

【作者】 张伟

【导师】 洪国起;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 世界史, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本文试图以马克思主义唯物史观为指导,考察卡洛斯·萨利纳斯·德戈塔里总统执政时期(1988~1994)墨西哥所推行的政治改革。本文共分五章。第一章论述了萨利纳斯政府政治改革的历史必然性。萨利纳斯总统执政时,墨西哥的形势发生了巨大变化。经过新自由主义经济改革,墨西哥抛弃了实行长达半个世纪之久的进口替代工业化发展模式,确立了新自由主义市场经济模式;革命制度党大权独揽、统治地位不受威胁的局面结束,以民主革命党和国家行动党为代表的左、右派政党开始对革命制度党形成两面夹击,对其统治地位进行挑战。这些变化瓦解了墨西哥传统政治体制赖以存在的基础,革命制度党的统治受到严重威胁,政治改革成为一种历史必然。第二章主要阐述了萨利纳斯政府选举制度改革的主要内容。萨利纳斯在其执政的六年内,分别于1989年、1993年、1994年进行了三次选举制度改革:重新规定了议会席位的分配方式;改革了联邦选举机构的构成、职责;对选民登记、选举监督、选举争端的处理等选举程序进行了全面的改革。改革使墨西哥议会席位的分配方式初显民主化特色;选举机构独立性加强,表现出专业化的倾向;选举过程进一步透明化、公平化。这些积极的后果为墨西哥日后真正意义上的多党政治奠定了坚实的基础。但是,由于在有些方面缺乏具体的执行措施,不能保证改革内容真正落实到政治实践中,使改革的效应大打折扣,墨西哥并没有实现具有真正竞争性的民主选举。第三章主要阐述了革命制度党自身的改革。20世纪80年代之后,革命制度党面临新的困境。为了维持其统治,革命制度党转变政党策略,进行自身改革。改变革命制度党的指导思想,用“社会自由主义”取代“革命民族主义”;改革革命制度党各级候选人的选举方式,开始放弃“指定制”,采取“民主选举”的方式;削弱职团组织的势力,改变党员入党方式;改造传统职团部门,建立新型职团部门;转变革命制度党的政治策略,与国家行动党展开合作等。第四章主要阐述了萨利纳斯政府时期社会结构的变动。经济危机及革命制度党所推行的新自由主义经济改革造成政府与利益集团的关系发生了变化。这种变化破坏了革命制度党统治的社会基础。为了维持革命制度党的统治,萨利纳斯政府采取一系列措施,重新调整了政府与各利益集团之间的关系:赢得了以私有部门的支持;提出“新工会主义”战略,改造官方工会,将工会保持在革命制度党内,削弱其在革命制度党内的势力;推行“全国团结计划”,解决经济危机及新自由主义经济改革所带来的日趋严重的贫困问题,补偿新自由主义经济改革给城市贫民、农民造成的损失,平息他们的不满,重新赢得了他们对革命制度党的支持。第五章对萨利纳斯政府的政治改革进行评析。萨利纳斯政府的政治改革与1988年之前墨西哥的政治改革相比,在改革的目的、改革的速度、改革的内容、改革的手段、方式等方面都出现了一些不同的特点。从改革的结果上看,一方面扫除了新自由主义经济改革的障碍,一定程度上促进了经济改革进一步发展,但改革没有从根本上消除社会不平等、民众的不满情绪、社会动乱等影响社会稳定的各种隐患,政治环境日益混乱,最终冲击破坏了经济改革;另一方面,改革虽然暂时缓解了革命制度党所面临的困境,但没有从根本上解决危机,最终加速了革命制度党的下台。由此,萨利纳斯政府的政治改革最终没有达到维护革命制度党统治、推进新自由主义经济改革的目的。然而,此时期的政治改革带来了萨利纳斯预料之外的副产品——具有竞争性的、真正意义上的多党政治格局的出现。

【Abstract】 With the direction of Marxist meterialist conception of hisory ,this dissertation aims to investigate Mexican political reform durding the government of Carlos Salinas de Gortari (1988-1994). It is composed of the following five chapters:Chapter one discusses the historical necessity of the political reform during the Salinas Government. When President Salinas was in power, the situations had been changed greatly for Mexico. After the new liberalism economic reforming, Mexico abandoned the Import Substitution Industrialization Developing Model which had been applying for one half of the century, established the new liberalism market ecnomic model. The situation of the Partido Revolucionario Institucional (PRI)owing the absolute dominance and the predomination status in Mexico was over, the Partido Acción Nacional(PAN) and the Partido de la Revolución Democrática (PRD) , standing for the right party and the left party respectively, made a pincer attack on PRI and challenged the PRI’s predominent position. All this changes collapsed the Mexican traditional political foundations, and threated PRI’s dominace seriously, so political reform has been necessary.Chapter two examines the contents of the electoral system reforms during the Salinas Government. During the six years of Salinas being in power, Mexico reformed electoral system in 1989, 1993 and 1994, including reinstitute the apportion exercise of the congress seats, reform the structures and duties of the federal electoral institutions, reform the electoral procedure such as registration of voters, electoral supevision and deal with the electoral disputes ect. These reforms democratized the way of apportioning congress seats preliminary, strengthened electoral institutions’ independence and specialization, the electoral process became more transparent and equitable, which made the foundation for Maxican real multi-party politics in the future. But these couldn’t make the real competitive democratic election come ture in Mexico , because the reform contents couldn’t be implemented in the political practices for lacking specific policies to implement these reforms, , which made the reform effectiveness weaken.Chapter three examines the reform of PRI itself. PRI faced new embarrassments after 1980s. In order to preserve domination, PRI decided to change party strategies and reform itself. The reform included changing its’ guiding ideology, in other words, from revolutionary nationalism to social liberalism , reforming the electing method of all ranks of PRI’s candidates, from nominating to democratic election. By changing the ways to taking part in the PRI, abolishing traditional corporatism departments, establishing new type of corporatism departments, the reform weakened the strenth of the corporatism. PRI changed political strategies, developing cooperation with PAN.Chapter four examines the changing of the social structures during the government of Carlos Salinas. The relations between government and interest groups had been changed by the economic crisis and the new liberalism economic reforms.This changes destroyed the social foundations of PRI’s domination. In order to preserve domination, the government of Carlos Salinas adopted a series of measures to regulate the relations between the government and interest groups.The government gained the supports of private sector, advanced new syndicalism and rebulided labor in order to keep it in PRI and weak its’ strenth, promoted the National Solidarity Program(PRONASOL) ,which relieved poverty brought by the economic crisis and the new liberalism economic reforms , in order to put down the grievance of presents and regain their supports for PRI.Chapter five comments the political reforms during the government of Carlos Salinas. Comparing to the political reforms that have taken place before 1988, the political reforms during the government of Carlos Salinas appeared some defferent characteristics at goals ,proters, contents and means ect. So far as the cosequences are concerned, on the one side ,the political reforms during the government of Carlos Salinas removed some barriers for the new liberalism economic reform and accelerated it to develop furtherly on some degree, but the political reforms didn’t get rid of the hidden dangers, such as social enquality, grievances of the populace ,social unrestect, which resulted the political circumstances got worse and worse , and destroied the new liberalism economic reform; on the other side, the political reforms alleviated the adverse circumstances for PRI temporarily, but didn’t get rid of the crisises at all which acclerated the PRI to fall out of the power. Therely, the political reforms during the government of Carlos Salinas didn’t neither defend the PRI’s dominace, nor accerate the new liberalism economic reform.However, the political reforms brought some by-products, the real competitive multi-party structure.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 07期

