

【作者】 李泽昊

【导师】 乔治忠;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 史学理论与史学史, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本文以近代知名史学家胡思敬为研究对象,力图通过个体“小历史”的微观视角折射清末民初之“大变局”,同时在近代政治、经济、文化大变革、大转型的广阔历史背景下,深入剖析胡思敬史学与思想的个性特质及其历史影响。胡思敬生于晚清,出身书香门第,受传统儒家文化的熏陶和教育,顺着“学而优则仕”的道路步入仕途,历任翰林院庶吉士、吏部考功司主事、广东道监察御史等职。为官之时,他恪守传统的道德规范,反对贪腐的官场习气,刚正清廉,忠于职守,严于自律,是典型的儒家正人君子式人物。尤其在任职御史期间,他不畏权势,能大胆弹劾奸党权贵。这种敢于直言进谏的精神,为其博得很大的声望。然而,胡思敬却具有极其守旧的政治立场。他多次上疏,力主祖制成法不可丝毫迁更,并激烈抨击晚清政府的新政改革。时至20世纪之初,改良维新的观念已经风靡朝野,清廷最高统治集团也认识到变法的必要,官员中顽固如胡思敬者实寥寥无几,故而清政府未理睬他的主张。于是,他毅然辞职,脱离官场,隐退南昌。清朝覆亡后,胡思敬拒不入仕民国,甘为遗民以终老。同时,他还以历代孤臣孽子“拯救时艰”为己任,在遗民群体中拉帮结伙,营造小圈子,为复辟清室,捍卫旧道统、旧文化积极奔走,不遗余力。1917年张勋复辟,授其为都察院左副都御史。不久复辟失败,胡思敬避居故里,寄身于著述立说、编刻图书、修缮先贤祠庙等文化事业当中,直至病逝。在清末民初中西文化激烈冲撞的社会变局中,造就了许多像胡思敬这样的人物,胡氏的友人刘廷琛、魏元旷、胡嗣瑗等等都与他具有相似的心态。这群人因顽固地坚守传统政治与文化、仇视西方文明、抗拒社会变革而被冠以时代落伍者的头衔,在近代化潮流的冲刷下,大多很快被边缘化乃至被逐渐遗忘,而胡思敬则是此类人物中因文化活动取得较大名声的代表性人物。他除了从事倡捐医局、设立书院、修缮先贤祠宇等社会活动外,还凭借着深厚的史学功底,撰写、编纂了大量颇具学术价值和影响力的史学著述,为其赢得了当时杰出史学家的名望。在政治上,胡思敬终生郁郁不得志,但在史学的天地里,他找到了一个相对广阔的发展空间,同时在对传统史学的继承过程中,胡氏获得了更为持久的价值和更为深远的影响。胡思敬从事史学活动,既是复旧政治主张无法实现后的不得已选择,也是其坚持保守理念的一种寄托。为表达对时局的看法,胡思敬格外留心时政,注重对当代史的编纂。在其撰述的与时政有关的书籍中,以《国闻备乘》、《戊戌履霜录》、《驴背集》三种最为有名。这三部书分别记载了清季掌故轶事以及戊戌变法、“庚子之乱”之始末。在写作过程中,作者将强烈的经世思想、浓重的民族忧患意识与传统的史学价值观融入到撰写内容当中。这三部著作可充分反映出胡氏的史学思想、政治立场、文化心态,且不乏史料参考价值。清朝覆亡后,胡思敬在悲痛之余,开始反思和总结清亡的经验教训。他先后写下《审国病书》及《大盗窃国记》两部史著,以期为“后之有天下者”留下前车之鉴。在作者看来,导致清王朝灭亡的根本原因乃是清廷在末年推行新政改革所致,其思想的保守意味显而易见,但也从一个侧面反映出清廷改革所遇到的尖锐的矛盾冲突,这里的史事和见解,对研究清末新政及晚清史均具有参考价值。居官北京之时,胡思敬曾撰述《王船山〈读通鉴论〉辨正》一书,对王氏《读通鉴论》的论述进行考证与辨析,较为系统地考察了是书的偏颇之处。同时,他还注意收集前人及同时代学人的史地著述,刊刻了《问影楼舆地丛书》第一集。该丛书具有资料珍贵、考释务实、有裨时政等特点,对当时边疆史地学的发展起到了一定的推动作用。时至今日,地理地貌、人文社会皆发生巨变,《问影楼舆地丛书》的内容已不足以适应现代政治、经济活动的需要,但在历史地理的学术研究中,仍为不可或缺之书,是我国历史文化的宝贵财富。此外,胡思敬格外看重地方史志的“资治、教化、存史”的功能,将撰述地方志和搜集整理乡邦文献资料作为史学研究的一个重要组成部分。他用两年时间修纂的《盐乘》一书,为时人所称赞,而编选、刊刻《豫章丛书》更使其声名昭著。《豫章丛书》精选唐宋以来江西历代名人著述,多取贵重善本,校勘严谨,纸墨精良,为地方文献整理做出突出贡献,令后学得其沾溉。胡思敬代表了儒家文化教养中产生的一种成熟的典型。他的一生,无论是为官还是为民,始终坚持传统伦理道德,恪守旧的文化理念。在中国传统社会向近代社会转型过程中,他自觉地成为了既有文化秩序和政治秩序的卫道士,其思想与活动都深深地刻有旧时代的印迹。作为一名为传统文化所“化”至深的儒生,胡思敬撰史立说,成绩斐然。他的史学思想,遵从的是传统的经世致用的治史旨趣,且有自己的特色。即在撰述、编辑史著时,他本着传信万世、鉴戒百代的史学宗旨,在大是大非问题上不受纲常伦理的束缚,以传统史学中的直书、实录为准则,不为君亲隐讳,具备如实记载史事的意识。这反映出胡思敬在历史记载上,将史学看成具有一种独立准则、独立地位的思想。胡思敬的史学著作是保守人物历史撰述的一个典型,是一种史学思想的标本,在中国史学史和思想史上具有一定的意义和价值。因此,不能因为他的政治立场落后,就摒弃和否定其史著的史学价值。总之,通过对胡思敬史学与思想的考察,我们不仅可以看到胡氏在西学东渐潮流的冲击下的心路历程及其对中国社会的前途命运所做的思考,而且可以更为深入地理解中国最后一批传统意义的封建士大夫文人所蕴含的独特的文化现象,并从另一种视角来解读“易代”之际所呈现的人物心态的纷纭、社会文化的多元及生存空间的歧异。

【Abstract】 The dissertation regarding modern famous historian Hu Sijing as the researching object, strives to view "Big volatile situation" of Late Qing and Early Republican from the micro-perspective of individuals "Small history" . At the same time,under the broad historical background of modern political, economic, cultural transformation, it analyses deeply Hu Sijing’s personality and the historical influence of his history and thought.Hu Sijing was born from a scholarly family in Late Qing, influenced by traditional culture and went into politics along the "Study well then enter politics " road. When being an official, he adhered to traditional moral standards and opposed strongly the corruption of officialdom. He was an upright person and a typical figure of the Confucian gentleman-style. In particular, he didn’t fear power and could boldly impeach dignitaries. His spirit of daring to put forward advices won him a high prestige. However, Hu Sijing had an extremely conservative political stance. On several occasions, he strongly advocated the laws made by ancestors can’t be moved any more and fiercely criticized the New Deal reforms in Late Qing. At the beginning of 20th century, the concept of reform influenced broadly and the ruler of Late Qing also recognized the need for reform. These officials such as Hu Sijing who opposed stubbornly are few, so his ideas didn’t adopt by the Qing government. At last he determinedly decided to retire from officialdom and returned to NanChang. After the fall of Qing Dynasty, he refused to work for Republic. He also regarded "save the hard times" as self-mission and defended sparing no effort the old orthodoxy and culture. When Zhang Xun’s restoration failed, he came back to hometown and devoted into writing works, compiling and publishing books, repairing temple and other cultural undertakings until death.Under the fierce cultural confrontation between Eastern and Western in Late Qing and Early Republic, it created many figures who have a similar mentality with Hu Sijing, such as his friends Liu Tingchen, Wei Yuankuang、Hu Siyuan and so on. They stubbornly stuck to traditional politics and culture, were very hostile to western civilization and resisted social change. So they were looked on as the era laggards in recent trends of erosion, the most of them were marginalized and even soon gradually forgotten. Among them, Hu Sijing was a typical figure who achieved greater prestige for his cultural activities. Apart from advocating the donations to Medical Board、establishing schools and social activities, he also wrote and compiled a large number of history works which were of great sentimental academic value and influence by virtue of a profound knowledge of history. This won him a distinguished historian at that time. Hu Sijing failed in politics, but he found a relatively broad space for development in the process of studying history. At the same time, he achieved a more lasting value and more far-reaching influence.Hu Sijing engaged in historical activities, which not only because he had no other choice after failing in politics, but also because he wanted to adhere to conservative philosophy. To express views on the current situation, Hu Sijing specially cared about current affairs and paid attention to the compilation of contemporary history. Among his works about current affairs, Guowen Beisheng、WuXu Lvshuang Lu、Lvbei Ji are the most famous. In the writing process, the author put his strong national crisis sense and the traditional value into writing contents. These three books can fully reflect Hu’s history thought, political positions, cultural mentality, and there is no lack of historical reference value. After the fall of Qing Dynasty, Hu Sijing began to reflect on the experiences and summarize lessons. He wrote Shen Guobing Shu, Dadao Qieguo Ji and other works with a view to leaving a warning for the successors.When he was an official in Beijing, Hu Sijing ever wrote Wang Chuanshan <Du Tongjian Lun>Bianzheng. He systematically investigated and analyzed the bias of Du Tongjian Lun. At the same time, he paid attention to collecting historical and geography works written by predecessors and contemporaries. He also compiled and published the first part of Wenyinglou Yudi Congshu. The work has information valuable and benefit to the development of academic study. Today because the geographical landscape and the humanities social have changed, Wenyinglou Yudi Congshu is insufficient to meet the needs of modern political and economic activities. But it is still an indispensable work in academic study and a valuable asset for our country’s history and culture. In addition, Hu Sijing regarded collecting local records and rural historical materials as an important part. Yansheng which spent him two years was praised by people. He also compiled Yuzhang Congshu, which gave him impeccable reputation.Hu Sijing represented a sophisticated and typical person reared by Confucian culture. Whether he was an official or ordinary person, he always adhered to traditional ethics and abided by the old culture in his life. During Chinese traditional society in transition to modem society, he consciously became the moralist of both cultural order and political order, whose ideas and activities are deeply engraved with the old era imprinting. As a Confucian scholar influenced deeply by traditional culture, his history thought complied with the traditional practical spirit and had its own characteristics. He believed the principle of recording historical events truly. This reflected Hu Sijing thought that history study should have an independent criteria、the independent status and embody the spirit of actual records. It can be said that Hu’s history works have a certain meanings and value in Chinese historiography and the history of thought. Therefore, we can’t reject and deny the value of his history works only because of his political stance falling behind. Through analyzing his history and thought, we not only can see that changes in Chinese society made an impact on him, but also can understand deeply traditional sense and unique cultural phenomenon about feudal literati. From another perspective, we can study the figures’ mentalities、the diversities of social culture and differences of living space.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 07期

