

【作者】 张潆文

【导师】 肖占鹏;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 中国古代文学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 在宋词发展史上,理宗在位的四十年(1224——1264)是词史高峰期过后的沉淀与发展期。相比此前中兴词坛对词体的创新,理宗词坛的主要贡献在于继承与总结。吴文英和刘克庄是此期最杰出的词人。以理学家为主的庙堂词人和以江湖游士为主的江湖词人是词坛创作的两大阵营,他们的词作分别代表了重世用与重艺术的两股文学思潮。两大思潮的对峙与并存又使理宗词坛产生了兼收并蓄的词学思想。在辛、姜过后,遗民词之前,这种众体兼备、兼收并蓄的词坛格局和词学观念无疑是一种总结与探索中的演进。因而,理宗词坛在整个宋代词史中不啻为一段值得深入探究的独特时期。基于此,本文希望通过历史、文化、文学等多角度的观照来还原与阐释宋代词史中这样一个特殊的发展阶段。全文大致包括如下四部分内容:第一章从政治经济形势、学术思潮与士人心态三方面阐述理宗时期的历史文化背景,并兼及文坛状况。第二、三章从词人身份入手,将理宗词坛的创作主体分为庙堂词人和江湖词人两大类。首先在概说中分别论述两类词人的分类依据、群体特征;其次就该类词人的创作倾向作一总论,突出其最具特色的部分,庙堂文人,即为词作风格上的步武辛派与思想内涵上的崇尚理学;江湖词人,则是坚守词体美感特质和探讨词法;再次,对两类词人中成就最高的刘克庄与吴文英予以专论。第四章为理宗词坛整体特色的综论,主要从创作、词论、词选三方面展开。在创作方面,这一时期有着稼轩、清真、白石三派词风并存、消长与融合的多元动态格局;从词论来看,理宗四十年为词话的丰富期,除《乐府指迷》外,其它词论从整体上呈现出兼容并包的思想倾向;在词选方面,从《花庵词选》、《阳春白雪》到《绝妙好词》,不同时期的选词范式进一步证实了宋末元初词学思想的演进轨迹。余论部分就理宗词坛的词史地位与影响作一简论。

【Abstract】 In the history of Song Ci, the fourty years from 1224 to 1264 was a special precipitation and development period after a peak of Ci history. Different from the innovation and development of the florescent period of Ci world, the main contribution of Lizong Ci World was lies in inherits and summarizes. Wu Wenying and Liu Kezhuang were the most two outstanding Ci writiers in this period. The Temple Ci writers and Jianghu Ci writers were representatives of Lizong Ci World. Their works represented the literature thought of function and aesthetic value, respectively. Lizong Ci World presented a kind of Multi-dimensional pattern. On the basis of above discussion, the dissertation tries to interpret and describe the history, cultural and literary from multiple perspectives, and gives the original state of Lizong Ci world.In Chapter One, we discuss the historical background of Lizong period from politics and economy, academic ideological trend, and mentality of writer, together with the discussion of literature overview in Lizong period.In Chapter Two and Three, we class Ci writers in Lizong Ci world into two groups: Temple Ci writers and Jianghu Ci writers. Firstly, we describe the basis of classification and the community characteristics of the two groups. Then, we overview the creation tendency, stress the obvious characteristics of each group. Temple Ci writers followed Xin Qiji and advocated Neo-Confucianism, while Jianghu writers maintained nature of Ci and studied ways of Ci writing. Finally, we pay more attention to two outstanding Ci writiers: Liu Kezhuang and Wu Wenying.In Chapter Four, we summarize the overall characteristic and the Ci history position of Lizong Ci world, and discuss them from three aspects: creation, theory and selected works. The creation in this period presented a multi-dimensional pattern, which was characterized by the status of coexist, alteration and fusion among three styles of Xin Qiji, Zhou Bangyan, and Jiang Kui. The theories in these forty years were rich, which represent the thought tendency of compatibility. The selected works, from "Huaan Ci Selected Works" and "The Spring Snow" to "The Exquisite Ci Selected works", the method of different period futher confirm the evolution process of the Ci though during the late Song Dynasty.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 07期
  • 【分类号】I207.23
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】475

