

【作者】 张华军

【导师】 刘景泉;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 中国近现代史, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本文以民国时期的河南县政为研究对象,从制度、人、事三个角度对之进行研究。本研究共分五章,各章要点如下:第一章,绪论,主要阐明县的实质,以及县制、县政的内涵及其相互关系。县实质上是一个物质载体,它的场域就是国家与社会、政府与民众的交接之处,它的内容就是国家与社会、政府与民众在彼此权利与义务方面的运动及在人、财、物和信息等方面的互动交流。县制与县政实质上是县的本质的不同方面。县制于中国有着悠久的历史。它型塑了中央集权专制国家,此类国家的建立标志着国家结构内部的矛盾得以解决,而新的矛盾——国家与社会间的矛盾因之伴生。第二章,县政之制。起自清末新政直至1930年代,县制的近代化变迁步履维艰。从有关县制的制度变迁上看,先有古代的在弱官治(有统治职能而无社会职能)基础上的弱自治,然后,近代化县制开始发轫,官治与自治都开始强化,二者一直在碰撞,北京政府时期基本上是“官治”与“自治”并存,虽不平分秋色,但尚有一定的自治;南京国民政府时期则“官治”日益强大,“自治”日益式微,“官治”吸融了“自治”,至1939年,国民党推行新县制,又在官治达到终极层次的基础上实行新的历史条件下的自治——即“官治”统驭下的“自治”,然而,即使这种自治也未能在现实中得到实质性的落实。笔者要具体指出的是:“裁局改科”是清末以来“官治”与“自治”之间碰撞的历史转折点,“官治”由此开始占上风;保甲制度的推行与实行分区设署是清末以来“官治”与“自治”之间碰撞的巅峰,“官治”由此确立了其强势地位。立足于旧“官治”基础上的“地方自治”在近代官治的进逼下被吸融被弱化,沦为“官治”的附庸。第三章,县政之人,民国时期,县制总体上是近代化性质的,并且基本上始终是向着近代化的方向的。但县政人治色彩浓厚。如:县官的任期短,本兼职太多,承包财政,亲朋随同赴任,离任时需办理繁琐的交代。而其县政人员,在北京政府时期,依然是旧人员,经过自然淘汰,到1930年代虽已不多见,私人性的特征依然很明显,这说明近代化县制的建成仍是表面现象。第四章,县政之事,制度与人在现实中的纠葛,具体地反映在事上。财政方面,机构繁杂多变,地丁和杂捐成为河南各县的主要财政收入来源;教育方面,县主要负责初级教育,学龄儿童入学率低,教师待遇差;警政则经过演变,官方的警政系统与自治的警政系统并存,后者总体来说是前者的附庸;县警的装备差,待遇低,薪饷费占经费支出的绝大部分,是维持型的警政;建设方面基本上是起步的阶段。自治县政的县政系统最终演变为官治县政系统。反映了国家机构的向下扩张。县的司法机构并非完全独立于行政,县官兼理司法在民国时期的河南省是较普遍存在的,行政力量往往主导司法。这亦说明近代化县制的建成仍是表面现象。第五章,结论,制度无疑是近代化的,但人的近代化尚远落后于制度的期望,以致近代化的事总是举步维艰。在中国“自治”必然以“官治”为基础,“自治”势必先为“官治”提供辅助,使官治得以强化与深化,并以此为基础,再在一个更高的历史层次上推行自治,强化与深化自治,从而达到官治与自治的双强与双赢。国家与社会,政府与民众的关系一直是运动的,双方基于本身的利益,一直是一种“零——和”的博弈关系。但因在中国的历史上,官方一直占主导地位,所以在这种新的历史阶段,官方自觉地维护自己的利益,而不自觉地忽视了压迫了民众的利益,这就呈现出这一阶段的特征:规范性官治科层结构的确立。这是中国历史发展的客观结果,也是一种历史必然,在此基础上,要调整国家与社会,政府与民众的关系,以达到二者彼此尊重各自的权利义务,国家服务于社会,政府服务于民间的双强共赢、和谐合作的历史状态。综上,民国时期的河南县政,可谓有近代化之形而无近代化之实。原因概在于,自治县政的萎缩,使本可以发展成为与国家势均力敌的制衡者不可能出现了,既然无制约国家者,那么,国家与社会的关系就依然是非良性的。

【Abstract】 This thesis is a reaserch on county government in HeNan at the period of MinGuo. I focus on political system, county figures and affairs.There are five chapters, their main points lie as below.The first chapter, namely the exordium. It’s mainly about the substance of county, and county law system, county adminstrion, beyond, their relation.In fact, a county is a undertaker. Its range is the connection place for state and society, government and folks,the contents are the relation between those two groups, and the exchange in people, weath, information. County law system and county adminstrion are the two different aspects of county. County, as a local government system, has a long history. It centralizes state power. And the found of this kind of state signs the inner conflict in a state is settled, but a new type of contradiction, conflict between state and society come into being.The second chapter, the political system. It began in the new political movement at the end of Qing Dynasty, and ended in the 1930, experienced a hard change.From the change of rules in county’s history, we can see, first, in the ancient time, counties were soft-self-management based on soft- bureaucratic-rule, meaned rule on people but no management on society.Then, modernization entered, both bureaucratic-rule and soft-self- management were reinforced, the two collided with each other. During the Northern Warlords’time, self-management and bureaucratic-rule existed at the same time; bureaucratic-rule increased, meanwhile, self- management decreased in Nanjing National Government’s time. In 1939, Kuomintang carried out the new county system, and formed the new self- management, which was controlled by bureaucratic-rule. Even so, this new self-management was not put into effect. What we want to point out are:"repeal of situation and establish of division" was the turning mark at the end of Qing Dynasty in the collision between self-management and bureaucratic-rule, after this mark, bureaucratic-rule was in the lead; neighbourhood administrative system and bureau based on different places was the hige tide of the collsion, after this tide, bureaucratic-rule dominated.The third chapter, government figures.During Minguo period, county political system was modern as a whole, and was on the way to modem. But the factor of political figures was strong. For example, the term of office was short, positons were too many, undertaking of the finance, kith and kin were promoted with too, formalities were too trivial when one leaves off. And the officials were too, those old figures in the Northern Warlords’ time, also, those figures were seldom after so many years, private personals were still existed. This meant modern county was merely a superficies.The fourth chapter of the county government, and the system with the disputes in the real world, specifically reflected in the matter.Financially, the complex and varied institutions, to small and miscellaneous donations to become the county in Henan Province’s main sources of revenue. Education, the county is mainly responsible for primary education, school-age children enrollment rate is low, teachers are poorly treated. Arsenal are through the evolution of the official police system and police system the coexistence of autonomy, autonomy is the whole client. County Superintendent of poor equipment, low pay and poor salary costs account for the vast majority of expenditure is to maintain the type of policing. Building phase is started. Autonomous County, the political system of governance the ultimate evolution of the political system of county government officials. Reflects the downward expansion of national institutions. County Judiciary is not completely independent of the executive, judicial magistrate and the rationale for the Henan Province in the Republic of China is more widespread, the executive-led forces will tend to the administration of justice. County council as a body of public opinion in politics rather than the legislature, the executive decided that it can not be constrained, and can only be supporting the Chief. KMT Youth League and three in the county level, primarily through control of the county council to influence government constraints.The fifth chapter, epilogue. System is the modernization, but modernization of people are far behind the expectations of the system, which is always a matter for the modernization difficult. In China, self-management must and inevitably based on bureaucratic-rule, and it helped and enabled bureaucratic-rule. On this basis, a higer standard of self-management was produced, both self-management and bureaucratic-rule were strengthened, it’s a win-win method. State and society, government and folks were in a movement all the time, for their self interests, a relation of gaming existed. In China, government was the main force, yet in the new period, government maintained its interest, so the interest of folks was neglected. And this could be seen by the found of normal divisions. However, this is a reality of our history, and a necessity. From this, we should read just the relation between state and society, government and folks, aiming at the balance of their power and obligation. In this way, state serves society, government serves folks.In conclusion, county government in HeNan of MinGuo, has somewhat, the from but not the essence of modern county. Maybe the main cause was, the wither of county government, since the balancer between state and society disappered, then the relation must be unhealthy.

【关键词】 民国县政河南
【Key words】 The Republic of ChinaCounty administrationHeNan
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 07期

