

【作者】 王少清

【导师】 刘景泉;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 中国近现代史, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本文从新知识群体在晚清上海的近代体验入手,分析了近代物质文明对中国近代思想的启蒙意义,从而对中国近代史上一个重要的思想家群体——洋务思想家为什么呈群体在晚清上海出现提供发生学解释。本文重点分析了体验的文本,梳理了晚清上海的新知识群体是如何体验西方近代物质文明的。通过分析发现,新知识群体的近代体验经过了体验——想象——放大——曲解——对比——选择——升华这样一个过程,从西方物质文明转变为思想资源,进而升华为近代化经验。本文认为,晚清上海作为近代西方文明进入中国的窗口,作为中国人身边最近的西方世界,新知识群体在这里取代了近代体验,导致了晚清洋务思想在这里聚集。但是不管是当下的学术界还是当时的清朝政府都没有看到晚清上海的价值,当时的清政府不舍万里派人到西方各国考察,没有发现“西方”就在身边。与晚清政府不同,在19世纪60年代,日本江户幕府多次遣使上海,到上海考察。日本人把上海作为走向西方最近的“入口”,在上海看到了“近代化”的物质形态,取得了近代体验,影响到了他们对西方的认识,开始了向西方的追溯。尽管当时晚清上海的新知识群体事实上不自觉地承担了日本踏禹使的功能,但是如果当时清政府发现了上海的价值,将其从民间的不自觉行为转变了官方的自觉行为,中国的近代化将是另一番模样。发现晚清上海的启蒙价值也是本文的价值所在。晚清上海出现的西方近代物质文明,让中国思想界产生了近代体验,完成了思想的飞跃,从而导致了洋务思想家在晚清上海的聚集,以晚清上海为中心开始了中国近代化的旅程。

【Abstract】 Taking as point of departure the experience of modernity of the late Qing Dynasty intellectual community in Shanghai, the present dissertation analyzes the enlightening effect of modern material civilization on modern Chinese thought, in an effort to explain why an important group of thinkers in modern Chinese history, namely the Westernizationists, came into existence in the city of Shanghai.The present paper dwells on the experience of modernity of modern West em civilization of the modem-minded intellectuals of the Late Qing Dynasty by analysis of travelogues, pictorials, poems and newspapers of that time, and by delineation of such experience, comes to the conclusion that modern Western civilization was transformed from social resources into thought resources and then elevated to experience of modernity through the process of experience, imagination, enlargement, comparison , choice and finally the genesis of experience of modernity.The value of the present paper lies in the discovery of the role of enlightenment Shanghai played in the Late Qing Dynasty. The experience of modernity brought by the appearance of modern Western civilization in that city provided the quantum leap in thought that was requisite for the birth of the Wester nizationist group which played a crucial part in the history of modern Chinese thought.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 07期

