

【作者】 孙跃

【导师】 关信平;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 社会学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本研究的核心是学校社会工作介入我国高校学生工作体系的问题。各国学校社会工作的发展经验表明,学校社会工作要发展,其重要前提是教育管理部门和学校内部行政系统的认可与支持,找准学校社会工作在教育体制及学校内部的学生服务体系中的定位。在中国的制度环境中,最重要的是处理好学校社会工作在高校学生工作中的地位问题。在80后、90后逐渐成为大学生主体的今天,大学生的问题日渐多元化、复杂化和棘手化,传统的以思想政治教育为统领的学生工作模式难以满足学生的需要。对调查问卷和访谈资料的分析表明,高校现有的学生工作体系的表现差强人意。不仅学生对学生工作的满意度不高,从业人员本身也普遍存在着工作压力大、成就感缺乏、对职业前景悲观等严重问题。相比而言,学校社会工作充满人文关怀的价值理念、宽厚的理论基础和灵活多样的工作方法,使得学校社会工作在解决日渐复杂化的大学生问题时,更容易被大学生所接受,更有针对性,也更能适应解决特殊问题的需要。本研究通过对思想政治教育和学校社会工作的价值理念、功能和方法的比较分析,认为学校社会工作和思想政治教育之间存在互补性。思想政治教育解决的是大学生因动机缺乏而导致的具有普遍性的问题,如学习动力不足、缺乏集体观念和社会责任感淡漠等,而学校社会工作针对的则是个体因能力不足而导致的特殊需要。两者不是竞争关系,而是互补关系,其目的都是为了把大学生培养成社会的栋梁之才。引入学校社会工作既有利于提升思想政治工作的效果,也有助于推动学校社会工作的本土化,其结果是双赢的。在此基础上,本研究提出通过大学生成长服务共同体的组建,来实现对我国高校学生工作体制的创新。其方案构想是,将现有的高校学生工作体系中的心理咨询中心、就业指导中心、社团服务中心等服务机构独立出来,与学校社会工作服务中心相整合,共同组建以学校社会工作理念为统领的服务与辅导体系。这一体系与现有的以思想政治教育为统领的教育和管理体系联合,形成相对独立的和长期并行的“协调合作模式”,从而搭建起既符合社会工作理念又适应我国现实国情的高校学校社会工作运行模式。本研究的创新点主要体现为以下三个方面:第一,构建了高校学生工作的两大系统并行运作模式,即以学校社会工作为统领的服务辅导系统和以思想政治教育为统领的教育管理系统的协调合作模式,为大学生的健康成长提供高质量、多层次、多样化的服务。第二,提出了构建“金字塔型”高校学校社会工作梯队的设想。专家顾问负责专业指导,专业社工人员为学生提供具体的专业服务,而兼职人员主要由社会工作专业的师生和辅导员构成。第三,提出了在新时期推进学校社会工作本土化、实现高校学生工作体制的改革与创新的“双赢”模式,从而使学校社会工作介入高校既能推动社会工作的本土化,又有利于增强现有高校学生工作体系的活力。

【Abstract】 This study examines the issue that, in the context of globalization, how to establish an effective social work system in China’s colleges and universities. The experience of school social work throughout the world shows that the development of school social work relies heavily on the aegis of government, an appropriate role of school social work in educational system, and a good relationship with other professions related to student affairs. In China, this means that we should clarify the role of school social work in the system of student affairs.As those who born after 1980s,or even 1990, become the mainstream of college students, the problems related to college students are becoming more and more diverse, complex, and hard to address. Consequently, the traditional pattern, which highlights the significance of moral instruction, finds itself hard to meet the needs of college students. The survey shows that the performance of current system of student affairs is far from satisfactory. Not only do college students perceive the performance of the system as poor, but also the teachers in charge of student affairs find their work demanding and boring, and thus are pessimistic regarding their occupational prospects. By contrast, the values of school social work are more human-centered, its theoretical basis more plural, and its methods more flexible, therefore, it is more acceptable to college students, more problem-focused, and more adaptive in addressing specific problems.The study also compares the ideas, functions, and methods of school social work with those of current student affairs system. It argues that school social work and current student affairs reinforce mutually. The problems that student affairs system tackles are more universal, such as lack of incentive to study, to care about collective goals, and to become a responsible citizen after graduation. In contrast, school social work deals mainly with the problem of empowerment. Thus, they are not conflicting, but supplementary. In this sense, the introduction of school social work will improve the effectiveness of current student affairs system, and promote school social work practice in China. In other words, a win-win situation will emerge. To innovate in China’s student affairs system, the study proposes that we should establish a service community for college students. Psychological counseling, employment service, and student organizations will separate from current student affairs system, and integrate with school social work. As such, a new system designed to provide various services to college students will be established. This system combines and cooperates with another system designed for political instruction and management. Such a cooperative model, taking China’s context into account, is not in conflict with social work ideas.As for ideas, this study is creative in three main points:First, it constructs a paralleling model which consists of two parts, a service and consulting system designed to provide various needy services to college students and a management system for student affairs.Second, it proposes that there should be a pyramid of school social workers, i.e., experts who provide professional guidance, full-time social workers who take charge of daily services, and part-time social workers, including social work faculty and students majoring in social work, etc.Third, it argues for a win-win strategy for the introduction of school social work in China’s colleges and universities, which not only promotes the practice of school social work, but also enhances the effectiveness of the system of student affairs.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 07期

