

【作者】 任慧群

【导师】 汪晖;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 鲁迅在东京弘文学院留学时认为,中国国民性最缺乏“诚”和“爱”。基于这一认识,他在晚清时期就呼唤“抱诚守真”的“精神界之战士”,到五四时期又有改变国民精神的呐喊,可以说,改造中国国民性是鲁迅一直关注的问题。因此,有关“诚”的论述,应该在鲁迅的思想和文学中,尤其在其改造国民精神的思考中占有重要位置。出于这一设想,本论文提出并试图回答以下三个问题:第一,鲁迅论述的“诚”与国民精神的哪些特定内含相关;第二,在五四时期的文学人物形象塑造中,鲁迅如何通过他眼里的“中国的人生”显示他有关“诚”的思考;第三,通过文学人物形象塑造,鲁迅又如何展现他在求“诚”途中的思想矛盾,这些矛盾又怎样提供了他对“诚”与国民精神的关系的态度。对第一个问题的回答,需要梳理中国传统思想所论述的“诚”与鲁迅所论述的“诚”的关系,分析鲁迅谈到改造国民性时提及“诚”的原因。我以为,这与“诚”在晚清以降社会文化语境中的特定内含有关。这一内含既是卷入现代进程的中国社会文化语境的产物,也提供了在这一进程中“诚”应担负的历史使命。这一使命以摆脱专制帝国和奴隶处境,建设现代民族国家和现代个体为主要内容,它使中国的先觉者把自己的生存意义和价值与这一任务联系起来。晚清以降,梁启超、蒋观云、章太炎等思想家论述了作为个体精神的“诚”的新内含。鲁迅对中国国民性最缺乏“诚”的认识,他对“诚”的论述,都与以上思想家有关个体精神之“诚”的论述密切相关。在本论文中,晚清思想对“诚”的论述至少提供了三方面的内容:第一,晚清中国思想家吸纳了传统思想中作为德性意义的“反身而诚”的方式和部分内容,在此基础上,又借鉴了西方思想家的观点,由此催生了“诚”的新内含;第二,鲁迅所论述的“诚”是对上述思想家所论述的“诚”的继承和发展;第三,晚清思想家有关个体精神之“诚”的论述,已经展示了代表“时俗”的奴隶(包括“伪士”与“众数”)与“抱诚守真”的摩罗在精神上的对立。因此,我以为,在反抗“时俗”、把自己与奴隶相对的意义上,先觉者确定了“诚”的现代内含。它一方面继承了中国传统思想中作为德性的“毋自欺”的“反身而诚”的方式和部分内容;另一方面又接受了“诚”作为精神等对个体的伦理要求,它强调的是人所应有的独立、自主、自省、自尊、勇敢进取等精神,即“人各有己”的个体精神。这种精神是个体自觉承担“爱国之热诚”的为他伦理使命的前提。也就是说,“利他”伦理之“诚”,首先来自于“利己”伦理之“诚”。对第二和第三个问题的回答,需要在鲁迅五四时期的文学人物形象塑造中寻找。他眼里所经过的“中国的人生”,与晚清以降的个体精神之“诚”的伦理要求存在着不同的关系。这种不同首先产生于人物形象对这一伦理要求是否“知”,其次产生于在“知”的前提下,人物形象对这一伦理要求是否“行”。由此,可以将鲁迅“五四”时期的文学人物形象塑造分为三类:不“知”不“行”的愚弱国民、“知”而不“行”的伪士、试图“知行合一”的异端。在个体精神之“诚”的伦理要求这一视角的观照下,人物形象处于“时俗”和“革命”两种样式的状态,可以说明鲁迅的“中国的人生”塑造与晚清思想对“诚”的论述的密切联系。通过对叙述者和叙述角度的选择和调整,在叙述者的感知所代表的观念体系中,提供了各类人物形象居于个体精神之“诚”或其反面的状态。大部分小说中的叙述者在批判人物形象居于“诚”的反面时,也往往呈现出其与被批判者在“诚”与否上的一致性。这应该与鲁迅对“诚”的理解有关,既有他对个体精神之“诚”的伦理要求的持守,又有他在“毋自欺”的“自省”中对此伦理要求的“反身而诚”。在我看来,这两者也是形成鲁迅思想矛盾的原因之一。在走近“诚”的途中,真实的鲁迅及其真诚的文学,召唤着读者一同前行。

【Abstract】 Lu Xun believed that the Chinese nationality is most deficient in honesty and love in 1902. Lu Xun considered how to transform the Chinese nationalistic from the latter Qing dynasty to the May Fourth, including calling the soldier in spirit and transforming the national spirit. Therefore, consideration in honesty should have the great importance position in Lu Xun’s thought and literature, especially in his thought about transforming the national spirit .In this paper, we attempt to reply to three questions related to the transformation of the Chinese nationality from Lu Xun. First, what was related to Lu Xun’s honesty in his mind? Second, how did Lu Xun demonstrate the china life in his eyes in his literature during the May Fourth by designing the characters at the request of Lu Xun’s honesty? Third, how did Lu Xun also demonstrate his contradiction by designing the characters on the way to honesty and also provide his sincere?To the first question, we need to know the relation between Chinese tradition thought about honesty and Lu Xun’s. And we also should search for the reason why Lu Xun pointed to the honesty in the moment that the nationalistic transformation was mentioned .I think it concerns with the establishment about the modern meaning of honesty. But this kind of establishment was the result of the Chinese society in the latter Qing dynasty when this country had involved in the modern advancement. At the same time, it was also the constitutive strength in the advancement and displayed its historic mission, which got rid of the feudal empire and slave and established modern nation-state and the modern individual .It caused Chinese thinkers related their survival significance and the value with this duty. During the latter Qing dynasty, Liang Qichao, Jiang Guanyun and Zhang Taiyan had made elaboration about honesty as the individual spirit. Lu Xun’s judgment about the Chinese nationality and his elaboration about honesty related with theseDuring the latter Qing, the elaboration about honesty has provided three things. Firstly, both Chinese traditions thought about honesty and the Western thinker’s articles had participated in the modern content establishment about honesty. Secondly, Lu Xun’s honesty had inherited the former thinker’s honesty with the development. Thirdly, it also demonstrated the forming process, which the intelligentsia had opposed to the slave in the spirit from the latter Qing dynasty thinkers’ articles. Therefore, I think these thinkers had established the modern content of honesty in the meaning of revolting the customs of the time and the slave On the one hand, the modern individual has inherited the tradition meaning of honesty, for example, Don’t Deceive Yourself, Self-examination. On the other hand, they also have accepted the ethics request on the individual which honesty had taken as the spirit, the morality moral character, the psychology and so on. Honesty as individual spirit should have the selfish ethics, which everyone should has oneself respectively, such as independence, the self-respect, bravery, etc. This selfish ethics is the premise that the individual undertakes the ethics mission determination of his patriotic sincerity. That is, honesty as benefiting other ethics firstly comes from honesty as selfish ethics.Answering the second and the third question, we need to seek answers in the literature character designed from Lu Xun’s works during the May fourth. China’s life has the different relations with the request of honesty as the individual spirit in the latter Qing dynasty in his eyes. What caused the difference? Firstly, did the character know about the knowledge about this ethics request? Secondly, did they practice this ethics request under the premise that the character knows the request? Thus, we may divide the literature character designed by Lu Xun into three kinds .The stupid didn’t know and practice. The hypocrisy intelligentsia didn’t practice although they know about the request .The heretic tired to practice the unity of knowledge and action.We can find the close relation between the design of china’s life in Lu Xun’s eyes and the elaboration about honesty in the latter Qing dynasty. This relation can be explained by the character of two kinds of life under this angle of honesty as the individual spirit. Through the choice and adjustment of narrator and narration angle, the idea system from the narrator’s sensation provided two conditions that characters resided in honesty as the individual spirit or its reverse side When narrator criticized the character resided in the reverse side of honesty in majority of novel, it also has often provided the uniformity with the character in honesty. I think this situation is linked with Lu Xun’s attitude about two meanings of honesty. On the one hand, Lu Xun adhered to the individual spirit ethics request. On the other hand, Lu Xun engaged in introspection on this ethics request through the self-examination, such as Don’t Deceive Yourself. Both of them constituted the honest and sincere life and literature of Lu Xun, who had walked on the way approaching honesty in the contradiction of thought in all his life.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 07期
  • 【分类号】I210;C912.1
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】1480
  • 攻读期成果

