

Economic Cooperation Administration and the Reconstruction of Western Europe (1947-1951)

【作者】 李昀

【导师】 韩铁;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 世界史, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 经济合作署作为欧洲复兴计划的主管机构,在促进二战后初期西欧重建上发挥了独特的作用。本文试图在借鉴国内外学者研究成果和尽可能充分利用档案文献的基础上,对经济合作署存续三年间在西欧重建中推行的重要项目做一比较全面的透视和分析,剖析其实施欧洲复兴计划的目标与手段,探究它所产生的作用与影响,并进而对其历史地位作出评价。欧洲复兴计划是美国政府、企业和劳工利益团体合作的产物。尽管美国政府和利益团体关注的侧重点不同,但它们在重建欧洲的问题上却能很好地合作,形成了共识,具体表现在它们不仅成功推动了欧洲复兴计划的制定及《1948年经济合作法》的通过,而且建立了经济合作署来主管欧洲复兴计划的具体实施。经济合作署拥有一整套独立的、较为完备的组织体系,广泛吸纳来自商业、劳工等利益团体的人士,从而为来自民间组织、拥有丰富经验的专家和政府官员共同解决欧洲复兴计划实施中的各种繁杂问题搭建了理想的平台。经济合作署在执行欧洲复兴计划上发挥了重要作用,使美国政府和利益团体制定欧洲复兴计划的初衷基本上得以实现,包括促进西欧经济的复苏,抑制共产主义在西欧的扩展,促进自由贸易。经济合作署在西欧重建中实施的项目既有眼前考虑,又有长远目标;它与美国政府和利益团体既有合作,又有矛盾。经济合作署在推动西欧经济复兴以服务于美国政府的冷战战略和利益集团实际利益的同时,具有相当强的主导意识,它希望将美国的企业文化和大众文化传播到欧洲,使美国模式的资本主义制度在世界范围内扩大影响。为达到这一长远目标,经济合作署在欧洲复兴计划参与国采取促进自由贸易的举措,鼓励西欧打破战前支离破碎的民族经济,督促欧洲国家进行货币改革,削减关税壁垒;经济合作署推出技术援助项目,向西欧国家提供技术、管理经验和劳资关系协调方式,倡导欧洲国家的企业采取美国的生产方式;经济合作署还推行了以资助发行杂志书籍、制作电影和举办展览为主体的信息项目,向欧洲国家宣传和推广与美国资本主义经济的繁荣紧密相联系的美国大众文化和价值观念。尽管经济合作署实现长远目标的努力由于冷战政治的发展而未能继续下去,但它在推行欧洲复兴计划时着眼于世界资本主义体系长远未来的尝试仍不失为影响深远的旷世之作。

【Abstract】 Economic Cooperation Administration (ECA) was the agency to administer European Recovery Program. Drawing on all kinds of archival sources, this dissertation examines the important role that ECA played in the reconstruction of Western Europe. One of the hallmarks of the European Recovery Program was the cooperation between government authorities and interest groups, they assured the legislative enactment of a European aid Program and the establishment of Economic Cooperation Administration. ECA brought together business, labor and government representative, it became the hub in an elaborate system of public-private cooperation and power sharing, which could recruit talent from the private sector and guarantee a business-like efficiency in operational matters. ECA had helped European restore production, control inflation, revive trade and contain the growing of communist.The promotion of economic recovery and anti-Communism were the most well-known objectives of the European Recovery Program, yet the plan also had a cultural component. As a separate agency, ECA was able to exercise a considerable degree of autonomy. ECA dispensed advice as well as aid, offering Europeans the American model along with American money. One such strategy involved the ECA’s plans for an integrated European economic order and a fully multilateral system of world trade, the ECA launched a campaign to remove import quotas, liberalize trade and making currencies convertible; Being convinced that the American system of industrial production was a most efficient model, ECA launched the technical assistance program to disseminate American technical and production methods to Europe; Through information program, ECA sought to increase support for American policy goals as well as spread of American mass culture. ECA advertised the Untied States as a land that Europe could emulate if it accepted the key American principles of economic efficiency and unlimited productivity. However, the Cold War forced the dramatic reorientation of European aid policy to military production, which prevented the ECA from achieving its full potential.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 07期
  • 【分类号】F15;K712.54
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】296

