

Research on Civil Procedural Law of Nanjing Citizen’s Government of the ROC

【作者】 孙加锋

【导师】 王立民;

【作者基本信息】 华东政法大学 , 法律史学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 肇始于清末“修律”的中国近代民事诉讼法,到南京国民政府时期已臻成熟。南京国民政府的民事诉讼法,是南京国民政府“六法”体系的重要组成部分。它继承和发展了清末民初的民事诉讼立法成果,学习和借鉴了国外民事诉讼立法的最新经验。在22年的时间里,通过三部民事诉讼法的制定和修正,使民事诉讼法不断得到发展和完善。本文除绪论和结语外,共分七章,通过史论结合以及比较研究的方法,围绕南京国民政府的三部民事诉讼法典,对南京国民政府民事诉讼法从清末和民初继承的民事诉讼立法遗产,南京国民政府时期民事诉讼法学的发展及其对民事诉讼立法实践的贡献,南京国民政府三部民事诉讼法典的立法过程及条文变迁,南京国民政府民事诉讼立法的特别法,南京国民政府民事诉讼法与《民事诉讼条例》的比较,南京国民政府民事诉讼法的实施等问题,分专题进行了研究。第一章是对南京国民政府之前的中国近代民事诉讼法发展历程的回顾。首先,重点考察了清末修律运动中的民事诉讼立法,对《大清刑事民事诉讼法草案》、《民事诉讼暂行章程》、《大清民事诉讼律草案》的立法过程及其主要争议作了具体分析。其次,对民国初期民事诉讼立法的艰难探索做了简要的梳理,在阐述民国初年民事诉讼立法承袭清末立法成果的基础上,特别介绍了北洋政府的《民事诉讼条例》和广州军政府的《民事诉讼律》,进而总结这一时期民事诉讼立法的重要成就与局限。通过对清末民初的民事诉讼立法的回顾,我们可以对南京国民政府民事诉讼法的国内渊源,对南京国民政府进行民事诉讼立法时的民事诉讼法制的现状及其前因后果,有一个清晰的了解。第二章梳理了南京国民政府时期民事诉讼法学的发展,并分析了其对民事诉讼立法的贡献。第一节简单介绍了南京国民政府时期法学专业教育中的民事诉讼法学情况。从1906年京师大学堂讲授民事诉讼法之后,民事诉讼法学作为法政学堂重要的专业核心课程之一,得到了高度重视,民事诉讼法作为一门独立的程序法课程,在法学专业教育和课程建设中得到保障。民事诉讼法在整个民国时期并不是一个热门的法律领域,较之宪法、行政法、民商法甚至刑法来说,有些显得沉寂。第二节介绍了法学学术期刊及其对民事诉讼法学问题的研讨情况。南京国民政府时期,是法学学术期刊的兴盛时期,与立法进程和司法实践相对应,当时许多有关民事诉讼法方面的理论问题和实践疑难,都被法律学术期刊所关注和讨论。这也从一个方面说明了法学发展对立法实践的推动作用。第三节总结了南京国民政府时期民事诉讼法学研究的主要问题。首先,通过对这一时期几部代表性民事诉讼法学著作的对比,总结了当时关于民事诉讼法的基本理论的研究所集中讨论的主要问题。其次,概括总结了关于民事诉讼法的立法探讨情况,充分肯定了司法界围绕民事诉讼法实施过程中的诸问题展开实质性探讨,对立法实践的重要推动作用和对繁荣民事诉讼法学的重要意义。第三,总结了当时关于民事诉讼具体制度的讨论,尤其是介绍了对其中几个热点问题的讨论。第四,总结了当时对民事诉讼法典的讨论情况,指出对民事诉讼法典的比较研究和文本分析,是推动民事诉讼法制定和不断完善的重要途径。第五,介绍了比较民事诉讼法研究情况,在南京国民政府时期,比较民事诉讼法研究,主要表现在纵向的国内民事诉讼立法原则及基本内容的对比分析,以及横向的中外民事诉讼立法及法典体例的比较和借鉴。第四节在赞同何勤华教授对整个民国时期民事诉讼法研究水平及其特点的评价的基础上,肯定了南京政府时期民事诉讼法学对立法实践的四大贡献:一是民事诉讼法学的争鸣讨论,为民事诉讼立法奠定了理论基础,做好了思想准备。二是民事诉讼法学研究队伍的壮大,为民事诉讼立法实践培养了专业人才。三是民事诉讼法学诸问题探讨,为立法奠定了基本框架。四是民事诉讼法学的价值理念,为民事诉讼立法确立基本的发展思路。第三章是南京国民政府民事诉讼立法概述。首先,肯定了南京国民政府对《民事诉讼条例》、《民事诉讼律》批判继承的成功经验。其次,梳理了1930~1931年、1935年、1945年先后公布的三部《中华民国民事诉讼法》的立法背景、立法过程、修订原因,并分别结合同期公布的《中华民国民事诉讼法施行法》(1945年没有施行法)进行解读;第三,对每一部《民事诉讼法》对前法的修订内容,做了全面的比较分析。第四章对南京国民政府民事诉讼立法中的特别法进行了研究。首先,文章介绍和分析了国民政府“围剿”苏维埃根据地之后,为了恢复旧秩序而在原“苏区”实施的特别民事法规。国民政府在制定这些特别民事诉讼法规时,并没有完全从阶级斗争的意识形态角度去考虑问题,而是根据民事纠纷的性质及其解决特点,审时度势,提出了一些较为实际、有效的解决办法,文章对此进行了肯定。其次,文章对南京国民政府为因应抗战时期的特殊历史环境而制定的特别民事诉讼法规,包括《战区巡回审判民刑诉讼暂行办法》、《非常时期民事诉讼补充条例》、《训示办理民事案件对于诉讼法规应特别注意事项令》和《指示办理有关征属之民事诉讼案件应注意事项令》,分别进行了简要的介绍,同时,对适应抗战结束的新情况,而对战时民事诉讼特别法规作出相应调整的《复员后办理民事诉讼补充条例》,也一并进行了介绍。第三,对《民事调解法》制定的背景、过程、主要内容以及其归宿进行了较为完整的论述。第五章选取了具有前后继承关系的南京国民政府第一部民事诉讼法,与原北洋政府的《民事诉讼条例》,进行了全面的分析和比较。笔者的研究是自条文而原则和制度,论述则是自原则、制度而条文。透过比较,我们发现以《民事诉讼条例》为蓝本制定的南京国民政府第一部《中华民国民事诉讼法》,在基本继承了《民事诉讼条例》的原则和制度的同时,也有明显的变化。这些变化,在原则和基本制度的层面,体现在辩论主义和干涉主义、处分主义、当事人进行主义和职权进行主义和三级三审制上。在具体内容的层面,则体现在“证书诉讼程序”、“嗣续诉讼程序”、检察官参与人事诉讼制度等的废除、“督促程序的扩张”以及其他100余条条款的修改上。通过这些比较研究,我们南京国民政府民事诉讼法价值取向、立法技术的进步,甚至是立法的主要内容,都有了清晰的了解。第六章考察了南京国民政府民事诉讼法实施的具体概况,不仅对民事诉讼法实施的实际效果进行评估,而且伸展到对整个司法体制处理民事诉讼的效率与民众满意度开展调查,以期对南京国民政府民事诉讼立法的实际效果作出准确判断;本章大量引用了南京国民政府时期的司法审判统计数据,借此对南京国民政府民事诉讼法的一个侧面进行了量化分析的尝试。第七章总结了南京国民政府民事诉讼立法的主要成就和缺陷。南京国民政府民事诉立法是中国法律近现代化进程中间的重要步骤和基本法域,在批判继承中外优秀立法成果的基础上日臻完善,奠定了中国民事诉讼法发展的基本价值和理论框架。从确立民事诉讼基本原则来看,它能够兼顾公平与效率,切实以保护当事人权益为宗旨。从具体诉讼制度方面来看,它确立了我国现代民事诉讼法的基本制度及其框架,成就显著。当然由于多方面的局限,这一时期的民事诉讼立法也不可避免地存在一些缺陷。主要的缺陷有两个,其一是个别条文存在因为追求效率而忽视公平的现象,其二是对个别旧法之原有规定取舍不当。结语介绍了1949年后南京国民政府民事诉讼法在我国台湾地区的延续和发展。由于这一部分不在本文的研究范围之内,文章没有展开论述。

【Abstract】 The Chinese modern civil procedure law, originated from the "Law Revision" in the late Qing dynasty, developed mature during Nanjing Citizen’s Government period. And the Chinese modern civil procedure law was one of the important parts of the "Six-Law" system. The law inherited and developed the legislation achievement of civil procedure law in the late Qing dynasty and early period of Republic of China, and also learned and profited from the latest experiences of foreign legislation in civil procedure law. During the period of 22 years, the civil procedure law had been developed and perfected by the formulation and revision of three civil procedure codes consecutively.There are seven chapters in the dissertation besides introduction and conclusion. Based on the three civil procedure laws of Nanjing Citizen’s Government, the dissertation mainly study on the problem of the civil procedure law of Nanjing Citizen’s Government by the historical method, analytical method and comparative study method. These problem includes the legislation heritage of civil procedure law in the late Qing dynasty and early period of Republic of China, the development of civil procedure law in the period of Nanjing Citizen’s Government and its contribution of the practice in civil procedure law legislation, the legislation course and the content change of the three civil procedure law of Nanjing Citizen’s Government, the special law of the civil procedure law legislation, the comparison between the civil procedure law of Nanjing Citizen’s Government and "Civil Procedure Regulations" and the implementation of the civil procedure law of Nanjing Citizen’s Government.In the first chapter, I reviewed the development history of the civil procedure law in modern China before the period of the Nanjing Citizen’s Government. First, I focus on the legislation of civil procedure law in the "Law Revision Movement" of late Qing dynasty and analyze comprehensively the legislation course and major dispute of "The draft of criminal and civil procedure law of Qing", "The Civil procedure interim Regulations" and "The Draft of Civil Procedure Law of Qing". Secondly, I simply unscramble the hard explore to the legislation of civil procedure law in early period of the Republic of China, and I especially introduce the "Civil Procedure Regulations" of Beiyang government and the "Civil Procedure Law" of Guangzhou Military government on the basic of the exposition of the fact that the legislation civil procedure law in early period of the Republic of China inherited the legislation in late Qing dynasty. Moreover, I also summarize the achievements and limits of the civil procedure law legislation in the same period. Through the review of the civil procedure law legislation in late Qing dynasty and early period of the Republic of China, we could have a clearly understanding about the domestic origin of the civil procedure law of Nanjing Citizen’s Government and the condition, context of civil procedure law when the Nanjing Citizen’s Government formulated civil procedure law.The second chapter introduces the development of the civil procedure law in the period of Nanjing Citizen’s Government and analyzes the contribution for the legislation of civil procedure.The first quarter simply introduces the civil procedure law of legal education in the period of Nanjing Citizen’s Government. After the civil procedure law was offered as a course in Peking university from 1906, it got wide attention as the most important core curriculum in legal school. And as an independent course of procedure law, civil procedure law was admitted in legal education and course construction. The civil procedure law was not hot in legal field in the whole period of the Republic of China, it was a little quiet when compared with constitution, administrative law, civil and commercial law and criminal law.The second quarter introduces the condition of the relative legal academic periodicals and the discussion about the civil procedure law. Legal academic periodicals were hot in the period of Nanjing Citizen’s Government, and compared with the legislative process and legal practice, many theoretical problems and practice difficulty in the field of civil procedure law were discussed and focused on by legal academic periodicals which inflected that the development of law promoted the practice of legislation.The third quarter summarizes the main problem of the research of civil procedure law in the period of Nanjing Citizen’s Government. Firstly, I summarize the main problems about the basic theory of civil procedure law at that time by comparing several typical civil procedure law works. Secondly, I summarize the legislation condition of the civil procedure law and affirm that the discussion about the problems in the practice of civil procedure law did promote the legislation and was significant. Thirdly, I summarize the discussion about the system of civil procedure, especially several one about the hot problems. Fourthly, I summarize the discussion about the civil procedure law and point out that the comparative study and text analysis were the important way to promote the legislation and to improve the civil procedure law. Fifth, I introduce the condition of the research of comparative civil procedure law. In the period of Nanjing Citizen’s Government, the research of the comparative civil procedure law mainly focus on the domestic legislation principle of civil procedure law and the comparative analysis of the basic content, domestic and foreign civil procedure legislation and comparison and reference of legal system.The fourth quarter affirms the four contributions of the civil procedure law in the period of Nanjing Citizen’s Government to the legislation practice and agrees with professor He Qinhua’s comments on the research level and characteristic of the civil procedure law in the whole period of the Republic of China:The first contribution was the discussion of the civil procedure law laid the theory foundation and prepared well for the legislation of civil procedure. The second one was the expansion of the research team of civil procedure law turned out the experts for the legislation practice of civil procedure. The third one was the discussions of the civil procedure law established the basic framework for legislation. The last one was the value idea of civil procedure law determined the development of the legislation of civil procedure.The third chapter talks about the civil procedure legislation in the period of Nanjing Citizen’s Government. First, I affirm the successful experience of Nanjing Citizen’s Government to critically inherit the "Civil Procedure Regulations" and "Civil Procedure Law"; Secondly, I introduce the historical background of the legislation, the course and the revision reason of the three "Civil Procedure Law of the Republic of China" which were successively announced in 1930-1931,1935 and 1945, and comprehend them with the "Implementation of the Civil Procedure Law in the Republic of China"(There was no implementation in 1945.) in the same period; Thirdly, I comprehensively make a comparative analysis on the revision content of every "Civil Procedure Law".The fourth chapter researches on the special law in the civil procedure legislation of Nanjing Citizen’s Government. Firstly, I introduce and analyze the special civil regulations in the "Soviet Area" which was made after the Citizen’s Government "encircle and suppress" the Soviet base to recover the old order. When the Citizen’s Government formulated these special civil procedure regulations, they proposed some practical and effective solutions according to the characteristic of civil disputes rather than from the perspective of the ideology of class struggle. Secondly, I briefly introduce the special civil procedure regulations which were made by Nanjing Citizen’s Government during the Anti-Japanese War, and they are "The interim measures of the civil and criminal procedure and the circuit trial in war zones", "The provisional regulations of civil procedure in unusual period", "The order that special attention should be paid to the civil case hearing", and "The order that attention should be paid to civil cases relating to military persons’relatives". In addition, I also introduce "The supplementary regulations of the civil procedure for discharged" which adjusted the special civil procedure law in war time to adapt the new condition after war. Thirdly, I elaborate the background, the course and the main content of the legislation of Civil Mediation Law.The fifth chapter comprehensively analyzes and compares the first civil procedure law of Nanjing Citizen’s Government and the "Civil Procedure Regulations" of Beiyang government. The research of the author is from the articles to the principles and systems, while the elaboration is from principle and systems to the articles. Through the comparison, we can find that the "Civil Procedure Law of the Republic of China", the first civil procedure law of Nanjing Citizen’s Government which was formulated according to the "Civil Procedure Regulations" also changed a lot while inherited the principles and systems from the "Civil Procedure Regulations". At the level of principle and basic system, these changes came through in adversary doctrine and interventionism, party doctrine and official principle, the system of "three levels and three trials". At the level of the specific content, the changes inflected in "Certificate litigation procedure", "Si Xu litigation Procedure", and the abolishment of the system that the prosecutors can participate in personal rights cases, "the expansion of supervision procedure" and the other revision of more than 100 articles. Through these comparative researches, we can have a clearly understanding about the value orientation, the progress of legislation and the main content of legislation of the civil procedure law in the period of Nanjing Citizen’s Government.The sixth chapter introduces the implementation of the civil procedure law of Nanjing Citizen’s Government. The chapter not only evaluates the effect of the implementation, but also extends to the survey of the satisfaction and efficiency of civil procedure, which in order to make the accurate judgment to the actual result of the civil procedure legislation of Nanjing Citizen’s Government. This chapter has massively quoted the judicial trial statistical data of the Nanjing Citizen’s Government, which attempts to analyze from one side of the civil procedure law of Nanjing Citizen’s Government.The seventh chapter summarizes the main achievements and the flaws of Nanjing Citizen’s Government’s legislation. The Nanjing Citizen’s Government’s civil procedure legislation was the important step and the fundamental law territory of the modernization of modern Chinese law. And it was better and better in the foundation of critically inheriting the Chinese and foreign outstanding legislation achievements, in addition, it also had established the core value and the theory frame of Chinese civil procedure law. From the perspective of establishment of the basic principle of civil procedure, it can give dual attention to fair and the efficiency, and practically protects the litigant rights and interests. From the perspective of the concrete lawsuit system, it had established basic system and the frame of modern civil procedure law in our country, whose achievement was remarkable. Certainly as a result of various limit, this time’s civil procedure legislation also inevitably had some flaws. There were mainly two flaws; first, the individual article improperly chose the old regulations from the original law since it neglected the fair when pursuing efficiencyThe conclusion introduces the extension and development of Nanjing Citizen’s Government civil procedure law in Taiwan area after 1949. Because this part in this dissertation is out of the study range, the dissertation has not launched the elaboration.

  • 【分类号】D925.1;D929
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】719
  • 攻读期成果

