

【作者】 邹薇

【导师】 陈志强;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 世界史, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 尼基塔斯·侯尼亚迪斯是中世纪拜占廷杰出的历史学家。其著作《记事》忠实记载了拜占廷帝国从1118年到1207年间的历史,涉及科穆宁王朝和安苴鲁斯王朝共8位皇帝的治世。尼基塔斯曾官拜帝国宰相,不仅能接触到大量政府公文,还是众多事件的目击者和亲历者。尼基塔斯亲眼目睹1204年君士坦丁堡的陷落和当时拜占廷人以及首都艺术品的劫难,是唯一一位将这些事件记录下来的拜占廷史学家。尼基塔斯认为承载真实是历史的目的,因此《记事》具有较高的可信度和史料价值。本文立足《记事》原文,借鉴心理学和统计学等方法对《记事》进行较为全面的研究。通过分析《记事》的修纂和内容,解析《记事》古典表象后的神学内核与尼基塔斯的思想观念,确定《记事》的史学价值,揭示其对文艺复兴史学的影响。首先,本文梳理了尼基塔斯的生平和《记事》的写作背景,阐述拜占廷的著史传统和尼基塔斯自觉担负的史家责任,探讨尼基塔斯同时代的共鸣,分析《记事》诞生的条件和原因。在厘清作家、作品与时代三者之间关系的同时,以心理学知识进行辅助研究,明确1204年君士坦丁堡的陷落对《记事》修纂的促进作用。接着,本文论述了尼基塔斯笔下的拜占廷帝国。从政治经济、军事外交和社会生活三个方面,考察尼基塔斯眼中的拜占廷。探讨12至13世纪初拜占廷帝国的皇位继承、官僚体制、财政税收、军事力量、对外战争、外交活动、社会风俗、医疗卫生和雕塑建筑等。通过勘误等方式,试图重构这一时期拜占廷的社会面貌。尼基塔斯的《记事》兼具古典外形和神学内核。其古典表象主要体现在史料选用的广泛性、著作结构的古典性和文字表达的修辞学风格等方面。著作结构主要表现出章节间的不均衡性、内容排列的主题性和时间纪年的模糊性等。尼基塔斯的《记事》不仅具有典型的叙事史特征和修辞学风格,还大量引用了古典著作。《记事》的神学内核主要表现在对《圣经》的释读和引用,道德的说教和劝善,同时上帝决定论贯穿《记事》全篇。最后,通过《记事》可探知尼基塔斯的思想观念。包括他的历史观、政治观、宗教观和道德观等。如尼基塔斯对历史本源的看法,对历史真实性的看法,对历史的价值和功能的思考,明确地反对暴政与巫术干政,对圣母和圣像的崇拜以及对婚姻家庭的看法等。《记事》古典表象后的神学核心与尼基塔斯本人是虔诚的东正教信徒有关,也同当时拜占廷的文化宗教氛围有关。《记事》的这一特征同西欧中世纪史学向文艺复兴时期史学的过渡特征类似。1557年《记事》的手稿在西欧整理出版亦迎合了当时基督教人文主义者的需要。

【Abstract】 Nicetas Choniates was an outstanding Byzantine historian in the Middle Ages. His work, the Annals, which is attached to high historical importance, trustily covers the historical events from 1118 to 1207 of the Byzantine Empire and relates to the sovereigns of eight emperors of the Comnenian and Angelian Dynasties. Being once the prime minister of the Byzantine empire, Nicetas not only was able to access large mounts of official documents, but was himself a witness or a participant of some events. Nicetas saw with his own eyes the fall of Constantinople in 1204 and the sufferings of the Byzantine people and their artworks, and remained the only Byzantine historian who kept a record of these events. Regarding the objective of history as to holding the truth, Nicetas made his Annals highly credible.Based on the original texts, this study is guided by historical materialism and dialectic materialism, and provides a comprehensive analysis of the Annals, by borrowing certain psychological and statistical methodologies. Through analyzing the birth, contents and writing characteristics of the Annals and Nicetas’ thoughts revealed in it, this study aims to evaluate this work’s historical value, to summarize the traits of Byzantine historiography in the 12th century, and to seek its impacts on the Renaissance.Firstly, putting Nicetas into his personal and historical background, my study begins with the questions "How and why the Annals was written?" by combining macro and micro investigations. The emphasis lies in the relations and interactions of the writer, the work and the era.Next, a Byzantine empire described by Nicetas is to be examined. A whole chapter is devoted to the rebuilding of the Byzantine empire in the 12th and 13the centuries, from political and economic, military and diplomatic, and social perspective respectively. Topics as imperial inheritance, bureaucracy, finance and taxes, military forces, diplomacy and wars, social customs and medical arts, are also included in this study. Nicetas’ Annals bears a peculiarity in the integration of classical tendency and Christian theological historical style simultaneously. Universitality in source-selecting, classical structure and rhetorical skills are all manifestations of classical tendency. While the Christian theological style makes its presence in the citing of the Bible, moral sermons and preachments, and God’s determinism.Finally, Nicetas’ historical views, political views, religious views and moral views can be reflected from his Annals.Even though bearing intensive classical tendency, the Annals was deeply penetrated by Byzantine theological thoughts. This is both related to the pious orthodox faith of Nicetas himself and the cultural and religious atmosphere at that time. This characteristic may find its counterpart in that of the western European historiography during the passage from medieval times to the Renaissance.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 07期

