

【作者】 乔文娟

【导师】 李建珊;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 科学技术哲学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 中国医学是中国传统文化的重要组成部分,一直是传统文化的重要载体。然而随着新文化运动的提出,传统文化遭到猛烈的抨击,中医药学也面临着存废之争,它在中国的医学主导地位也受到冲击。科学主义的盛行,使得科学成为评判知识的唯一标准,对中医存废问题的讨论折射到对科学的追问,关于科学的界定,随着历史的变迁时间的流逝而有所不同。在历史上,自标准科学哲学诞生以来,关于科学划界的理论大体上经历了四个阶段:逻辑主义的绝对标准、历史主义的相对标准、消解科学划界、以多元标准重建划界问题。在科学划界的不同标准中,中医呈现出不同的形象。然而,20世纪后半叶以来,作为知识评判标准的科学遭遇了危机:科学表述的危机和科学合理性的危机。哲人们开始重新反思科学,由此开始了科学哲学的实践论转向。不论是科学知识社会学的研究,还是科学实践哲学的兴起,都对传统科学哲学视野中的科学形象给予了重新描绘。中医学,作为一种地方性实践知识的形象开始浮现。传统的科学哲学的学科定位,无法应对和解决科学作为一种文化的矛盾和问题。文化的不可通约,在一个侧面反映了以科学作为合理性评判标准的不合理,也反映了地方性知识的局部合理性。中医学作为一种文化,是本民族长期实践的理论总结。而中医存废之争,正是文化全球化背景中文明冲突的争论。科学本应是价值负载的,是理性精神与人文精神的同在。然而,科学主义的盛行,人文精神失落了。科学哲学的文化转向,正是要重新塑造科学与人文的同一性。

【Abstract】 Traditional Chinese Medicine, is one of the major symbols of Chinese culture. However, since the New Culture Movement, Chinese culture is strongly criticized and Traditional Chinese Medicine is confronted with retention or abolition. Thus, its dominant position in Chinese medicine is doubted as it is judged from the criteria of scientism. The discussion on the retention or abolition of Chinese Medicine is a reflection of the exploration about what is real science. The definition of science changes in different periods of history and the demarcation of science developed through four stages since the birth of the standard philosophy of science: the absolute criteria of logicism, the relative creteria of historism, the clear-up of science demarcation and its reconstruction on multi-criteria. In different stages, Chinese Medicine takes different images.When science, as criteria for different knowledge, is in crisis, scientific statements and science’s rationality become doubtful. And coming with that is the crisis of practice. So philosophers begin to reflect on science, which ushers in the practice-turn of scientific philosophy. Both sociological research of scientific knowledge and the practice-philosophy of science reshape the image of science to distinguish it from the one in the perspective of traditional scientific philosophy. And following that, Chinese Medicine begins to take an image of local practical knowledge.The traditional philosophy of science can not deal with and resolve the contradictions and problems posed by the cultural factors in science. The incommensurability of culture is a disproof of the rationality to take science as the criteria of knowledge and yet a poof of the partial rationality of the local knowledge. Chinese Medicine, as one part of Chinese culture, is a summary of Chinese long-term practice. The dispute over the retention or abolition of traditional Chinese Medicine, in the context of globalization, is just a reflection of the cultural clash between different civilizations. Science should be value-loaded, combining rational spirit and humanity. However, with the prevalence of scientism, the humanity in science is lost. The cultural turn of the philosophy of science, is intended to re-construct the identity of science and humanity.

【关键词】 科学哲学实践文化中医
【Key words】 philosophy of sciencepracticeculturetraditional Chinese Medicine
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 07期

