

【作者】 丁金辉

【导师】 张玉利;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 企业管理, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 在全球经济不景气,竞争情势诡谲多变的背景下,各个产业几乎无可幸免地受到影响而出现成长疲态。然而,奢华产业却能在此态势下维持成长。除了因为奢华品具有较高的产品价值,进而拥有金字塔顶端消费群的忠诚消费之外,还因为奢华产业对时尚市场敏感度所形成的创新商业模式,为奢华产业创造了更多的市场竞争优势。随着生活型态的转变,中产阶层追求情感价值的消费升级,带动了平价奢华品的强劲需求,间接威胁到传统奢华品的市场竞争优势。为了维持顾客基础,传统奢华品牌除了强调其经典品牌价值外,也在商业模式上采取了许多适应性的战略调整。奢华产业如何构建其创新商业模式,成为值得探讨的课题;而以传统奢华与平价奢华的市场二分框架来分析两类奢华产业在商业模式的比较,更具有理论与实务上的意义。本研究以事业观念创新建构而成的Hamel(2000)商业模式做为基本理论框架,参考其它商业模式理论,提出一个整合的商业模式分析框架,包括核心战略、资源与能力、顾客管理、价值网络四个构面,由企业内部战略形成、企业内部与外部接触接口的资源配置、至外部网络关系的整合,由内而外,系统性地涵盖企业经营的战略方面。实证研究方面,则是对皮革产业、高级时装产业和豪华汽车产业等三种典型的奢华产业各两家企业为分析案例(包括传统奢华品牌LV、Chanel与Ferrari,以及平价奢华品牌Coach、ZARA与Lexus),通过文献资料整理,深入分析传统奢华与平价奢华的商业模式、产业战略形成以及独具的竞争优势,以归纳出传统奢华产业与平价奢华产业的成功商业模式及其战略创新与竞争优势的关联。归纳研究结论包括以下数点:奢华产业致力于满足高端消费者特殊情感价值的消费需求,而本研究以此为探讨起点;本研究提出一个涵盖企业整体经营的整合式奢华企业商业模式架构;本研究以多案例研究,成功提炼出三种奢华产业内、区分传统奢华与平价奢华成功企业的商业模式;本研究整理奢华产业成功企业商业模式的综合比较为:传统奢华重在巩固品牌价值,坚持顶级质量、手工打造的限量稀缺性;平价奢华重在善用顾客导向,创造快速时尚、少量多样生产的流行品;应对环境变迁,传统奢华与平价奢华的商业模式有互相靠拢的态势;本研究成功验证奢华产业的成功商业模式及其战略创新与竞争优势的关联。总之,传统奢华品牌凭借其百年历史的品牌价值资源以及原创经典的设计能力,以其商业模式的资源与能力构面建构最多的战略创新,并以针对高端消费者提供顶级服务的顾客管理商业模式构面支持其在维护品牌价值上的战略创新;其商业模式所创造的竞争优势则包括:顶级质量、完美工艺、特定奢华精品代名词的品牌声望。平价奢华品牌则以其具差异化定位的核心战略商业模式构面建构最多的战略创新,并以其注重快速顾客响应的顾客管理支持其在创造快速时尚的品牌价值上的战略创新;其商业模式所创造的竞争优势则包括:创造与奢华精品质量等同但中产阶级可负担的价格、提升顾客响应速度、以顾客端信息强化其快速时尚的设计能力。在实务意义方面,本研究所提出且经验证的奢华产业成功的商业模式,对于一般产业创新经营的参考意义如下:商业模式需应对环境变迁保持动态调整;欲投入奢华产业的企业可以着重在效率生产与顾客管理战略,并可选择进入障碍较低的平价奢华市场;对一般产业的应用性建议:善用品牌价值、于一贯的核心战略定位上寻求适应性调整、精细的顾客管理仍是获得顾客忠诚最佳的战略。最后,通过对奢华产业成功商业模式的讨论,更可做为建立管理理论新典范的基石与后续研究探讨的建议,包括:生产流程的效率与效能取舍;限量生产的缺货式稀缺价值;国际企业的规模经济对创新动能具有帮助而非阻碍作用;长销的经典奢华品颠覆了产品生命周期规范。

【Abstract】 In view of global economic recession and highly changeable competition, almost all industries showed the lagged performance. However, luxury industry reversely maintains its growth. Despite that the highly-valued luxury product owns its loyal sales from high-level customer; luxury industry’s innovative business model based on the market sensibility establishes its competitive advantages. Moreover, due to the change of life style, the trading up of consumption from mid-class consumers is inspired and the needs for new luxury brand (affordable luxury) rise rapidly. It hence imposes strong impacts on the competitive advantages of traditional (classic) luxury brand. To retain the customer base, classic luxury brands develop adapted strategies and business model in addition to emphasizing their classically brand values. Hence, these raise the research question that how luxury industry construct its innovative business model. In addition, comparatively investigating the strategy formulation and business model of classic luxury brand and affordable luxury brand has the theoretical and practical implication.This study based on the theoretical background of Hamel (2000) on innovative business model integrating other business models to propose a comprehensive framework of business model. In the part of empirical study, three luxury industries of handbag, high-quality apparel and luxury car amounting to six case companies were analyzed (including LV, Chanel and Ferrari on classical luxury; Coach, ZARA and Lexus on affordable luxury) to extract their successful business model linked to strategy innovation and competitive advantages. Through analysis of enormous texts, the research findings are summarized as follows:(1) What the luxury endeavors is to satisfy the high-end consumers’ purchase needs to pursue the special emotional value and it gives rise to the starting point of this study.(2) This study proposes a comprehensive framework of the business model for luxury industry covering the entire corporate operation and adopts the multi-case study method to validate the framework’s practical usability.(3) Successful business models for both classic luxury and affordable luxury were extracted via summarizing three luxury industries’ successful corporations’ practices.(4) The synthetic comparison of successful business models for luxury industry was summarized as:Classic luxury brand: strengthen brand value, stand on the ultimate quality, and present the hand-made rarity value.Affordable luxury brand: holds the spirit of customer orientation, create fast fashion and rarity value of small-volume, large-variety production.(5) As the business environment changes, both the classic luxury and the affordable luxury’s business model have the tendency to draw close to each other.(6) Successfully validate the luxury business model’s linkage to strategy innovation and competitive advantages.Considering the practical implication, the successful business model of luxury industry proposed and validated in this study provides some guidelines for non-luxury industry’s innovative corporate operation. They include:(1) Business model needs dynamic adaptation to meet environment changes.(2) The strategy that companies seek to enter the luxury industry can focus on efficient production and customer management, and choose to enter the affordable luxury industry.(3) Suggestions for traditional or ordinary industries are: make use of brand value, adapted fine strategy adjustment on the basis of consistent core strategy, delicate customer management as the optimal strategy for retaining customer loyalty.Finally, considering the above research findings, the successful luxury business model potentially contributes to establishing the new management paradigm and offering the research suggestions in the future as the follows:trade-off between efficiency and effectivenessrarity value of limited productionthe benefits other than blocks resulted from economies of scale on innovation thrustdeviation of the product-life-cycle rule, resulting from long-sale classic luxury product

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 07期

