

【作者】 赵亚琼

【导师】 陈晏清;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 马克思主义哲学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 罗尔斯一生追寻的问题即“正义的民主社会如何可能”。具体而言,就是在民主社会多元论事实的背景中,探索秩序良好的正义民主社会之现实可能性问题。在传统社会中,社会统一的基础是一种真理性一致同意,但是民主社会多元论的事实使社会统一的真理性基础不再适用。理性观念是罗尔斯取代真理概念,并用来衡量政治领域中有关宪法根本和基本正义问题的标准。罗尔斯的理性观念要具体结合实践理性以及相关社会和人的基本理念来理解,即隐含于民主社会公共政治文化中的两个基本理念:公平合作系统的社会理念和自由且平等的公民理念。这种理性观念的作用范围仅限于政治领域,是政治证成的标准,并且通过公民的政治德性表现出来。同时,这种理性观念是实质性观念,它的规范性内容由作为公平合作系统的社会理念以及自由且平等的公民理念赋予,突出地表现为自由平等公民的两种意愿和倾向:一是提出并遵守公平的社会合作条件之意愿,二是认识到判断的负担并接受其后果之意愿。罗尔斯的理性观念是个实践范畴,针对的是民主社会中的多元论事实。运用这种理性观念能够在宽容最大范围冲突的前提下,在各种理性的完备性学说之间获得一种政治正义观念的重叠共识,继而使得由这种政治正义观念规导的民主社会达到基于正当理由的稳定性。在理性观念的帮助下,罗尔斯完成了秩序良好的正义民主社会之现实可能性的论证。如果结合罗尔斯对政治哲学主旨的定位来看,这种理性观念不仅有助于实现政治哲学在民主社会公共文化中的公共作用和教育作用,而且也有助于有效发挥政治哲学在公共政治文化中的实践作用、定向作用和调和作用。因此,以此理性观念为切入点,能够更加准确地理解和把握罗尔斯政治哲学观的精髓,从而进一步推进对罗尔斯政治哲学观的整体性理解。

【Abstract】 That how it is possible for there to exist over time a just democratic society is the problem Rawls tried to work out all his life. In some specific terms, he tried to explore the practical possibility of a just well-ordered society in the face of reasonable pluralism in democratic society. Social unity is based on an agreement of truth in traditional society, but this kind of unity is unavailable owing to the fact of pluralism in a democratic society. Rawlsian reasonableness is an alternative as the criterion for deciding issues concerning constitutional essentials and questions of basic justice. This kind of reasonableness needs to be understood by the practical reason in union with conceptions of society as a fair system of cooperation and persons as free and equal citizens. Rawlsian reasonableness works as a criterion of political justification in the domain of political. It also works through the political virtues. Besides, Rawlsian reasonableness is a substantial conception. Its normative content is derived from the fundamental idea of society as a fair system of cooperation and the idea of persons as free and equal citizens. Accordingly, it presents two dispositions of free and equal citizens. The first basic aspect of the reasonable is the willingness to promote fair terms of cooperation and to abide by them provided others do. The second basic aspect of the reasonable is the willingness to recognize the burdens of judgment and to accept the consequences. Rawlsian reasonableness is a conception pointing to practice, namely the fact of pluralism in a democratic society. For using this kind of reasonableness, a political conception of justice can secure an overlapping consensus among reasonable comprehensive doctrines. Subsequently, the democratic society regulated by this political conception of justice secure a kind of stability for right reasons. In virtue of Rawlsian reasonableness, Rawls completed his argument for the practical possibility of a just well-ordered society. Considering the aim of Rawls’ political philosophy, this kind of reasonableness is helpful to realize political philosophy’s public role and educational role as part of the public culture in a democratic society. It is also helpful for political philosophy to promote the realization of its practical role, orientation role and reconciliation role as part of the public political culture in a democratic society. Finally, we can secure the essentials of Rawls’ political philosophy correctively to advance the comprehensive understanding of Rawls’ political philosophy further.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 07期

