

【作者】 梁小平

【导师】 杨巨平;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 世界史, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 埃琉息斯秘仪是古希腊的一种神秘宗教仪式,崇拜的神祗有得墨忒耳、珀尔塞福涅和伊阿库斯。它的具体细节和启示意义对未入会者严格保密,不得以任何方式泄露,亵渎者将被判处死刑。因此,古典作家诸如希罗多德、狄奥多鲁斯、波桑尼阿斯等虽对秘仪有所提及,却都语焉不详。本文根据古代文献和现有的研究成果,对其大致面貌作了尽可能的复原。从崇拜对象及其反映的信仰与观念上看,埃琉息斯秘仪以地母神和冥神为崇拜对象,通过珀尔塞福涅农业女神、秘仪之神与冥后的三重身份,将农业生产、来世幸福与秘仪巧妙地结合在一起。因此,埃琉息斯秘仪是生殖力崇拜、阴间崇拜、来世幸福观和死而复生观的集中体现。从仪式构成上看,埃琉息斯秘仪可以分为小秘仪和大秘仪两部分。小秘仪是大秘仪的准备,主要由献祭、净化、跳圣舞等活动构成。小秘仪的核心是净化,去除申请入会者肉体和意识上的一切罪孽,为入会神圣的大秘仪做准备。大秘仪的活动主要包括运送圣物到雅典,在雅典举行献祭、净化、祈祷和跳圣舞,纪念医药神的节庆,伊阿库斯节,在埃琉息斯举行禁食、净化和神秘的入会仪式等。入会仪式是来世幸福能否实现的关键。但由于埃琉息斯秘仪的严格保密性,其入会仪式高潮阶段的核心内容至今仍未揭晓,目前已有的结论多属推测。从祭司的构成与职责上看,埃琉息斯秘仪的主祭司例如传秘师、火炬手、传令官等都选自欧摩尔波斯和克里克斯两大家族,他们各司其职,精于自己的宗教知识。他们的社会地位极高,罗马时期甚至获得了神圣的地位。作为一种延续长达近2000年之久的宗教文化现象,埃琉息斯秘仪的发展演变无疑是与古希腊社会历史的发展与变革紧密联系在一起的。迈锡尼时代是埃琉息斯秘仪产生的时期。古希腊神话传说和现代的考古发掘都显示了它大约产生于公元前15世纪。关于它的起源地,争议较大,目前尚无定论,主要包括埃及说、色雷斯说和希腊说。这三种观点都不无道理,但都未将埃琉息斯秘仪的起源问题彻底解释清楚。埃琉息斯秘仪的产生应有着深刻的社会历史根源。公元前15—前14世纪希腊躁动不安的社会局势是其产生的社会根源;远古地母神崇拜和蛇女神崇拜是其产生的基础;克里特宗教中的婴孩崇拜、神婚、洞穴祭仪等是其产生的重要条件。所以,埃琉息斯秘仪的产生是本土因素与外来宗教因素交流融合的结果。荷马时代是埃琉息斯秘仪持续存在和发展的时期。阿提卡免遭多利亚人的侵入为秘仪的延续提供了继续存在发展的历史机遇。考古发掘出的神庙遗址证明了秘仪在埃琉息斯本地的连续性。某些希腊殖民城市模仿埃琉息斯建立得墨忒耳秘仪则表明秘仪已经传播到希腊本土之外。古风—古典时期是埃琉息斯秘仪的兴盛发展期。雅典城邦政府在其中发挥了至关重要的作用。埃琉息斯神庙的扩建、入会者范围的扩大以及秘仪管理机制的完善都离不开城邦政府的直接参与和大力支持。希腊化—罗马时期是埃琉息斯秘仪的蜕变与衰落期。马其顿、罗马统治者对埃琉息斯秘仪的青睐促进了这一时期秘仪的繁盛,使之具有了一定的世界意义。但王权的介入破坏了埃琉息斯秘仪的传统,主要体现在王者崇拜的引入、私人出资代表雅典城邦献祭的盛行以及传秘师等主祭司地位的神圣化。仪式传统的破坏与希腊城邦衰落的政治命运息息相通,因此,当基督教兴起时,发生蜕变的埃琉息斯秘仪在生存空间受到挤压的同时也失去了发展的原动力。公元395年圣殿的被毁标志着埃琉息斯秘仪历史命运的终结。埃琉息斯秘仪是古代秘仪活动的典型,它在发展过程中形成了自己的特点:一、秘仪管理机制包括城邦政府和祭司的双重管理。二、形成了专业化与特权化的祭司群体。三、拥有广泛的社会基础。四、仪式禁忌具有浓厚的政治色彩。五、强调“入会即是一切”的宗教理念。作为一种具有广泛社会基础的、又有悠久历史的宗教现象与社会现象,埃琉息斯秘仪对古希腊的社会、政治、文化都产生了重要影响。它在一定程度上增强了雅典在希腊世界的影响,有利于希腊人民族认同感的增强和社会的和谐稳定,同时促进了古希腊文化的繁荣;对古希腊其他地区秘仪、甚至对早期基督教的发展也起了一定的推动作用。

【Abstract】 The Eleusis Mysteries were one of mystical religious rites in ancient Greece, which mainly worshipped Demeter, Persephone and Iacchus. The Eleusis Mysteries kept every detail and revelation as a secret to the uninitiated, in any case, the ones who divulged the secrets would be sentenced to death. Thus, the classical authors, such as Herodotus, Diodorus, Pausanias, though referred to, however, described the mysteries vaguely. Nevertheless, we could still restore their basic features, according to the description given by the classical author and the research fruit of Western scholars nowadays.Being studied in the worship figures and the beliefs and the ideas they reflected, the Eleusis Mysteries worshipped mother goddess and god of Hades. The goddess Persephone was present in her triple role of goddess of agricultural, goddess of mysteries and the queen of Hades, combining the agricultural production, future well-being and mysteries rites. Hence, they altogether reflected some religious beliefs and concepts such as the worship of reproductive capacity, the sense of future well-being and revival.The Eleusis Mysteries consisted of the Lesser mysteries and the Great mysteries. The Lesser mysteries contained sacrifice, purification, sacred dancing and so on. Purification was the core, which could rid the sins of the applicants both physical and mental. And the Lesser mysteries were the preparation of the Great mysteries. The Great mysteries, mainly consisting of delivering the sacred objects to Athens, and holding sacrifice, purification, praying and sacred dance and the festivals of Asclepios and Iacchus as well at Athens, in addition, the activities such as fast, purification, and the mysterious initiation rites were held in Eleusis. The initiation was the key point for realizing the future well-being. However, for the secret kept unknown, the core secret of the peak point of the initiation remains puzzled. The so-called conclusions we already heard of are still somewhat supposing. From the selection and duties of priests, the main priests of Eleusis mysteries such as hierophant, torchbearer and Herald, they were all chosen from two families named Eumolpidae and Kerykes, they all attended to their own duties, and were proficient in their own religious knowledge. They got high social status, even especially the sacred status in the Roman. Therefore, the Eleusis Mysteries formed a special priest group which got a privilege, and professional monopoly the seats of priests class.As a religious and cultural phenomenon lasted for nearly 2,000 years, there was no doubt that the Eleusis Mysteries were tightly connected with the development and transformation of ancient Greek history and in different times.The Eleusis Mysteries generated during the Mycenae age. Myths and legends of ancient Greece and modern archaeological excavations as well both show that the Mysteries appeared about in the 15th century BC. However, there’s heated debate about where they derived from, and now there is still no final conclusion. These ideas consist of Egyptian-origin, Thracian-origin and Greek-origin. These three ideas can somewhat make sense, but can’t fully solve the problem. The turmoil of Greece in the 15-14 century B. C. was the social roots of the rise of the Eleusis Mysteries. The primitive worship of mother goddess and the snake goddess was the base of religious beliefs; the child worship, the sacred marriage and the cave rites of the Crete religion were also play an important role in the rise. Thus, the rise of the Eleusis Mysteries was the necessity result of a mix influence of the Hellenic and foreign culture.In the Homer Age, the Eleusis Mysteries continued to exist and develop. It was that Attica area which avoid from Doric invasion offered the mysteries peaceful social environment to sustain. The temple which was discovered in the Archaeological excavation proved the Eleusis Mysteries being of continuous in the very Eleusis. On the other hand, the imitations of the establishment of the Demeter Mysteries of some Greek colonies reveal the development of the Mysteries.The Archaic and Classic Age were the period in which the Eleusis Mysteries bloomed and developed. The Athens city-state played a very important role in the booming of the Eleusis Mysteries. The Athens government supported the development of mysteries without cessation after it was incorporated in official worship, for example: enlarging initiation and building temples at states expense and the ripe of the mysteries administration.The Eleusis Mysteries transformed and declined in the Greco-Roman age. It was the concern of Macedonian and the Roman rulers that brought the prosperity to the mystery and made them somewhat world-wide. However, it was also their interference, which had also broken the tradition of Mysteries, which mainly reflected in the aspects of the rise of the emperor-worship, the sacrifice at the private expense and the sanctifying of the main priest. However, the broken of the ritual tradition and the declining political fate of the Greek city-states states were tied together. When the rise of Christianity, the transformed Eleusis Mysteries had lost their space for existing freely and lost their original vigor. In 395 A. D., the destruction of the sacred temple put an end to the Eleusis Mysteries.The Eleusis Mysteries were considered as typical mysteries activities, and formed its own characteristics. Firstly, the administration of the mysteries, including the government of city-states and the priests of the dual-administration; secondly, they had formed a specialized and privileged priests; Thirdly, they seized a broad range of social base; Fourthly, the ceremonial taboo deeply influenced by politics; fifthly, the stress of religious notion saying that "initiation is everything".As a social and religious phenomenon which widely based on the society and had a long history, the Eleusis Mysteries influenced different aspects of ancient Greece deeply, social political and cultural. To some degrees, it strengthened the Athens’ power in Greek world and has a positive effect on the growing of Greek race identity and the keeping of social order. Also it promoted the development of drama, helped the prosperity of poems and philosophy, and had a further impact on other Mysteries and even the Christianity.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 07期

