

The Legal System Research on Intellectual Property Rights Customs Protection

【作者】 汤涛

【导师】 丁伟;

【作者基本信息】 华东政法大学 , 国际法, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 (一)研究背景及研究对象随着世界经济一体化的发展,知识产权保护在国际贸易中成为越来越重要的议题,对国际贸易有着直接影响的与知识产权有关的边境措施也随之成为知识产权保护的重要手段。20世纪中期以来,随着国际贸易的迅速发展,侵犯知识产权的非法货物的国际贸易数量也呈上升趋势,侵权货物贸易的大量存在给正当的国际贸易带来了巨大的损失。实施知识产权的边境保护越来越成为国际间保护知识产权的有效手段之一。在法律上边境包含着两个概念,一是“国境”的边境;一是“关境”的边境。从海关管理的职能看,各国海关对知识产权采取保护措施的边境只能是“关境”的边境。为了明确保护的空间范围和保护的主体,本文采用知识产权海关保护这个范畴表述知识产权边境保护,并将其作为本文的研究对象。知识产权海关保护是世界各国特别是西方经济发达国家对知识产权保护的一种方法,是指海关依据国家法律的授权,在边境采取的制止侵犯受国家法律和行政法规保护的知识产权的货物进境或者出境的行为。它是随着国际贸易的发展而发展起来的,特别是在国际贸易中出现大量的盗版和假冒商品等非法货物贸易的情况下,知识产权海关保护的地位和作用就更加突现。因此,在此领域,法律制度也得到了极大的发展。国际立法层面,《TRIPS协议》第三部分第四节对知识产权边境措施进行了详尽的规定。西方发达国家,美国和欧盟不仅有先进的知识产权海关保护理念,而且在立法和执法方面也有着相对发达的经验和做法,有许多值得我们研究和借鉴的地方。依法实施知识产权的海关保护是我国加入WTO,履行国际义务的必然要求,是维护知识产权人的合法权利的有效途径,是提升我国的国际竞争力的重要手段,也是我国海关建立现代海关制度、深化改革、转变职能的内在需要。×回顾13年的历程,知识产权海关保护工作从无到有、从小到大、从弱到强,在保护境内外知识产权权利人的合法权益、维护正常的进出口贸易秩序、提高中国国际形象、改善国内投资环境等方面发挥了重要作用。但是与美国、欧盟以及国际立法相比,我国的知识产权海关保护制度起步晚,法律制度不健全,海关执法能力急需提高,这都需要我们结合中国的实际,借鉴相对先进的做法。(二)研究意义知识产权是一种私权,因其无形性而同一般的物权有着极大的差别,进而对其保护要更多地借助于行政权。知识产权海关保护便是行政权介入的一种典型形式。本文研究的知识产权海关保护兼顾理论和实务,在对知识产权海关保护的理论问题进行研究的同时,关注知识产权海关保护具体问题的研究,通过比较研究有助于丰富海关行政执法理论,增强海关行政执法的针对性和有效性。一是通过对发达国家知识产权海关保护制度与我国知识产权海关保护制度的比较研究,发现各自的特点。二是通过对我国知识产权海关保护制度实体与程序具体问题的研究,分析目前知识产权海关保护立法上的缺陷,探索立法与实践的有机结合,促进立法完善。三是通过对知识产权海关保护行政执法具体问题的研究,从执法实践出发,说明执法的疑难问题,并提出了解决的办法,以期对今后知识产权海关保护立法与执法工作有所裨益。(三)研究现状国外学者的研究多是介绍《TRIPS协议》,欧盟法中有关知识产权海关保护制度的内容;国内机构、学者的研究一般是根据《TRIPS协议》的有关规定和国外的先进经验来介绍知识产权海关保护法律制度。这些著作和文章都从构建知识产权海关保护制度的角度提出了很多问题与对策,值得借鉴。但是现有的研究仍然存在以下问题:一是国外的研究立足于所在国的法律制度以及《TRIPS协议》,对我国法律制度由于了解不深的原因较少有涉及;二是国内的研究往往还是从比较宏观的层面比较我国制度与《TRIPS协议》以及国外制度的区别,对于该制度执行层面的实际问题涉及不多。总的来说,目前对知识产权海关保护制度研究中存在多注重理论层面,与海关执法实践结合较少的问题。为了解决这个问题,本文在这些学者研究的基础上,方面对国际条约和美国、欧盟知识产权海关保护法律制度进行了较为细致的研究,通过对比,对中国的现行制度加以总结、分析,另一方面,采取实务分析的方法,针对知识产权海关保护执法中出现的问题,通过对海关系统真实案例的解读,借鉴国外海关执法经验,讨论知识产权海关保护制度的进一步完善。本文第五、六部分着重针对我国知识产权海关保护制度执行过程中各种实际问题进行论述,因为很多问题均来源于一线关员的工作实践,能够搜集到的资料较少,在引文未能进一步丰富。(四)研究方法及结构安排本文分为六个部分,采用历史分析、比较分析和实证研究的方法,论述了知识产权海关保护制度作为行政性保护方式的一般原理;分析了国际及美国、欧盟知识产权海关保护制度的内容及特征;回顾了我国知识产权海关保护制度的建立与发展的历史以及制度内容;比较了中国与《TRIPS协议》,与美国、欧盟在知识产权海关保护制度法律依据、权利和义务、海关的职责及客体范围等方面存在的差异;在此基础上,从实体和程序两个方面探讨了我国知识产权海关保护制度的特征及不足,并逐一提出了完善我国知识产权海关保护法律体系的建议。第一章从知识产权保护的一般原理出发,对知识产权海关保护进行了概况研究,回顾了知识产权海关保护制度的历史沿革,总体论述了海关保护制度保护的知识产权的范围以及该项制度所发挥的作用。知识产权海关保护是随着国际贸易的发展,为解决国际贸易中的知识产权侵权问题而产生并发展起来的。其保护范围包括版权、商标权和专利权,并逐步扩大到集成电路布图设计、外观设计等领域。通过知识产权海关保护,能够制止正在发生的侵权,防止将来发生的侵权,并为启动民事救济提供便利。第二章对知识产权海关保护制度的理论基础、法律性质以及法律渊源进行了研究。知识产权行政保护作为知识产权保护的一种有效方式,其自身具有高效灵活的特征,在知识产权保护的法律体系中占有重要地位。知识产权海关保护制度是行政保护制度的一个重要组成,国际层面的立法对其也多有涉及,其法律性质上具有国际经济法的性质,同时对于一国来说,该国的知识产权海关保护制度又属于该国经济法的范畴。因此,其法律渊源也具有了多元性的特征。第三章对国际以及美国、欧盟的知识产权海关保护制度进行了阐述和分析。文章以TRIPS协议中有关边境措施的规定为出发点,分析了《TRIPS协议》中边境措施法律制度的内容;对作为软法的《为履行<TRIPS协议>而赋予海关权力的国内立法示范法》内容进行了介绍,对美国和欧盟知识产权海关保护进行了分析,并结合国际上知识产权海关保护制度的发展趋势,讨论了其发展动向。第四章对我国的知识产权海关保护制度进行了详尽的研究。中美知识产权谈判与我国知识产权海关保护制度的建立有直接关系,从中有我国知识产权海关保护制度建立的脉络。本章从实体法和程序法两个方面入手,对我国知识产权海关保护制度进行了细致的阐述,同时在章节的最后,对我国知识产权海关保护的现状进行了实证分析。第五章从实体制度入手,在第三章和第四章的基础上,首先总结了实体制度层面,我国规定与《TRIPS协议》,与美国、欧盟制度规定的差异。然后从申请主体、保护环节、保护对象、责任体系和微量豁免等方面对我国知识产权海关保护制度存在的问题进行了分析,并就完善我国知识产权海关保护的实体法律制度提出了立法建议。第六章从程序制度入手,结合第三章和第四章的分析,论述了程序制度层面,我国规定与《TRIPS协议》,与美国、欧盟制度规定的差异。从保护模式、备案制度、申请制度、担保制度、时限制度以及调查制度等方面对我国知识产权海关保护制度存在的问题进行了分析,借鉴国外先进经验,结合我国实际提出了完善程序制度的建议。第四章、第五章和第六章是本文的重点和创新所在。首先,本文的研究对象切合了海关转变监管职能的内在需要。随着海关传统的税收职能的逐步削弱,海关监管重心向新型领域转移。无论是从国际法研究领域还是从行政法研究领域,我国知识产权海关保护问题都是一个较少人关注和研究的课题。本文第四章从实体法和程序法两个方面,对我国知识产权海关保护制度的法律规定以及实践操作进行了详尽的阐述和研究。为了更好的反映我国知识产权海关保护制度的特点以及存在的问题,本文主要运用了比较分析的方法,在研究了国际以及世界主要发达国家知识产权海关保护制度以及我国知识产权海关保护制度的前提下,系统全面的剖析了我国知识产权海关保护制度存在的问题并提出相应的完善措施。其次,本文立足海关执法实践,并未空洞的阐述理论。知识产权海关保护制度作为一项知识产权行政保护的边境措施,其理论基础并不复杂。而这项制度在实践中产生了很多操作层面的问题,需要我们在做好理论研究的同时,从海关执法实践的角度入手,研究海关执法的第一线发生的现实问题并提出了解决的建议。本文在写作过程中,注重结合一线执法人员的意见,多处引用案例说明问题,对实践具有一定的指导作用。针对实体法方面,笔者建议扩大知识产权海关保护制度的申请主体,扩张知识产权海关保护的环节,将加工贸易,转关、保税、过境、转运、通运货物纳入保护环节;填补平行进口问题执法真空,区分不同知识产权规定平行进口是否合法;放弃专利权的主动保护,将商号权、地理标志、生物多样性权的保护纳入保护范围;消除行政责任体系中的法律矛盾,从严处理侵权货物,严格拍卖以及对公益机构的捐赠;完善知识产权海关保护刑事责任体系,加强海关与公安机关的协作机制;针对行邮物品的监管,取消“合理自用”标准等。针对程序法方面,笔者建议建立依申请保护模式为主的模式,发挥权利人在知识产权保护中的作用;对专利权采用不同的备案保护模式;建立申请受理中心系统,延长申请有效期,降低申请需要满足的要求;合理降低权利人申请保护的门槛;规定担保合理限额,丰富担保形式,细化总担保的规范;明确部分程序时限;严格限制海关调查权的行使;从严控制当事人和解等。借鉴国外先进立法经验,结合我国的经济环境和法治环境,不断完善我国的知识产权海关保护法律制度,必将有助于我国的科技创新,促进对外贸易的发展,从而提高我国整体的科技实力和经济实力。

【Abstract】 Companying with the world economy integration, Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) protection is becoming a hot and important topic of discussion in the world trade and the border measures relating to IPR is becoming a main measure to protect IPR for its direct effects on the world trade. Since the mid of the 20th century, with the development of international trade, the number of illegal commodities concerning the tort of intellectual property has also increased and the existence of the huge number of illegal goods causes great losses to international trade. The border measures relating to IPR is gaining more and more weight in its international protection.The conception of Border contains two meanings at law, one is the national territory, and the other is the customs territory. Considered to the function of customs bureau, the border measures could only be done on the customs territory. To define the scope and subject of IPR protection, this thesis adopts IPRs Customs Protection to substitute border measures, and let it be the research object.IPRs Customs Protection is a Popular means to protect intellectual rights among countries, especially among the West. It Rrefers that the Customs has the right to stop the imports and the exports of cargoes infringing IPR according to the national law in the frontier. It develops as the international trade grows. Its status and function is more obvious especially under the circumstances of illegal trades such as Pirates and counterfeits in the international trade. So, in this realm, the legal system has gained great development. On international legislation, the third part, forth section of TRIPS Agreement makes particular prescription on the border measures. USA and European Union have both advanced ideas of IPRs Customs Protection and relatively developed experiences and exercises on legislation and enforcement.IPRs Customs Protection is the natural obligation of China after her entry into the WTO and it is also an effective way of protecting the rights of the owners of intellectual property. It elevates our power in international competition and it is also the inner need in our buildings up of customs regulations, in our deepening of our reform and in our transformation of the governmental functions. Look back the procession of 12 years, IPRs Customs Protection has developed from scratch, and from weak to strong, developed an important function in protecting the legal rights of the intelligent property rights owners, supporting normal import and export order, raising international image of China and improving domestic investment environment.But by comparison, China established the IPRs Customs Protection later and does not have a sound law system. The customs are in a great need to improve their enforcement capability. We can learn a lot from the EU IPRs Customs Protection with the combination of our national conditions.The intelligent property right is a kind of private right, because it is invisible, it is different from right in rem, and it’s protection needs much help from administrative power. IPRs Customs Protection is a typical model form of administrative power. This thesis gives attention to both theories and actual practice, while theories problem is carrying on a research, it is also concerned about specific problem on IPRs Customs Protection. Through a comparison research, it may help enriching the IPRs Customs Protection theories, enhancing pertinence and validity of law enforcement by administrative authorities.First, by doing the comparative research, detects respective characteristics. Second, analyses current blemish of the IPRs Customs Protection system, perfects legislation. Third, by doing research on specific problem of the system, recommends solutionThe foreign scholar’s research mostly focuses on introducing《TRIPS Agreement》, and the EU IPRs Customs Protection system; The research of local scholars generally introduces advanced experience of IPRs Customs Protection system based on《TRIPS Agreement》and other developed countries legislation. These work and articles all pose a lot of questions and counter plan, and are worth learning.But the existing research still has following problems:First, the foreign research has a foothold at the host country’s legal system and《TRIPS Agreement》, involving little china’s legal system;Second, the local research usually compare our system with《TRIPS Agreement》and foreign systems from macroscopic level, involving little the actual problem of the system from performance levelGenerally speaking, the research presently known on IPRs Customs Protection system pays more attention at theories level, has little on the problem of customs protice. To solve this problem, this thesis on the one hand carries on more meticulous research to the international treaty, the United States and the EU IPRs Customs Protection system, by contrasting, analysises china’s IPRs Customs Protection system, on the other hand adopts the method of Positive analysis, aims at the problem in practice, by researching on true case, draws lessons from foreign experience, discusses the way of perfect our IPRs Customs Protection.The chapter 5 and 6 of this thesis emphasize on our country’s actual problem occurs in performence of IPRs Customs Protection system, because a lot of problems all come from the front line customs officers, the data which can be collected is less, so the quotationnot could not be enriched furtherThis thesis includes six parts; it uses several methods, such as historical analysis, comparative analysis and analysis of positivism. It dissertates the fundamental principle of IPRs Customs Protection as an administrative Protective means; it analyzes the content and characteristic of international IPRs Customs Protection and IPRs Customs Protection in USAand the EU; it reviews the establishment and development of our IPRs Customs Protection system; makes a comparison between china and TRIPS agreement, china and the U. S. A, china and the EU with respect to legal bases, the rights and obligations, the customs’position, the scope of protection and so on; then discusses the characteristic and shortage of our IPRs Customs Protection system in both substantive and procedural aspects, and puts forwards some proposals on how to perfect our country’s IPRs Customs Protection system.Chapter one begins with the general principle of intellectual property protection, dwells on the generalization of the IPRs Customs Protection it reviews the development of IPRs Customs Protection system, and studies the range, function of the IPRs Customs Protection system. The IPRs Customs Protection system is developed with the development of international trade and with the solving of the problems of the torts of intellectual property in international trade. Its range of protection includes copyright, trade marks and patents and it is gradually developed to include the designs of the chart of integrated circuits and outer designs, etc. The IPRs Customs Protection system can stop the current torts and prevent the future ones and it also provides convenience for the application of civil compensation.Charper two devoted to the theoretic basis, legal character and source of law of IPRs Customs Protection system. As an efficient method, administrative Protective means play an important role in intellectual property protection for its high efficiency and flexibility. The IPRs Customs Protection system is an important part of administrative Protective means, and has been referred by many international legislations, to some extent, it belongs to international economic law, meanwhile to a country, it also belongs to economic law as domestic law.Chapter three analyzes the IPRs Customs Protection system stipulated in TRIPS Agreement, U. S code and Council Regulation (EC). This part analyzes the content of TRIPS Agreement,《Model for National Legislation to Give the Customs Powers to Implement the Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights》, and USA, EU domestic law. and then discusses current legislation and practice tendency of the regulations of the IPRs Customs Protection system in international community.Chapter four dwells on our country’s IPRs Customs Protection system. The three times China-America negotiation on IPRs have direct relationship on the establishment of our IPRs Customs Protection system. This part focuses on substantial law and procedural law of china’s IPRs Customs Protection system, and makes analysis of positivism on our current situation.Chapter five start with substantial law, based on chapter three and chapter four, the author compares china’s regulation with TRIPS Agreement, American law, EU law. then discusses the existing problems in our IPRs Customs Protection system on applicant, protective links, protective object, obligation system and minimum immunity, and raised the relevent measures for improvement.Chapter six is about procedural law of our IPRs Customs Protection system. compared with TRIPS Agreement, American law, EU law, this part points out the problems in china’s regulation on protective mode, filing system, application system, assurance system, time-limit system, investigation system. and raises some recommendations to improve.Chapter four, chapter five and chapter six are the key point and creative part of this article. First, the research object of this thesis suits the inside demand that the Customs changing its function. Along with the weakening of the customs traditional revenue function, the center of gravity of customs function transfer to the new realm. No matter the international law or domestic law, our country’s IPRs Customs Protection system is a topic which few people concerned. chapter four elaborates law rules and fulfilling operation of our country’s IPRs Customs Protection system from substantive and procedural law. For the sake of reflecting the characteristics and the problem of our IPRs Customs Protection system better, this thesis mainly makes use of analytical method, under the premise that studied international and main flourishing nations’IPRs Customs Protection system and our IPRs Customs Protection system, the authou analyzed the problem of our country’s IPRs Customs Protection system systematically and comprehensively and put forward homologous perfect measure.Secondly, this text has a foothold on the customs’practice and not on empty theories. IPRs Customs Protection is an administrative border measure, its theories contains no complicated foundation. But this system produced a lot of problems on operation levels, needed studying the realistic problem that the customs officer at front encountering and put forward suggestion at the time of doing theoretic research. During the writing of this text, the author pays attention to the opinion of front-line customs officer, and quotes many case to elucidate problem, this thesis have a certain instructive function to the fulfillment.Aim at substantive law, the writer suggests to extend the scope of applicant and the protective link in IPRs Customs Protection system; Fill up the law vacuum of parallel import; Give up the active protection of patent right, bring trade names, Geographical Indications and biodiversity into the protection scope; Get rid of antinomy in administrative responsibility system; Perfect criminal responsibility system; Aim at baggage and articles accompanying incoming passengers and personal postal articles.cancel "reasonable self-use" standard etc. Aim at procedural law, the writer suggests to establish a applicative mode which mainly depends on applicants; Adopt differently filing mode to patent right; Build up a applicative center system, prolong validity of application, lower the applicative needs; fix a reasonable quota on assurance, enlarge guarantee form; Define procedural time limits; restrict customs’investigation power; tightly control settlement of the party, etc.The introduction of foreign experience, the knowledge of our economic and legal environment and the perfection of the systems of custom protection of intellectual property should help innovate our technology, improve our foreign trade and eventually enhance our strength in technology and economy.


