

【作者】 苗月宁

【导师】 杜家骥;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 中国古代史, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 两司制度肇端于明代,其时为布、按、都三司鼎立,分管行政、司法、军政事务。清入主中原后,承袭明制,地方行政事务由两司上承督抚,下启道员,总管一省行政、司法事务,其职掌和行政关系的演变,伴随着清王朝发展的整个历史进程。清改革其机构,在设置上,取消右布政使,一省设一位布政使管理本省民政、财政事务,按察使基本沿袭明代,每省设一名,管理一省司法事务。其职掌,布、按两司分管一省行政和司法事务,并共同承担一省官员选任与考核、军需、科举等事务。其在各个历史时期,因面对的社会环境不尽相同,其职掌也不一样。顺康时期,为清王朝恢复和发展时期,此时,布政使的主要职掌:安定民心、鼓励生产;按察使则主要负责清理地方积案、清查地方盗匪等事务。雍乾盛世,社会形势稳定,两司主要办理各自本任事务。嘉道以降,进入“衰世”的清王朝,既面临着王朝末年农民大起义的冲击,又因西方列强的入侵而遭逢“三千年未有之变局”,清朝统治走向衰败。是时,由于绿营兵不堪一击,外难抵挡西方列强的入侵,内难抵抗以太平天国为首的农民运动。缘是,清政府不得不改弦更张,采取新的政策,任用文官带兵出战就是其中之一。此时,为有效地调动军队,清政府多用实缺两司带兵转战各地,署任两司办理地方行政事务。第二次鸦片战争后,随着洋务运动的开展,两司协助督抚采西学、制洋器、练新兵。有的两司甚至直接兼管本省洋务、营务事宜。特别是在中外交涉之中,懂洋务的两司在办理签约、换约事宜中都起到了重要的作用。清末改革时,按西方三权分立的思想,对地方行政制度加以改革,两司职掌又进一步细化。为了能够有效地维持地方统治,清政府在地方事务的处理过程中,适时地调整了两司与督抚、道员之间的职掌,使其相互依赖、相互制约并在政务的处理中互相合作,保证地方行政体系的有序运行。由于清术特殊的社会形势,地方官员的选任政策也发生改变,两司作为省级重要行政长官,其表现尤为突出,地方实缺两司的带兵出战,使得地方署任官员的作用逐渐凸现出来。综上所述,两司是清代中央集权体系的中间阶层,也是中央权力得以实现的中间环节。两司的存在,不但有利于地方政务的处理,也加强了皇帝对督抚的直接控制。同时,两司在晚清政局中对洋务、外交和军事等方面的参与,使其与近代的政治、经济、文化发生了诸多联系,从而对晚清行政体制的演变和社会变迁等方面产生了多方面的影响。

【Abstract】 Liang Si system beginning in the Ming Dynasty, meantime for the Minister of Finance, according to, the San Si stands like a tripod, is in charge of the administration, the judicature, military administration business. Is in charge of the area south of Yellow River after clear, what implements clearly continues the dynasty rule system, in local administration business’s processing, under Liang Si deck imperial inspector opens the circuit intendant, and a main pipe province administration, judicial business, its duties and the administrative relations’ evolution, is following the entire historic course which Qing Dynasty develops.In the establishment evolution, the Qing Dynasty has cancelled the right provincial adminstrative commissioner, a province supposes a provincial adminstrative commissioner to manage this province civil administration, financial business, the surveillance commissioner follows the Ming Dynasty basically in the establishment, each province supposes one, manages a province judicature business.On the duties, the provincial adminstrative commissioner, is in charge of a province administration and judicial business according to Minister of Finance and Minister, and undertakes a province inspection to make agent by appointment business together and so on official business, military supplies, imperial civil service examination. It in each historical period, because faces the social environment is different, its duties are dissimilar. Restores along the shun and Kang time for Qing Dynasty with the development time, this time, the provincial adminstrative commissioner main duties for the stable popular sentiment, encourage to produce, the surveillance commissioner primary cognizance cleans up the place long-pending case, to check business and so on place robbers and bandits. Between Yong Gannian, the social situation stabilizes gradually, Ministry of Finance and Ministry of justice mainly handle each one this, no matter what business. The fine road falls, enters "the fading world" Qing Dynasty, is also facing the impact which the dynasty last years the farmer greatly revolts, met with "three millenniums because of the Western big powers’ invasion not to have the change in situation", the Qing Dynasty rules moves toward the deterioration. When is, because the green-standard troops collapse at the first blow, outside difficult to resist the Western big powers the invasion, the internal calamity anti-take the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom as head’s farmer movement, the Qing Dynasty life hangs one. The reason is, the Qing government can not but change, adopts the new government policy, assigns the civil official to lead troops to go to battle is one of them. This time, the reality lacks Liang Si Duo to lead troops to fight in one place after another each region, the acting appointment Ministry of Finance and Ministry of justice handle the local administration business. After second Opium War, along with westernization movement’s development, Ministry of Finance and Ministry of justice assists the imperial inspector to pick the western learning, the system ocean, to practice the recruit. Ministry of Finance and Ministry of justice even directly concurrently manage this province foreign affairs, the management matters concerned. Specially during the Chinese and foreign negotiation, understands the foreign affairs two departments, in handled signing, to exchange notes in the matters concerned to play the vital role. When end of the Qing reform, the Qing government reforms according to the Western separation of powers’s thought to the local administration system, two departments in this time its duties further refinement.For can maintain the place rule effectively, the Qing government in the place business’s treating processes, at the right moment has adjusted Ministry of Finance and Ministry of justice between Yu the imperial inspector, circuit intendant’s duties, causes its interdependence, to restrict mutually and cooperates mutually at government affairs’ processing, guarantees the local administration system’s order movement.As a result of the end of the Qing special society situation, the magistrate appointed the policy also to have the change, two departments took the provincial level important chief executive, its performance outstandingly, the place really lacked two departments to lead troops to go to battle, causes the place acting appointment official’s function to relief gradually comes out.In summary, Liang Si are the Qing Dynasty centralization system’s intermediate stratas, is also the middle link which the central authority can realize. Liang Si’s existences, not only has divided imperial inspector’s authority, moreover strengthened emperor to imperial inspector’s positive governing. At the same time, Liang Si in latter Qing dynasty political situation to aspect and so on foreign affairs, diplomacy and military participation, caused it with modern politics, the economy, the culture to have many contacting, thus to latter Qing dynasty administration aspects and so on system’s evolution and social change has had various influence.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 07期

