the security degree caused by immigrants, in different periods of time or under different external conditions, which have the similar intrinsic characteristic have some subtle differences. The innovations of this thesis lie in: basing on fully utilizing the existing research results of academic fields, the two conceptions of immigration and national security, which are fuzzy defined in academic community, have been identified clearly and a better analysis frame for the immigrant security problem has been established. And by using this analysis frame, the thesis explains the immigration threatening national security question which was with big differences in theory and still does not have a clear conclusion, and proposes the conditions that immigration threats national security. At the same time, the difficulties that the existing research material is lacking and the data scattered in disorder have been overcome. On the other hand, through deep study on immigration history and to reorganize and induct the mass data material, the theory innovation achievement has been systematically proved.

【关键词】 移民国家安全条件
【Key words】 ImmigrationNational SecurityCondition
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 07期

