

【作者】 周萍萍

【导师】 李卓;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 世界史, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 在近代日本教育史上,相当一部分女教育家及她们创办的女子学校的存在是一个引人注目的闪光点。近代日本女子教育的兴起和发展,不仅提高了女性自身的知识水平,而且提高了国民的整体素质,推动了近代日本社会的发展。教育离不开教育者,近代日本女子教育的发展离不开女教育家以及她们创办的学校。近代日本女教育家的教育实践活动有力地推动了近代日本女子教育的发展进程,而她们的教育思想在一定程度上也反了解到映了近代日本的教育体制与理念。因而,对近代日本女教育家及其女子学校的研究,不仅是日本教育研究以及女性史研究的一个重要环节,对于研究日本近代化的经验和教训也有一定的现实意义。本文以马克思辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义为指导,借鉴历史学、教育学、社会学和女性学等多学科的研究方法,依据大量的教育史料和官方教育统计数据,从女教育家的成长经历及其教育思想、教育内容、实施效果等方面考察近代日本女教育家及其女子学校的发展。本文的创意及特点主要体现在以下几个方面:首先,本文在阅读大量文献资料的基础上,系统地考察了自明治维新至日本战败这一过程中日本女教育家及其女子学校的发展状况,并把对女教育家和女子学校的个案研究与近代日本女子教育的整体研究结合在一起,从女教育家及其女子学校的发展这个侧面去把握整个近代日本女子教育的发展脉络,首次向国内学界呈现了从女性人物视角出发的日本女子教育发展的面貌。第二,在系统学习和研究的基础上,按照历史发展的顺序,将近代日本女教育家及其女子学校的发展按时间顺序及教育理念、教育内容的演变做如下划分:实施欧式教育的女教育家与女子学校(以矢岛楫子和鸠山春子为代表)、固守传统女教的女教育家与女子学校(以跻见花蹊、三轮田真佐子和下田歌子为代表)、坚持实学教育的女教育家与女子学校(以吉冈弥生和津田梅子为代表)、倡导自由人格教育的女教育家与女子学校(以安井哲子和羽仁元子为代表)。第三,对近代中日两国的女教育家及其女子学校进行了比较研究,对两者之间的差距以及产生的因素进行了分析,从而透视近代中日两国社会性质及传统观念的差异,为研究当今中日两国的女子教育及女性问题提供有益的借鉴。

【Abstract】 The existence of quite a number of female educationers as well as the female schools set up by them highlights the modern Japanese education history remarkably.The rise and development of modern Japanese woman education, not only improved women’s own level of knowledge, but also improved the overall quality of the people and promoted the social development of modern Japan. Education depend on educators, modern Japanese women’s educational development can not be separated from female educators and their schools. The education practice activity of Japanese modern female educators gave strong impetus to the modern Japanese women’s education in the development process, and their idea of education at a certain extent, also reflected the modern Japanese education system and philosophy. Thus, the researches of female educator of modern Japan and its School, not only is an important aspect of the Japanese education research and study of women history, but also has practical significance to the study of Japan’s modern experience and lessons.In this paper, the theory of Marxism as a guide, adhere to a combination of dialectical materialism and historical materialism and seeking truth from facts, and draw on the history of study, education, sociology and women study, according to many education materials and official education statistics, from the idea of education, educational content, implementation effect and other aspects studies modern Japanese female educators and the development of its school for girls.In this paper, the characteristics and creativity are mainly reflected in the following areas: First, based on the substantial literature, the author systematically studied Japanese modem female educators and the development state of girls school since the Meiji Restoration to the defeat of Japan .The author combined the case study of female educators and school for girls with the whole development of modern women to grasp the overall development of modern Japanese woman education. For the first time, it presented the development of the education of Japanese woman from the perspective of female characters to the domestic academic. Second, in the system study and research on basic, the author ,in accordance with the historical development order, divided the development of the modern female educators and their schools into four periods as follows: European women educators and the emergence of women’s schools (represented by Yajima kajiko and Hatoyama haruko); the traditional woman educator and the rise of women’s schools (represented by Atomi kakei ,Miwada masako and Shimoda utako); the realistic women educators and the existence of their woman schools (represented by Yoshioka yayoi and Tsuda umeko), Women educators advocating Free education and their Schools (represented by Yasui tetsu and Hane motoko). Third, this paper also studied modern Sino-Japanese female educators and girl school in a comparative study on the gap between the two, as well as factors resulting from the analysis of the nature of the Chinese and Japanese society and traditional differences. The paper provided useful lessons for the study of contemporary Chinese and Japanese women’s education and women’s issues.

【关键词】 近代日本女教育家女子学校
【Key words】 Modern Japanwomen educatorfemale School
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 07期

