

【作者】 卓国雄

【导师】 吴晓云;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 企业管理, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 在金融自由化的背景下,中国兑现了加入WTO关于金融市场开放的相关承诺,取消了所有对外资银行的所有权、经营权的设立形式,包括所有制的限制,并允许外资银行向中国客户提供人民币业务服务,给予外资银行国民待遇,金融市场逐步开放。同时,巨大的金融服务需求使中国市场成为了全球银行的必争之地,各国银行纷纷进入中国市场争夺这一战略要地,中国银行业面临的市场环境与形势更加复杂和难以把握。此外,根据全球著名战略咨询机构麦肯锡2005年的研究预测,未来十年中,中国银行业利润来源将发生重大变化:个人银行业务利润将以更快的速度增长,对公银行业务在全行业利润总额中的比重将从目前的绝对份额降到一半左右。而高端个人客户市场更是银行利润的重要来源,譬如汇丰银行的私人银行业务的收入已经占其全部利润的1/4。总之,中国市场对高端个人客户的争夺将异常激烈。然而与外资银行相比,中国商业银行针对高端个人客户的金融服务还处于初级阶段。本文的研究主题,即“基于标准化和适应性协调的银行顾客感知服务质量模型(简称BSQ(S/A))”的构建,正是为了应对上述的中国商业银行所面临的重要现实问题,并从理论上给予支持。因为尽管标准化的营销策略能够为顾客提供品质稳定的产品和服务,但是面对需求复杂的银行高端个人顾客,银行如果只是按照一套标准的模式进行服务,而没有丝毫的变动余地,显然无法为顾客提供更合适的服务产品。因此,银行在不同的分支机构为高端个人客户提供标准化或适应性的服务将直接影响到他们银行服务质量的感知。如何协调这两种策略,并将其运用于提升顾客对银行服务质量的感知,是银行业吸引高端个人客户的重要手段之一。基于上述认识,本文创新性地将标准化和适应性协调的观点引入了银行的服务质量管理体系研究中,构建了基于标准化和适应性协调的银行感知服务质量模型,开发了其测度指标和量表,并从中国市场高端个人客户的视角进行了实证调研,从银行前台服务和后台服务的九个方面测度高端个人客户对银行服务标准化程度的期望和感知,通过感知值和期望值的差距测度其感知服务质量。论文完成了以下五个部分的研究:第一部分,通过二手资料的收集,分析了中国银行业发展及其对高端个人客户服务的现状,对本文的研究范围进行清晰的界定,并从现实层面论述了本论文研究主题的重要性。同时,通过全面细致的文献搜索,并认真研读200多篇关于标准化和适应性协调观点、服务质量维度、银行服务质量等营销领域学者已有的成果,本文对现有研究有价值的核心观点及精髓进行了详细的梳理、凝练和总结,发现现有学者研究的理论空白点,为基于标准化和适应性协调的银行感知服务质量测度模型的构建奠定了坚实的理论基础。第二部分,BSQ(S/A)模型的创建及测度量表的开发。本文首先介绍了量表开发的基本流程、模型构建的理论依据,然后在文献回顾的基础上,理论构建基于标准化和适应性协调的银行感知服务质量测度模型,并对其基本变量进行了界定,之后通过研究文献等相关二手资料的搜集以及对银行领域专家、高端个人客户的访谈调研,形成了初步的测度量表,并利用预调研对80名受访者的数据进行了处理,并根据结果对问项进行相应的修正,确定问卷的最终形式和内容。第三部分,在BSQ(S/A)模型的实证检验方面,本文利用修正后的问卷,通过实地调研和网络调研相结合的方式进行了正式调研,收集了288份有效问卷,利用SPSS15.0及Lisre18.7软件对数据进行分析,最终形成了高端个人客户对银行前台服务和后台服务的标准化程度的期望和感知共9个指标45个项目的测度量表,包含了高端个人客户对银行柜台人员服务水平、客户经理服务水平、服务流程、服务产品、促销活动、渠道、有形展示、服务价格及风险管理程序等9个方面的标准化程度的期望和感知。第四部分,BSQ(S/A)模型的应用。通过对各变量数据进行平均值及标准差等分析,本文就高端个人客户对银行服务的标准化程度的期望值及感知值形成了总体的印象,发现中国商业银行在标准化和适应性协调策略实施方面的不足并挖掘其深层原因,在此基础上,提出了中国商业银行提升高端个人客户对银行整体的感知服务质量的管理建议,认为中国商业银行必须完善柜台人员和客户经理的规范化、标准化的培训机制1并针对高端个人客户的具体营销活动,包括服务产品、业务流程、促销活动、渠道方式、有形展示、服务定价、风险管理等方面的标准化和适应性的协调策略。第五部分,基于实证研究结果,本文提出了中国商业银行提升高端个人客户对银行整体的感知服务质量的一般管理建议,认为银行要实施标准化和适应性协调策略,首先应该以高端个人客户为中心,了解他们对银行营销活动各个方面的标准化程度的期望和感知,以此为基础,挖掘高端个人客户的内在相似性,进行营销策略的开发,并整体构建针对高端个人客户的基于标准化和适应性协调的服务质量管理体系,同时,构建完善的服务质量管理的支撑体系。最后,本文得出以下三个基本结论:第一,标准化和适应性协调策略是银行提升其服务质量的重要手段;第二,BSQ(S/A)模型由9个测度指标及45个测度项目构成,是测度银行基于标准化和适应性协调的顾客感知服务质量的有效工具;第三,在BSQ(S/A)的应用方面,银行应深层挖掘利用BSQ(S/A)进行调研的数据的内涵,在分析其深层原因的基础上,实施相应营销策略,并从BSQ(S/A)模型所包含的9个维度构建完善的服务质量管理体系。本文的创新之处体现在以下四个方面:(1)将标准化和适应性的核心价值理论引入服务营销管理理论中的顾客感知服务质量研究。基于标准化和适应性协调的服务质量研究是将总部及其各个分支机构作为整体进行研究,突破了以往的服务质量研究将银行的总部或者某个分行、支行作为研究对象的研究局限;(2)将标准化和适应性协调的理论观点深化到银行这一特殊行业,针对银行如何从营销层面具体实现标准化和适应性策略的协调进行了系统研究,弥补了标准化和适应性策略应用于银行业的缺失;(3)从顾客的视角对标准化和适应性协调策略进行了拓展性的研究,使得测度模型的应用更具操作性,有效弥补了以往学者单纯从企业角度出发研究企业标准化和适应性策略的缺陷;(4)构建了基于标准化和适应性协调的银行感知服务质量测度模型并进行了实证检验,基于研究结果提出了中国商业银行服务质量管理体系建设的一般管理建议,以期为其实践提供理论指导。

【Abstract】 In the context of financial liberalization, China has become the vital important market for the global financial enterprises because of its enormous demand for financial service. China has gradually carried out its commitment during accession to the WTO about Opening up financial markets, including cancels all the restrictions of the ownership, the set-up of operation right, ownership of foreign banks, allows foreign banks to provide RMB business services to clients, and gives national treatment to foreign banks. Most of banks enter China to compete for the strategy market, leading to the market environment more complicated and difficult to grasp for Chinese banking industry. In addition, the world’s leading strategic advisory body McKinsey’s study in 2005 predicted that the next decade, there will be a change for major source of profit in China’s banking sector: the profit of personal banking business will be faster growth, and the share the corporate banking business in the whole industry will drop from current absolute share to about half of the share. And the high-end individual customers are the most important source of bank profits, such as HSBC’s private banking business in its total income has been 1 / 4. In short, the competition for for high-end personal customers in Chinese banking market will be fiercer. However, compared to foreign banks, China’s commercial banks’ financial service for high-end individual customers is still in its early stages.The topic of the thesis "the model of bank service quality based on coordination of standardization and adaptation (BSQ(S/A)) " is studied for solving the important issue mentioned above through theory supporting. Because although banks’ standard marketing strategy can supply service and product of steady quality, when they need to meet the complex need of bank high-end personal customer, the standardization also can’t supply more suitable service if has nothing adopted. So, the standardization or adaptation strategy will influence the customers’ perceived service quality, and how to harmonize these two strategies is an important tool for banks improving their service quality. For the purpose mentioned above, the thesis associates the theory of coordination of standardization and adaptation with bank service quality and constructs the model, which be tested from the customer’s angle of view. The thesis is constructed with five parts:Firstly, through the secondary data collection, the thesis analyzes the development of Chinese banking industry and the status of service supplied for high-end private customers, and clearly defined the study scope of this thesis, then discusses the importance of research topic from a practical level. Meanwhile, through a comprehensive and detailed literature search, and a careful reading more than 200 literatures about the coordination of standardization and adaptation opinion, dimension of service quality and bank service quality, it carries out a detailed, concise and summarize discuss about the core value of existing research and finds out the existing gap in the theoretical study, which laying a solid theoretical basis for the model of bank service quality based on coordination of standardization and adaptation.Secondly, it builds of BSQ(S/A) model and the designs the measure scale. The thesis firstly introduces the basic flow of the development of scale and the theoretical basis for modeling, then based on literature review it builds the BSQ(S/A) model and defines the important variables. And then by studying the secondary literature and other related data collection, as well as interviews with experts in the field of banking, it formats a preliminary measure of the scale, and then forms the final form and content of the questionnaire through analyzing the data collected by pre-survey.Thirdly, it carries out the empirical test of the BSQ (S/A) model. The thesis used the revised questionnaire for the formal survey, through the combination of face-to-face survey and network survey. And finally it collects 288 valid questionnaires, which be analyzed by the use of SPSS15.0 and Lisrel 8.7, and it concludes that the BSQ (S/A) model containing 9 variables and 45 items, including expectation and perception of high-end personal customers for the degree of standardization of service level of counter staffs, service level of customer managers, service processes, service offerings, promotional activities, channels, visible display, service pricing and risk management procedures.Fourthly is the application of BSQ(S/A) model. By analyzing the average and standard deviation of the variable data, the thesis forms an overall impression of high-end personal customers’ expectation and perception for the degree of banking services’ standardization, finds out the shortage of Chinese commercial banks’ implementation of coordination of standardization and adaptation strategies and its reason. One this basis, it gives some advice to Chinese commercial banks about how to improve the perceived service quality of high-end personal customers, including improving a standardization training mechanisms for counter staff and customer managers and specific marketing activities for high-end personal customers, containing the coordination of coordination and adaptation strategies of service processes, service offerings, promotional activities, channels, visible display, service pricing and risk management procedures.Fifthly, based on the results of empirical research, the thesis presents some general management recommendations for banks about improving the perceived service quality of high-end personal customers. Firstly banks need to learn about their expectations and perceptions for the degree of standardization of all marketing aspects, and on this basis, develop marketing strategy by mining high-end individual customers’ inherent similarity to implement the coordination of standardization and adaptation strategies, which are implemented from 9 aspects. At the same time, they need to build a well support system.Finally, the thesis comes to the following three basic conclusions: (l)The coordination of standardization and adaptation strategy is essential means for the bank to upgrade its service quality; (2)BSQ(S/A) model, which containing 9 variables and 45 items, is an effective tool to measure bank customer perceived service quality based on coordination of standardization and adaptation; (3)Banks should deeply excavate the research data of BSQ (S/A) model, and implement appropriate marketing strategies on the basis of analyzing the underlying reasons.In this thesis, the innovations embodied in the following four areas: (1) In this thesis, the innovations embodied in the following four areas: (1) Associating the theory of coordination of standardization and adaptation with bank service quality. The building of BSQ (S/A) model takes the bank’s headquarter and branches as a whole to be the research target, which is a great innovation different with former studies taking headquarter or individual branch as research target.(2) Carrying out a deep study of the coordination of standardization and adaptation. This theory is firstly studied in the industry of bank, which make up for the lack of the standardization and adaptation of strategy used in the banking sector. (3) Studying the coordination of standardization and adaptation strategies from the customer perspective, which making the tool more practicable and making up for the lack of the former studies which only carried out research from corporate perspective. (4) Building the BSQ (S/A) model and carrying out an empirical study, and based on the results this thesis gives some general management advice to the bank and Chinese commercial banks, for the purpose of providing theoretical guidance for the practice.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 07期

