

【作者】 丁磊

【导师】 常健;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 政治学理论, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 一国战略和政策的制定,一方面取决于本国的利益和需求,另一方面取决于对他国的知觉、评价和情感,即他国的国家形象。换言之,国家形象会对国家间政策的制定和实施产生重要的影响。在这个意义上,国家形象成为了一种影响国家间行为的“软权力”,成为一国谋取和实现本国利益的有力工具。与此同时,拥有正向而积极的国家形象,对于很多国家来说似乎成为了一个难以实现的目标。比如,经济实现高速发展、社会取得巨大成就的中国,就正面临着如何维护和建构良好国家形象这一非常棘手的战略难题。改革开放三十年来,中国的发展成就,已成不争的事实。中国正在从那种落后、贫穷的赢弱国家向一个进步、富裕的国家不断快步迈进,但国际社会尤其是西方国家对中国,并无敬服之色。由于西方国家在当今国际政治格局中的重要地位和影响,使得中国在国际上的形象依然处于高度敏感性与脆弱性的困境之中。这种现实就会迫使我们思考这样几个问题:国家形象到底为何物?它的形成、建构和转换是如何实现的呢?它又是怎样影响国家间行为的呢?上述几个问题直指本文对国家形象研究的理论领域。本文沿着权力与形象转换两条分析线索,剖析了国际体系中国家形象与国家间行为的内在联系,通过研究国家形象的内涵与要素关系、国家形象的深层动力结构和权力属性、国家形象形成、建构和转换的实现路径与机制、国家形象对国家间行为的影响机制四个方面的问题,尝试搭建出一个全新的国家形象研究的理论框架。首先,本文通过要素分析,指出了国家形象由知觉、评价和情感三个要素组成;通过结构分析,指出了一国的国家形象不是静态的主客体关系的结果,而是主体间,进而是形象间关系的结果,即不同国家主体对该国所认知的不同形象之间交互作用的结果。由国家形象的要素和结构分析,本文意在推导出国家形象是在动态的国家间权力博弈中被生产出来的。这种权力博弈不仅体现了国家软权力的博弈过程,而且也受到国家硬权力的作用影响,二者互为前提,相互促进,使得国家形象拥有了鲜明的权力属性。其次,进一步分析,本文指出,国家形象的权力属性从根本上是源自于人类内在的需求。正是这种需求构建了国家形象的深层动力结构,决定了国家形象形成和建构的内在机制。而需求的变化性、层次性和多样性,使国家形象的转换成为可能;需求所经常面临的潜在威胁与挑战等问题,又孕育了一国的危机意识,国家形象往往在危机的产生或化解中得到强化或发生动摇以至转换。第三,本文进一步对国家形象的形成、建构和转换进行了分析。探讨了大众传播媒介和国家间直接交往在国家形象形成和建构中的作用,分析了国家形象形成和建构过程中的差异及其整合机制,并进一步论证了危机在国家形象转换中的作用。第四,本文认为,无论是国家形象的权力属性,还是国家形象深层动力结构及其所导致的国家形象的转换,其结果都将体现在对国家间行为的影响上面。而国家形象的知觉、评价和情感这三个要素实际上都和人们的内在心理活动紧密相关。换句话说,国家形象正是通过人的个性心理特别是一国决策者的心理这个途径而对国家间行为产生影响。第五,本文从实证的角度对西方世界眼中的中国形象史进行了梳理,着重探究了西方世界需求的变化与中国国家形象转换的内在联系,分析了中西权力博弈对于西方建构中国形象的影响,探讨了知觉、评价和情感对西方认知中国形象的作用。最后,本文对中国形象的建构提出了对策建议。本文认为,立足于满足人类社会的需求以及对化解危机的诉求,以“和而不同”的指导思想为国家形象建构的战略,通过“以贡献树形象”的建构策略,借助由宣传取向向交流取向转变的大众传播形式和以培养善意建立好感的国家间直接交往方式,中国自身与世界的那些差异才能被更多的国家所接受,国家形象才能得到优化和提升。

【Abstract】 The formulation of a country’s strategies and policies is based on its own interests and demands as well as this country’s perception, evaluation and emotion towards target country, which can be called target country’s National Image. In other words, a country’s National Image exerts great influence upon the formulation and implementation of inter-state policies. In this sense, National Image has become an influential soft power upon inter-state behaviors and powerful tool in seeking and realizing a country’s own interests. Meanwhile, how to maintain an upright and positive National Image has become a hard to achieve goal. For instance, China, after decades of rapid economic growth and great achievements, is now being plunged into such a dilemma. China is now lifting itself out of poverty and advancing on the fast track towards prosperity. However, international community, especially some western developed countries, bears no respectful attitude toward China, and this has put China into a plight of high sensitivity and vulnerability due to the significant status quo and influence of western developed countries in international political pattern. Against this backdrop, it is necessary for us to contemplate the issues hereinafter: what is National Image? How about its formation, it construction and its transformation? And how does it influence inter-state behaviors?The above-mentioned issues are the ones to be studied in the dissertation. This paper, focusing on two themes namely power and image transformation, analyzes the intrinsic connection between National Image and inter-state behaviors and tries to establish a brand-new theoretical framework for National Image study through the research in four aspects namely the relationship between the connotation and elements of National Image, deeper motive power structure and power property of National Image, the route and mechanism for the formation, construction and transformation of National Image and the interrelationship mechanism between National Image and inter-state behavior.First of all, through elements analysis, this paper points out that National Image consists of three parts perception, evaluation and emotion; through structure analysis, this paper points out that National Image is not the outcome of stationary relationship between subject and object, but the outcome of intersubjectivity and further inter-image. In other words, National Image is the outcome of interactivity between the cognition of one country toward different countries of image. Through the analysis of elements and structure, the paper aims to deduce that National Image is the outcome of dynamic Game Playing of national power which not only displays the Game Playing process of different countries’ soft power, but also shows that of hard power of different countries. Soft power and hard power are prerequisite to and conducive to each other. And this vividly demonstrates the power property of National Image.Secondly, through further analysis, the paper indicates that power property is rooted from the inner demand of mankind. And it is due to this demand that the deeper motive structure of National Image takes shape, which determines the intrinsic mechanism of the formation and construction of National Image. Variability, levels and diversity enable the transformation of National Image. The issues like potential threats and challenges confronting demand often result in a country’s sense of crisis. National Image is usually intensified and wavered or even transformed in the generation and solution of crisis.Thirdly, the paper carries further study upon the formation, construction and transformation of National Image. It discusses the roles that mass media and inter-state exchange play in the formation and construction of National Image. It also analyzes the differences and integration in the process of formation and construction, thus further demonstrating the role that crisis plays in the transformation of National Image.Fourthly, the paper argues that whether it is the power property of National Image, the deeper motive structure of National Image or the transformation of National Image resulting from the motive structure, they all have great influences upon inter-state behaviors. As a matter of fact, perception, evaluation and emotion are closely connected with people’s mental activity. That is to say, National Image exerts influence upon inter-state behaviors via people’s mental activity especially that of a country’s decision makers. Fifthly, the paper, from the perspective of empirical study, sorts out the history of China’s national image in the eyes of westerners. It explores the intrinsic connection between the changes of demand of western world and the transformation of China’s National Image. It analyzes the influence of power Game Playing between China and western countries upon China’s National Image held by western countries. It also discusses the impacts that perception, evaluation and emotion exert upon western countries’ cognition towards China National Image.In conclusion, the paper puts forward solutions to the construction of China’s National Image. The paper thinks that based upon the demands of human society and the appeal for resolving crisis and under the guiding principle of different but live in harmony, we should take advantage of mass media communication whose orientation has shifted from propaganda to communication and the inter-state direct exchange manner whose purpose is to establish amicable relationship, and then a country’s National Image can be refined and enhanced.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 07期

