

【作者】 汪建新

【导师】 王迎军;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 企业管理, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 企业社会责任是本世纪以来诸多学科共同研究的热点问题。随着建设可持续发展社会和以人为本社会价值观念的强化,全球社会对企业的社会责任要求已经从呼吁转变成一种具体行动,企业承担社会责任己经成为一股强而有力的国际潮流,并引起了社会各界的广泛关注。但是在我国的实践中,企业在承担社会责任方面仍有诸多不足,严重地影响到我国的社会经济发展,也不利于科学发展观的贯彻以及和谐社会的建设,因此,开展对企业社会责任的研究,具有相当迫切的现实意义和理论意义。利益相关者因素是企业履行社会责任的外部压力和动力,因此,本文从利益相关者角度出发,紧紧围绕着三个核心问题开展较为深入和系统的研究,它们包括:利益相关者和企业社会责任的理论关系;利益相关者的监管或监督作用对企业履行社会责任的影响机制:利益相关者因素和企业自身属性是如何影响到企业在各类利益相关者所关注的社会责任领域上的表现水平。通过采取理论分析、实证研究、博弈分析等定性和定量相结合的研究方法展开论述,并从利益相关者角度,提出我国企业履行社会责任的机制和影响因素。全文主要内容可分为六部分:第一部分(第一章):本部分介绍论文研究的背景和意义、思路架构和研究方法,论述了研究的主要内容、主要创新点。第二部分(第二章):本部分对国内外企业社会责任研究的文献进行了综述,在此基础上进行了简要的评论。第三部分(第三章):本部分主要阐述利益相关者和企业社会责任的理论关系,从利益相关者理论出发,阐述了利益相关者理论中对企业履行社会责任的理论依据,各类利益相关者所关注的企业社会责任内容,利益相关者在社会责任领域上对企业施加影响的模式。第四部分(第四章和第五章):基于博弈论的理论方法,从顾客、员工和政府等利益相关者角度出发,分析了利益相关者的监管或监督作用对企业履行社会责任的影响机制。文中采用的分析方法包括两方静态博弈分析、动态博弈分析和进化博弈分析等方法,从数量模型的角度上论述利益相关者对企业社会责任实施有效监管要满足的条件,并据此提出相应的建议。第五部分(第六章):从利益相关者角度出发,利用问卷调查形式来采集数据,运用统计和计量分析方法进行研究,基于社会责任的多维性,在各类利益相关者所关注的社会责任细分领域上,检验了企业自身属性因素和利益相关者因素对企业履行社会责任的影响。第六部分(第七章):最后部分为本文的主要结论和需要进一步研究的问题。论文的主要创新之处如下:首先,从利益相关者的角度对企业社会责任进行分析,利用博弈理论,采用两方博弈方法、动态博弈方法和进化博弈方法,分析了包括顾客、员工和政府等利益相关者的监管和监督作用对企业履行社会责任的影响机制和结果,并分析利益相关者对企业履行社会责任进行有效监管所要满足的均衡条件。其次,因为企业社会责任是多维的,因此本文以细分领域的社会责任表现取代“总社会责任”表现,通过实证研究,研究包括垄断程度、危险性、利润率、高科技术属性、产品技术的更新换代速度等企业自身因素对企业在各类不同利益相关者所关注的社会责任细分领域的表现水平的影响。从而避免了研究的笼统性和模糊性。最后,利益相关者是企业履行社会责任的外部压力,因此在实证研究中,率先将包括员工和社区的组织建设程度和教育程度以及客户对企业的社会责任要求等利益相关者因素纳入到实证研究中,更科学地分析企业社会责任的影响因素。

【Abstract】 Corporate social responsibility has been a hot research problem in a number of disciplines in this century. With the construction of sustainable development-oriented society and the strengthening of people-oriented social values, the corporate social responsibility requirements of the global community has become from the appeals into specific actions, corporate social responsibility has become a powerful international trend. However, the practices of corporate social responsibility in our country is still no good and poses a serious threat to socio-economic development of China, and is not in concord with the constructions of a harmonious society. Therefore, studies of corporate social responsibility have considerable practical significance and urgency of theoretical significance.The pressure from stakeholders is one of the reasons for corporate to fulfill their social responsibilities. On this basis, our thesis begins with the theory of stakeholders, and is focus on three core issues in this systematic study, including: theoretical relationship between stakeholders and corporate social responsibilities; stakeholders’ role in the regulation or supervision over corporate in fulfilling their social responsibilities; the impact of stakeholders’ characteristics on the performance level of corporate social responsibility. This thesis was accomplished by combining qualitative and quantitative research methods on the stakeholders’ basis, including theoretical analysis, empirical research and the game theory analysis.This thesis can be divided into six parts:Part I (Chapter I): This part describs the research background and research purposes, the structure of this thesis, research methods used by this thesis and the main innovations are also included in this part.Part II (chapter II): The research literatures of corporate social responsibility both in domestic and foreign countries are reviewed, and a brief comment will be proposed in the final.Part III (Chapter III): The relationship of stakeholders and corporate social responsibility is conducted in this part by comparison analysis on a theoretical basis.Part IV (Chapter IV and V): In this part, how the stakeholders’ supervisions on enterprise influence performance of corporate social responsibility is analyzed with the method of game theory, consisting of static game analysis, dynamic analysis and evolutionary game analysis. The stakeholders in this part include of customers, employees and government.Part V (Chapter VI): From the stakeholder theory, this part conducted an empirical research by using the form of a questionnaire survey to collect data, and analyzed the data by using of statistics and research methods of quantitative analysis. The empirical research was conducted on a basis considering both the multi-dimensional nature of social responsibility and influence of stakeholder. Part VI (Chapter VII): The last part concluded the main points of this paper and some problems needed further research. The main innovations of the thesis are as follows:This thesis analyzes the stakeholders’ supervision on enterprise and its influence on the performance of corporate social responsibility, by using the game theory including static game, dynamic game and evolutionary game approach.Because of its multi-dimensional nature, corporate social responsibility should be studied on its each parts concerning with different types of stakeholders. So this thesis used a category performance of social responsibility instead of "total social responsibility" in empirical studies. We test the relationship between social responsibility performance and the characteristics of enterprises including the degree of monopoly, industry risk, profitability, and technology on a category basis so as to avoid the risk of vague study.Stakeholders’ pressures are the external causes for enterprise to fulfill social responsibilities. Therefore, the empirical study will give consideration to the stakeholders’ factors including their organizations performance and average education level of their members.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 07期

