

【作者】 李俊丽

【导师】 南炳文;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 中国古代史, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 明清时期,政治、经济重心相分离,京师皇室、百官及军士所需粮饷完全依赖从南方运送至京师的漕粮,漕粮是明清两朝赖以存在的经济基础。把漕粮从江南输送到京师,依靠的是南起杭州北至京师的京杭运河,而在数千里的运河上,天津地区的运河处于上达京通、下接江淮的枢纽地位,每年数万只漕船和数百万石漕粮由此经过,并且还有大量漕粮在此截存,因此天津是明清时期整个漕运过程的关键环节所在,在明清漕运史上占有举足轻重的地位,漕运也成为影响明清时期天津城市发展的重要因素之一。本文试图对明清时期天津的漕运情况作一全面而详尽的探讨。本文分为八章,加上绪论和结语共十部分。绪论的主要内容是对前人研究进行回顾,并对本文的选题依据、研究范围及其他有关问题加以说明。第一章,以明清时期天津地区漕运的基本条件——南北运河为考察对象,重点介绍南北运河的水源及管理问题。指出南运河以卫河为主水源,北运河以白河为主水源,同时还各有众多其它水源;天津南北运河设有各级官员进行管理,而具体的维修任务则由沿运河设置的浅铺及夫役来承担。第二章,仍以明清时期天津地区漕运的基本条件——南北运河为考察对象,重点对南北运河之河道疏浚和堤岸维修以及维修费用进行了探讨,并对明清时期蓟运河的开通和维修加以论述。第三章,以明清时期经由天津和截留于天津的漕粮为考察对象,分别对两者进行数量的统计和分析,并对明清时期在天津截留漕粮的主要原因进行研究,指出这些原因包括漕船迟至、恐误回空,北河不畅、有碍通行以及预备赈济和筹措军饷等。第四章,继续以截留于天津的漕粮为考察对象,主要论述截留在天津之漕粮的存储仓廒及最终去向,即转运京通仓、用于赈济、充作军饷,另外,还有少数充作它用;最后,还对明清蓟运粮的沿革进行了探讨。第五章,以明清时期漕运人员为考察对象,主要论述他们在天津地区作奸犯科的情况,包括旗丁对漕粮的盗卖掺和、水手和纤夫的沿途扰害以及漕运官丁夹带私盐等。另外,还对明清政府针对这些弊行所制定的相关制度进行分析。第六章,主要论述明清漕船在天津出现的各种特殊问题,包括漕船催攒、漕粮冻阻、漕粮漂流、漕粮挂欠等,以及明清政府应对上述问题采取的各种措施。第七章,以漕粮海运为考察对象,主要论述明清时期在以内河运输漕粮为主的情况下,海运间或被实行的状况,其中重点介绍清朝道光六年实行海运的情况,从而以见一斑。第八章,主要论述明清时期漕运对天津各方面的影响。指出明清时期天津的商业、人口、民生、语言、信仰、文学等方面,在漕运的影响下,都发生了极大的变化。可以说没有漕运,就没有其时天津的飞快成长。因此,漕运在天津城市成长的历史长河中具有不可磨灭的贡献。结语以简练的语句对全文主要内容进行总结,以予读者清晰的印象。

【Abstract】 The center of polity and ecomomy is detached in Ming Dynasty and Qing Dynasty.The provisionment of royalty,official and soldier absolutely dependes on the commissariat that carried from south to north by Canal,the carried commissariat is the economic base that depended on by Ming Dynasty and Qing Dynasty,but the carried commissariat is carried from south to north by Canal that from Beijing to Hangzhou,Tianjin is the hinge of Canal,it leads to Beijing northward and connects Changjiang-Huaihe southward,there are numerous sails that carrying commissariat pass Tianjin,indeed much carried commissariat uninstalls and stores up in Tianjin,so Tianjin is the key of the course of carrying commissariat in Ming Dynasty and Qing Dynasty,and is holded the balance in the history of carrying commissariat,carrying commissariat through Canal is one of the important factor for the development of Tianjin in Ming Dynasty and Qing Dynasty.This paper tries to in the round and amply discusses the cries of carrying commissariat about Tianjin in Ming Dynasty and Qing Dynasty.The paper includes eight chapters,adding introduction and eplioque,it is in all ten seqments.The main content of introduction reviews the research of former scholars,and accounts for the basis and research confine of this paper,as well as other correlative issues.The first chapter mainly discusses South and North Canal in Tianjin that is the basal condition of carrying commissariat,it emphaticly introduces the fountain and management of South and North Canal,pointes out Wei River is the central fountain of South Canal,Bai River is the central fountain of North Canal,furthermore,both South Canal and North Canal have numerous other riverhead;govemment founds diversified ranking official that administer South and North Canal,and founds grass-root unit and personnel that takes on idioqraphic repairing task of South and North Canal.The second chapter still discusses South and North Canal in Ming Dynasty and Qing Dynasty,mainly discusses the dredging up of riverway and the maintenance of riverside,and the expense of maintaining South and North Canal.In addition,this chapter still discusses the circs of dredged and maintained about the canal of Jizhou.The third chapter mainly discusses the carried commissariat that passing and uninstalling in Tianjin in Ming Dynasty and Qing Dynasty,respectively statistics and analyses for them,otherwise,discusses still the reasons that uninstalling carried commissariat in Tianjin.The forth chapter mainly discusses the carried commissariat that uninstalling in Tianjin in Ming Dynasty and Qing Dynasty,mainly discusses its storage and ultimately purpose,finally,discusses also the carried commissariat that carried to Jizhou.The fifth chapter mainly discusses the personnel who carrying commissariat by Canal,discusses the personnel’ bad action,include stealing and selling carried commissariat,disarranging on the way,taking slinkingly salt,in addition,this chapter also discusses relative system aiming at personnel’ bad action that constituted by government of Ming Dynasty and Qing Dynasty.The sixth chapter mainly discusses the especial matter taking place in Tianjin about the sail that carrying commissariat,for example,the sail is hastened,carried commissariat is freezed,drifted and scarcity,and discusses relative system aiming at these issue by government of Ming Dynasty and Qing Dynasty.The seventh chapter mainly discusses the carried commissariat by sea,treats the thing about carrying commissariat through sea is implemented at long intervals under giving priority to Canal,stressly introduces the thing implemented in the sixth year of Daoguang.The eighth chapter maily discusses the effect of carring commissariat by Canal on the business,population,life,language,belief and literature of Tianjin,they arises huge change.So there is not the pullulation of Tianjin at that time if there is a lack of earring commissariat by Canal,so carrying commissariat by Canal possesses holding the balance in the pullulation of history about Tianjin.Epiloque summarizes the main content of this paper through concise language,ang gives readers clear impress.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 11期
  • 【分类号】F512.9;K29
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】977
  • 攻读期成果

