

【作者】 焦志伦

【导师】 刘秉镰;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 区域经济学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 随着我国居民生活水平和消费水平的不断提高,食品安全问题逐渐成为人民群众日益关注的焦点。本文从食品供应链运行模式的角度出发,论述了针对食品安全的封闭供应链的运行模式,提出了封闭供应链运行模式中的三种封闭方式,即政府主导的市场准入封闭方式、生产者主导的多极检测封闭方式和消费者主导的信息追溯封闭方式。论文以经济学和管理学的相关理论对这三种封闭方式进行了理论上的解释,并在此基础上提出了基于城市食品封闭供应链的相关政策建议。从论文的框架结构安排上,全文共分八章。第一章是论文的绪论部分,主要在于论述文章的理论和现实背景、题目来源、研究思路、研究方法、研究意义、技术路线和创新点,并对封闭供应链等概念进行了理论上的界定和比较,明确了本文的研究范围。绪论部分的论述给全文一个概括性的总结,也从理论概念上奠定了全文的基础。第二章对相关理论和文献进行了梳理和总结。按照论文的归纳,与封闭供应链运行模式研究相关的文献可以分成三大类:第一类是对供应链运行模式的研究,论文先是将其归纳为基于灵活性和成本控制两大类,然后总结出将新的要素融入供应链运行模式的相关研究,并以此为切入点引出了基于食品安全因素的封闭供应链运行模式研究;第二类是与食品安全相关的食品供应链研究,这些研究为食品封闭供应链的运行模式研究提供了研究基础和借鉴:第三类是食品安全的相关研究,分成消费者、生产者和政府三个层面,与后面的核心章节呼应。第三章对我国食品供应链的发展现状进行了总结,包括我国食品生产流通系统的一些基本事实,我国在食品安全上存在的问题及其成因,以及发达国家的食品生产流通体系对我国的经验借鉴。这部分是全文理论的分析基础,基本的现实状况、食品安全问题和发达国家的经验为后文三种封闭方式的提出提供了出发点、依据和思路。论文第四、五、六章是本文的核心章,分别提出了基于政府行为、生产者行为和消费者行为的三种城市食品供应链封闭方式,这三种封闭方式共同构成了食品封闭供应链的运行模式。第四章分析论述了城市食品供应链封闭运行的政府市场准入制度,即通过在供应链各个节点设置具有强制性的市场准入,实现对经营者的食品质量安全控制。通过博弈论的模型分析,本文认为市场准入制度为生产经营缺陷食品的生产商设置了一个高昂的信号发送成本,使市场实现博弈论分离均衡的结果,从而实现食品供应链的封闭运行,保障食品安全。第五章从生产者行为出发,论述了供应链核心企业的安全责任集成、供应链生产经营企业的多极检测制度等,并以此为基础构建了城市食品供应链多极检测封闭运行方式。论文构建了四种不同核心企业类型的供应链多极检测模型,详细分析了生产者如何构建基于多极检测制度的封闭运作方式。第五章的内容还分析了质量控制产生的相关成本对于食品生产经营者的物流成本和最优生产批量的影响。论文第六章从消费者行为的角度出发,首先初步分析了食品安全支付意愿、食品安全责任追溯等消费者行为,然后进一步在理论上分析了这些消费者行为对食品供应链和食品安全的影响。通过对经典豪泰林模型的扩展分析,本文分析了消费者行为影响食品供应链的市场占有率、收益水平等的变化情况,并对信息追溯体系的构建条件进行了说明。依据论文前几章的理论分析和现实情况概述,论文第七章提出了整合市场准入、多级检测和信息追溯三种封闭方式的封闭供应链运行模式,并进一步分析了这种封闭供应链运行模式的内部协调性与外部协调性。第七章提出了本文的核心结论,是对四、五、六三个核心章节的总结和升华。论文第八章提出了面向城市食品封闭供应链的政策建议。这是从政府监管体系上对封闭供应链的构建、执行提出的政策建议,也是在总结论文理论成果的基础上提出的封闭供应链实施层面上的意见。这一章提出政策建议包括构建我国城市食品封闭供应链的支持性政策和配套管理政策,这些政策作为封闭供应链的促进、协调和补充,具有一定的针对性和可操作行。第九章是论文的结束语,对本文的总体结论进行了简单说明,并对相关研究进行了展望。

【Abstract】 As the continuous improvement of China’s consumption level, food safety problem have gradually become the focus of all the consumers. Base on the different operation mode of a supply chain, this dissertation addressed a new method to confirm food safety. That is the Closed (Sealed) Supply Chain. Three different ways to keep food under supervision were proposed: market access model by government, multi-nodded detect model by producers and information traceback system model of consumers. Economics and management related research methodology was being applied to explain the theory. At the same time, government institutions and related policy recommendations were listed based on the closed food supply chain in urban system.On the framework structure, text of this dissertation was divided into eight chapters. The first chapter of the thesis was a part of preface, mainly about the theoretical and practical background, the research subject, and the sources of research ideas, methodology, significance, techniques and innovations. Chapter 1 also summarized supply chain related concepts, cleared the theoretical definition and made some comparisons, which laid the foundation of the full text.ChapterⅡsummarized and overviewed the relevant theories and literatures in accordance with the thesis. According to the review, supply chain operation mode could be divided into three categories: one was the research of supply chain operation mode, which was summarized into two major categories, focus on the flexibility or focus on cost control. Adding new elements into the supply chain operation model were more and more popular, and the factor of food safety became the research content of this thesis; the second category was food supply chain research. These studies for the food supply chain provides a basis for further study of operation model; the third category was food safety related research, which included consumers, producers and government, echoed back with the core chapters of this dissertation(Chapter 4,5,6). ChapterⅢstated the basic facts of China’s food supply chain. By summarizing the development status and system of food production and circulation, some problems get involved with food safety were analysed, as well as developed countries’ experiences on food production and distribution system. The full text of this part was the basis of the following theoretical analysis.ChapterⅣ,ⅤandⅥare the core chapters of this article. They were based on different behavioral agent: the government’s actions, the producer and consumer’s behavior. These three closed model of the food supply chain constitute a food closed supply chain operation mode. ChapterⅣdiscussed urban food supply chain with the government market access through various nodes. This market access is a mandatory system and an implementation of production and management control for food quality and safety. Game theory was employed to help analysing the model. The conclusion was that market access system gave defect food producers a high-cost signal which would allow the market to achieve separate-equilibrium and keep the protection of food safety.ChapterⅤwas mainly about the discussion of the safety related behavior by the producers. Base on the responsibility integration of the core enterprise in the supply chain and multi-nodded detection system, this chapter tried to build a closed city food supply chain operation model. The theoretical concept model had been built to discuss how to operate a self-testing multi-nodded detection system under four different types of core enterprise model. Chapter V also analyzed the cost of quality accurred along with the multi-nodded detection system, mainly about the impaction of logistics costs and economic production quantities (EPQ) to food producers and operaters of the supply chain.ChapterⅥdicussed food safety related consumer behavior. First of all, a preliminary analysis of the willingness to pay and traceback behavior for food safety was conducted. Then further analyzed of both behavior were made via classic Hotelling Game theoretical model to discuss the impact on food supply chain. The expansion of Hotelling Game model gave us a clear view on how the consumer-based behaviors influence the market share, revenue etc. The dissertation also described the conditions on building the traceback information system. On the basis of the preceding chapters, both the theoretical analysis and the reality overview, ChapterⅦproposed an integrated construction of urban food closed supply chain based on the conclusions of ChaptersⅣ,ⅤandⅥ, as well as the coordination of the three different closed operation methods and the coordination between the supply chain and the policy environment.ChapterⅧput forward policy recommendations on the construction of city food closed supply chain. Both supporting policy of construction of China’s city food closed supply chain and complementary policy. As the coordination and complementation to food closed supply chain, government policies played a very important role on food safety.Chapter nine is a peroration, in which the conclusions of the dissertation were summarized and an appraisal was also were demonstrated as well to look into the future study of this issue.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 07期

