

【作者】 杨作玲

【导师】 洪波;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本文借鉴非宾格动词理论,参照Beth Levin& Malka Rappaport Hovav(1995)的研究成果,认为非宾格动词是由语义决定而由句法表现的,探讨上古汉语非宾格动词的句法功用及相关问题,表明非宾格性现象既有语言的现实基础,同时也具有相当的复杂性。上古汉语非宾格动词从语义类上主要有状态动词、存现动词、趋向动词、心理动词、阶段层次义的形容词,通过归纳总结它们的构句功能,提出了上古汉语非宾格动词的诊断式,并对这些诊断式的合理性、各语义类非宾格动词的典型性、非宾格动词的派生方向以及相关的句法-形态问题进行了探讨。论文除绪论部分外,分为上下两编:从第二章到第六章为上编部分,是对非宾格动词句法功用的具体考察;从第七章到第十章为下编部分,重在对相关问题的理论探讨和总结。第一章绪论简要地评述上古汉语动词的研究现状及不足,介绍本文的研究取向、研究思路、研究方法及意义。第二章考察状态动词的句法功用,以“败”、“折”、“断”、“尽”、“坏”等19个动词为代表。由于状态动词是典型的非宾格动词,本章归纳得出上古汉语非宾格动词的诊断式有四条:最小成句为NP V,NP是V的直接内在论元,语义自足。有对应的使动句法交替形式,后者的宾语可以转化为前者的主语而承担的语义角色相同;可以形成领主属宾句;形容词化作定语时,相当于英语中的过去分词形式,具有“完成”或“被动”义。第三章考察趋向动词的句法功用,以“入”、“出”、“去”、“来”、“朝”、“迁”为典型代表。提出趋向动词不是典型的非宾格动词,这可能与趋向动词的施事性特征相关。第四章考察存现义动词的句法功用,以“起”、“作”、“兴”、“立”为代表。上古汉语的存现义动词能够形成自动和使动的句法配对,从跨语言的角度来看具有特殊性。其句法功用与状态动词完全一致,存现义动词是典型的非宾格动词。第五章考察心理动词的句法功用,以“怒”、“惧”、“畏”、“服”、“悦”、“喜”为代表,通过展现其句法功用,提出在非宾格性上心理动词内部表现不一致,从致使义心理动词到非致使义心理动词可能是一个连续统,致使义心理动词具有非宾格性,但并不总是固定地通过所有的诊断式,体现了非宾格问题的复杂性。第六章考察形容词的句法功用,以“顺”、“纾/缓”、“乱”、“深”、“大/小”为代表。研究表明,上古汉语的形容词在使动化能力上可能形成一个连续统,阶段层次义形容词的能力最强,而且有与状态动词相似的语音表现,具有非宾格性;而个体层次义的形容词使动化的能力弱,从跨语言的角度来看,不具有非宾格性。但由于形容词有与状态动词不同的句法功用,在词汇系统中单成一类,因此阶段层次形容词仍然是不典型的非宾格动词。第七章归纳了典型非作格动词和及物动词的句法功用,对比得出上古汉语非宾格动词的句法实现确实有自身的特点和规律。从跨语言的角度以及动词本身的语义特点方面探讨了诊断式的合理性,提出动词使动化的等级系列为非宾格动词>非作格动词>及物动词;在非宾格性的典型性上,状态动词、存现动词>趋向动词>心理动词、阶段层次形容词。第八章探讨非宾格动词的派生方向,上古汉语非宾格动词的派生方向有两种,一种是由非宾格动词派生出及物动词,属原生型非宾格动词;一种是由及物动词派生出非宾格动词,但后一种派生并不是简单地去及物化(detransitive),而是来自于及物动词的完成体形式。提出上古汉语存在两种清浊别义,并对“见”类非宾格动词是清声母的完成体形式进行了阐述。第九章探讨上古汉语语言类型的指向。本文提供了更多的句法-形态现象来展示上古汉语的语言面貌,包括上古汉语“及物性”的扩展,它表明上古汉语动词不适合于及物性概念下的分类;名词性成分在句法上是非强制性出现的,特别是主语的出现与否最为自由;不存在真正的被动态和反被动态,而有使动态;上古汉语宾语语义的复杂性与句法的实现方式与藏语的与格标记la具有可比性;上古汉语语序以SVO为主,还兼有SOV型语序。这些现象说明上古汉语混合型特征显著,与藏语有重要的关联。其中影响上古汉语句法-形态面貌最重要的方面是动词的分类,藏语的作格标记与使动态前缀相关,这意味着更早期的远古汉语应该是语义作格型语言。最后是本文的结语部分,总结了本文的创获及不足。

【Abstract】 Inspired by the research of Beth Levin and Malka Rappaport Hovav in 1995 which considers unaccusative verb is decided by verb’s sense but represented by syntax and taking the related theories on unaccusative verbs for referrence,this dissertation deals with the syntactic function of unaccusative verbs in Pre-Qin Chinese,and illuminates that unaccusativity not only have its actual linguistic foundation,but also take on its own complexities.Based on verbs semantic,Pre-Qin Chinese unaccusative verbs are mainly classified as state verbs,directional verbs, verbs of existence and appearance,psych verbs and stage-level adjectives.This paper makes diagnostics for unaccusative verbs and tests their reliability.It discusses the typicality of various semamtic unaccusative verbs,the direction about the derivation of unacussative verbs and syntatic-morphology in point.Apart from exordium,this dissertation is composed of two parts:chapterⅡtoⅥconstitute the first part which reviews the detailed syntactic function of unacussative verbs.ChapterⅦtoⅩconstitute the second part and each chapter devoted to the interrelated theories study.Chapter 1 briefly reviews the current study on verbs of Pre-Qin Chinese and its shortcomings,and also introduces our research tropism,research ideas and methods as well as significance.Chapter 2 investigates syntactic function of state verbs,taking nineteen verbs in all as examples,such as ’bai’(败),’zhe’(折),’duan’(断),’jin’(尽),’huai’(坏) and so on.Owning to state verbs are the typical unaccusative verbs cross-linguisticly, this chapter sums up unaccusative verb diagnostics as following:the minimum clause is NP V,and this noun phrase,which is semantically self-sufficiency is the direct internal argument of this verb;The unaccusative verbs have causative alternation pairs that object of the latter and subject of the former bear the same semantic role. Unaccusative verbs can form possessive-genitive construction.They can occur as participle adjective conversion,corresponding to the past-participle in English which indicates "perfect" or "passive". Chapter 3 argues syntactic function of directinonal verbs,taking ’ru’(入), ’chu’(出),’qu’(去),’lai’(来),’chao’(朝)and ’qian’(迁)as examples.It advances directinonal verbs are not typical unaccusative ones,which probably are associated with the agentive feature of verbs of inherently directed motion.Chapter4 investigates syntactic function of verbs of existence and appearance like ’qi’(起),’zuo’(作),’xing’(兴) and ’li’(立).In Pre-Qin Chinese verbs of existence and appearance have causative alternation pairs what is particular cross-lingusticly.Their syntactic function is well parallel to state verbs,so verbs of existence and appearane must be typical unaccusative verbs.Chapter 5 investigates syntactic function of psych verbs like’nu’(怒),’ju’(惧), ’wei’(畏),’fu’(服),’yue’(悦) and ’xi’(喜).The function shows that psych verbs interior are inconsistent on unaccusativity.There propable is a continuum from causative psych-verbs to un-causative psych-verb.The causative psych-verbs has the property of unaccusativity,but can’t always pass all the diagnostics,which proves complexities of unaccusativity.Chapter 6 investigates the syntactic function of adjectives like ’shun’(顺), ’luan’(乱),’shen’(深) and ’da/xiao’(大/小).The study shows that the causative capability of adjectives in Pre-Qin Chinese must be a continuum,and among which the most capable ones are stage-level adjectives.The stage-level adjectives,which are provided with the same phonetic phenomenon with the state verbs,have the property of unaccusativity.The causative capability of individual-level adjectives is weak and they are not suitable as unaccusative verbs cross-linguisticly.Adjectives have other syntactic functions different from verbs,so they belong to a single category in lexical system and stage-level adjectives are still not typical unaccusative verbs.Chapter 7 summarizes the syntactic realization of unaccusative verbs indeed have own properties and laws of by contrast with the syntax function of typical un-ergative verbs and transitive verbs.This chapter discusses if the diagnostics cross-linguisticly this article puts forward are reasonable from verbs’ own semantic properties.It also proposes that verbs’ causative level sequence is:unaccusative verbs>unergative verbs>transitive verbs and the typicality sequence of unaccusativity series is:state verbs,verbs of existence and appearance>verbs of inherently directed motion>psych verbs stage-level adjectives.Chapter 8 discusses derivative directions of unaccusative verbs.There are two derivative ways of unaccusative verbs in Pre-Qin Chinese:one direction is that the transitive verbs derive from unaccusative verbs which belong to the original form of unaccusative verbs;the other is that the unaccusative verb derive from the transitive verbs,the latter derivation is not simply detransitive,but comes from the perfect form of transitive verbs.On the base of this conclusion this dissertation considers that there are two kinds of voiceless-voiced alternative in Pre-Qin Chinese and expounds unaccusative verbs such as ’jian/xian’(见) type are the perfect forms of their voiceless alternative.Chapter 9 argued what the Pre-Qin Chinese type point to.The paper provides much more syntactic-morphology phenomena to exhibit the face of Pre-Qin Chinese. Such as transitivity expansion in Pre-Qin Chinese proves the verbs is not suitable to be classified into the category of transitivity;the presence of nominal constituents is non-obligatority in syntax,in particular,the emergence of the subject is most free. there doesn’t exist the real passive and the real anti-passive but the causative;The objects’ complexities in the semantics and the realization in syntax can be comparable to dative mark la in Tibetan.The primary word order in Pre-Qin Chinese is SVO,and the same time SOV type also exists.These phenomena prove Pre-Qin Chinese is a hybrid language that is closely related to Tibetan and what affect the essence of syntactic-morphology in Pre-Qin Chinese is the verbs’ classification.The link between ergative mark and the causative prefix in Tibetan shows that the earlier type of the Pre-Qin Chinese must be a semantic ergative language.Chapter 10 is a conclusion of the whole thesis,summing up both the innovative opinions and the question still requiring further explantation.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 07期

