

【作者】 王洪兵

【导师】 常建华;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 中国古代史, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 清代顺天府地处首善之区,为畿辅重地,京畿地区的社会治理主要围绕顺天府展开,顺天府在京畿政治体制中的地位不言而喻。本文关于顺天府的研究,建立在对清代京畿行政体制考察的基础之上。顺天府制度的研究主要涉及顺天府的历史沿革、职官构成、基本职能,以及顺天府与直隶总督,顺天府与京师各衙门的基本关系格局等领域。顺天府体制始自明代,清代在继承明代制度框架基础上,根据本朝政治特色又有所变通。顺天府府尹专任汉人,并另简各部尚书、侍郎等大臣兼管顺天府尹事务,以强化顺天府之行政地位。在清代中后期,顺天府管辖包括大、宛二京县在内的二十四州县,并分其治于四路同知。顺天府由中央直辖,与直隶总督并无统属关系。在京畿州县治理实践中,实行顺天府与直隶总督双重监管体制。顺天府特殊的行政地位在京畿治理的过程中得以展现,它主持办理京师各项差务;与步军统领衙门、五城御史、刑部等衙门共同管理京师治安、司法事务;与礼部、兵部等衙门主持京师科举事宜。顺天府作为京师地区的行政衙门,还承担着主持进春、乡饮酒礼、耕耤等项仪式的责任。筹办京畿地区的赈济事务是顺天府衙门的主要职责,清代统治者重视发挥顺天府在办理赈济事务中的主导作用,而顺天府则通过办理赈务强化在京师行政体制中的地位。顺天府的研究是认识京畿社会秩序乃至整个清代政治特性的一把钥匙。顺天府行政体制的研究是开展清代京畿社会研究的基础,但是作为一项京畿区域社会历史的研究,又不能局限于单纯的制度考察,更不能脱离具体的历史时段与空间场域空谈体制问题。顺天府的研究为考察清代国家与京畿社会关系提供了一个鲜活的视角。传统史学研究偏重宏大叙事,醉心于国家统治、乡绅政治、阶级斗争的研究,忽视对基层社会及其运转状况的考察,忽视地方行政、基层民众在历史发展进程中的作用,并且脱离特定历史时段和历史区域。这些研究模式无助于全面把握清代社会历史发展路径,更难以揭示中国传统社会的基本性格。顺天府的研究在借鉴传统史学研究方法的基础上,注重基层行政体制的考察,强调研究视角的下移,在此基础上实现宏观研究与微观研究的有机结合,把国家政治制度史、王朝兴衰史放在清代顺天府这一特定时空条件下进行考察,既关注基本的行政体制演变,又将其融入鲜活的区域社会,在此基础上综合运用制度史、社会史、法制史、文化史等多种研究方法,实现对顺天府行政体制、京畿治理模式、清代治国理念以及京畿社会结构的整体性认识。

【Abstract】 In the Qing Dynasty, it goes without saying that Shuntian Prefecture had a high position in the political system because that it not only lay at the important area but also became the centre of administration of society. This research of Shuntian Prefecture based on the examination of political system in the Qing Dynasty, including history of Shuntian Prefecture, constitution of officials, basic Prefecture function, and principal relationship between Shuntian Prefecture and Zhili viceroy, Shuntian Prefecture and ministries in the capital. The system of Shuntian Prefecture began in the Ming dynasty. In the Qing Dynasty, the framework of system which was successed from the Ming dynasty had some modifications in terms of political characteristics. The chief officials of Shuntian Prefecture were chosen only in Han, but ministers and assistant ministers were chosen managing affairs of Shuntian Prefecture, so that the administrative status of Shuntian Prefecture was reinforced. During the mid-late period of Qing Dynasty, Shuntian Prefecture ruled 24 Countys including Daxing and Wanping which were administered by four-road sub prefectures headed by department magistrates. Shuntian Prefecture was subordinated by central authority and had no relationship of command with Zhili viceroy. Double supervising system was performed by Shuntian Prefecture and Zhili viceroy during administration, which revealed the special political position of Shuntian Prefecture in holding different kinds of works, administrating public order and justice affairs with Office of Commander-in-chief Commanding the Infantry, Ward-inspecting Censors of the Five Wards, Board of Justice etc.,and managing civil examination with Board of Rites, Board of Justice etc. Shuntian Prefecture also undertook ceremonies of Jinchun, Xiangyinjiuli, Gengjie etc. The main duty of ministry of Shuntian Prefecture was preparing to give relief to the victims in metropolitan circuit during which it took the ruling role that was respected highly by the ruler of the Qing Dynasty. At the same time, Shuntian Prefecture enforced the position of metropolitan circuit for dealing with affairs of charities. the research of Shuntian Prefecture was the key of recognizing society order of metropolitan circuit and characteristics of the whole Qing dynasty.The research of political system in Shuntian Prefecture was the base of study at metropolitan society in the Qing Dynasty. In another word, the research of social history in metropolitan circuit cannot be limited in pure study of system or be discussed as system out of time and space. The research of Shuntian Prefecture provides a fresh vision for studying the relationship between nation of Qing Dynasty and society of metropolitan circuit. Traditional history study prefers to great narrative and research of national reign and class fighting so that it ignored not only the research of society operation in under society, but also the function of local administration and underclass people during the course of history. These patterns of study have no help to recognizing the developing way of the Qing society, and not to mention the basic characteristics of traditional Chinese society. The research of Shuntian Prefecture emphasizes the downward movement of perspective which focuses on the study of political system of underclass based on traditional history methods. This research puts history of national political system and dynasties in the special condition of Shuntian Prefecture as the result of Macro-Micro study. Furthermore, this research both focuses on both variety of basic political system and functions in area society, based on many study methods such as system history, social history, legal history, culture history, which realizes the overall recognition of political system in Shuntian fu, ruling pattern of metropolitan circuit, controlling concept of Qing Dynasty, as well as society structure of metropolitan circuit.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 07期

