

【作者】 陈宏

【导师】 曾晓渝;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 中国少数民族语言文学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 在多次田野调查的基础上,本文对贵州省松桃苗族自治县大兴镇苗语方言和汉语方言进行了全面、系统的描写、分析和研究,全文共分七章。第一章,绪论。说明本文的选题缘由、研究内容和研究方法、以及语言材料的来源。第二章,大兴苗族与大兴苗语概况。基于对苗族历史的简要回顾,以及松桃苗族自治县大兴镇的苗族的概要叙述,着重从语音、语法、词汇三个方面的描写当地苗语的语言系统。第三章,描写分析大兴苗语的形态。大兴苗语存在附加词缀、重叠以及语音屈折三种类型的形态,属于广义形态的范畴。第四章,详细分析大兴苗语的语音特点。主要描写分析了大兴苗语的前缀变调及韵律特点;鼻冠音声母、鼻音自成音节、鼻音和谐等特有现象;以及不同年龄层次、不同性别的母语者之间的语音差异。第五章,大兴苗语与苗语东部方言传统代表点——湖南湘西花垣县吉卫镇的苗语语音系统进行对比,发现声韵调之间存在的对应规律。第六章,大兴镇苗语中汉语借词历史层次分析。在借鉴采用前辈学者们关于少数民族语言汉语借词历史层次分析方法原则的基础上,针对大兴苗语中汉语借词的具体情况,以声母为纲,对大兴苗语中汉语借词的历史层次进行分析,将大兴苗语中的汉语借词区分为现代、中古、上古三个层次。第七章,结论部分,对全文各章节的观点加以概括说明。

【Abstract】 The author obtained Guizhou province Songtao Miao Autonomous County town of Ta Xing Chinese dialects and Hmong dialect materials through field investigations,this article are comprehensive and systematic description, analysis and research of these materials, the whole text is divided into seven chapters.The first chapter, preface, illustrate the study reasons,content and research methods, as well as the source of language material.ChapterⅡ, Ta Xing Miao Nation and Hmong, based on a brief review of the history of the Miao Nation,and a summary description of the Songtao Miao Autonomous County Daxing Town, describing the local Hmong language system,.focusing on voice, grammar, vocabulary three aspects.ChapterⅢ, Discription and analysis of the morphological process of Ta Xing Hmong language, belonging to the generalized scope of the morphological process. There are three types of morphological process in Ta Xing Hmong language: additional prefixes, voice reduplication, and voice inflection.ChapterⅣ, a detailed analysis of phonetic charactors of Daxing Hmong. Mainly an analysis of of Daxing Hmong and the features of nasal sounds., and some phenomenon of sound change. Analyze the variouty of tones of prefix and rhythmic style in Daxing Hmong, nasal crown in front of a consonant, nasal sound as a independent syllable and harmonic of nasal syllables three aspects, and sound differences between different ages and genders.ChapterⅤ, compare the differences of between Daxing Hmong and Jiwei Hmong in each sound system, Jiwei Hmong is regarded as typical of this Hmong dialect.ChapterⅥ, analyze different stratum of loan words from Chinese in Daxing Hmong. Based on the senior scholars’ principles and methods of analyzing loan words from Chinese in many other minority’s languages, we studied loan words from Chinese in Daxing Hmong, take consonants as the key link, analyze different stratum of loan words from Chinese in Daxing Hmong, point out that loan words from Chinese in Daxing Hmong can be divided into three levels: the Modern layer, Middle layer and Old layer.ChapterⅦ, conclusion, summarize the opinion of the full text.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 07期

