

【作者】 韩靓

【导师】 原新;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 人口、资源与环境经济学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 农民工在城市劳动力市场遭受就业、工资歧视是普遍现象。已有理论和实证研究表明,除了农民工自身素质的限制外,制度性歧视是导致农民工与城市居民在就业岗位获得和工资决定上存在差距的主要原因。由于制度性和社会性因素的作用,长期以来,我国劳动力市场存在严重的分割现象,其中,城乡分割、“国有一非国有”部门分割受到广泛关注。但随着经济体制改革的深化,我国劳动力市场分割现象发生了深刻的变化:行业分割日益明显,主要表现为开放行业和垄断行业的分割;城乡分割体制逐渐弱化,但体制影响还在发挥作用;区域分割已经成为城市劳动力分割的主导力量,有学者提出了以“城乡区域二重分割解释”和“本地外来三群体检验”为内容的研究城市外来人口的整合框架。外来务工人员就业与收入的研究主要集中在农民工群体。然而,随着城市劳动力市场改革的深化,外来人口虽然仍以农民工及其家属为主体,但大量城市户籍外来人口,简称“外来市民”,也逐步加入到外来务工人员大军行列,成为城市外来人口的重要组成部分。所以,我们把研究对象界定为三个群体:农民工、外来市民和本地市民。外来市民作为新兴群体,他们的就业和收入情况如何呢?既然外来务工人员中的农民工群体与本地市民相比受到就业和工资决定的双重歧视,那么外来务工人员中的外来市民群体与本地市民相比,在就业和工资决定上是否受到歧视?与农民工相比,外来市民是否受到优待呢?本文以2008年四大城市劳动力调查问卷资料为基础,分析了农民工、外来市民和本地市民三个群体就业岗位获得和工资差异,并对城市劳动力市场分割引起的歧视程度进行了判断。此外,还对影响外来务工人员实际收入水平的其他因素进行了分析。主要结论如下:1、不论与本地市民相比,还是与外来市民相比,农民工群体不仅在就业岗位获得上受到歧视,在工资决定上也受到歧视。与外来市民相比,农民工在就业岗位获得和工资决定上只受到城乡歧视,歧视程度相对较低;而与本地市民相比,农民工在就业岗位获得和工资决定上可能受到城乡、区域双重歧视,因而歧视程度更高。2、与本地市民相比,外来市民在就业岗位获得上受到歧视,但由于其具有人力资本禀赋优势,在工资决定上并没有受到歧视。外来市民平均工资水平和各岗位工资水平均高于本地市民,并且外来市民高出本地市民那部分工资差异完全能由两群体的人力资本等禀赋差异所解释。3、农民工工资歧视主要发生在岗位间歧视上,即主要是由于对农民工进入某些就业岗位的限制引起的工资差异。同时,人力资本、社会资本禀赋差异也是影响农民工与其他群体工资差距的重要因素。4、由于区域分割因素的制约,外来市民和农民工作为城市外来务工人员,与本地市民相比,在享受社会保障待遇、正当的劳动权益以及当地政府提供的公共服务等方面均处于不利地位,这将会降低外来务工人员的实际收入水平。社会保险参保率影响因素的实证分析表明,是否拥有城市户籍和本地户籍是影响劳动者各项社会保险参保率的重要因素,此外,签订劳动合同以及提高受教育水平均能显著提高劳动者社会保险的参保率。针对实证研究结果,本文提出了一系列有针对性的政策建议,包括深化户籍制度改革,规范城市劳动力市场、建立健全服务体系,提高农民工自身素质以及外来人口基本公共服务均等化四个方面。

【Abstract】 It’s an universal phenomenon that rural migrants suffer the discrimination of both employment and wages in urban labor market. Theoretical and empirical analysis shows that apart from the restrictions of human capital, discrimination is the main reason for the differences of employment and wages between rural migrants and urban citizens.For too long there exists serious segmentation in China’s labor market because of institutional factors and social factors. Urban-rural segmentation and ownership segmentation receive wide attention. While with the deepening of economic restructuring, labor market segmentation in China has occurred profound changes: industry segmentation is increasingly clear, mainly manifested in the monopoly industries and competitive industries segmentation in urban labor market; urban-rural segmentation is in the weakening, but institutional implications still play the role; regional segmentation has became a leading force, some academics have suggested an integration framework to research migrant population, including the contents of double segmentation model integrating urban-rural divide and regional segmentation, and three groups test of local- migrant population.At present, the research on employment and wages of migrant workers mainly concentrated in rural migrants. With the deepening of labor-market reforms, though the main body of migrant population is still rural migrants and their families, more and more people with other urban HUKOU (called urban migrants) also became an important part of migrant population. So we define the research objects as three groups: rural migrants, urban migrants and local citizens. Since rural migrants suffer the discrimination of both employment and wages comparing with local citizens, then how about urban migrants? Do they suffer the discrimination, comparing with local citizens? Do they have advantage, comparing with rural migrants?Based on the data from the surveys conducted in 4 big Chinese cities in 2008, this paper analyzes the differences of employment and wages among rural migrants, urban migrants and local citizens, measures the extent of discrimination in urban labor market. Besides, it analyzes other determinants that affect the income of migrant workers. Overall conclusions were as follows:A. Rural migrants suffer the discrimination of both employment and wages, comparing either with local citizens or with urban migrants. Moreover, rural migrants only suffer the urban-rural discrimination, comparing with urban migrants; but they suffer higher degree of discrimination comparing with local citizens, including urban-rural discrimination and regional discrimination.B. Urban migrants suffer the discrimination of employment, but not the discrimination of wages, comparing with local citizens. The average wage level and occupational wage level of urban migrants are both higher than local citizens, and the difference can be all explained by the human capital difference between two groups.C. The discrimination of wages suffered by rural migrants is mainly due to unexplained differences in occupational attainments, in other words, the wages difference between rural migrants and citizens is mainly caused by the restrictions on occupational attainments of rural migrants. Moreover, endowment difference of human capital and social capital is also the important determinants that affect the wages difference between rural migrants and other groups.D. The system of regional segmentation reduces the likelihood of migrant workers’ participation in urban social insurance programs, and enjoying the labor rights and public service offered by local government. So the actual income level of migrant workers will be reduced. The empirical analysis shows that the legacy of urban-rural divide and the system of regional segmentation are the important determinants that affect the participation rate of social insurance programs, meanwhile, contracts and education also play a important role in participation rate of social insurance programs.The last chapter concludes with policy suggestions, including deepening the reform of the household registration system, improving labor market development and the quality of rural migrants, accelerating the equalization of basic public services.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 07期

