

A Study of International Laws and Institutions on the Global Cooperation of Public Health

【作者】 陈颖健

【导师】 周洪钧;

【作者基本信息】 华东政法大学 , 国际法, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 全球化对人类生活的每一个领域都产生了极为深刻的影响。全球化带来了资金、货物和人员的自由流动,促进了全球经济的增长,给人类健康状况的改善奠定了良好的基础;但是全球化给人类健康所造成的负面影响却更值得我们注意。在全球化的冲击下,公共健康问题已从单纯的国内事件演变成为全球公共卫生问题。在此背景下,国际社会如何开展有效的合作以应对突发的全球公共卫生危机成为关注的焦点。本文以国际法与全球治理理论作为理论基础。全球卫生治理要求不同层次上的各类行为体,如各国政府、政府间的国际组织、国际非政府组织等以保障人类健康权为共同目标,采取相互合作和协调的方式,通过制定和实施全球规范、原则、计划和政策解决全球公共卫生问题。因此本文着眼于相关国际法律制度如何变革,从而为全球卫生治理创造制度保障。各国应当采取措施切实履行《经济、社会和文化权利国际公约》下的关于健康权的国家义务,发挥其在全球卫生治理中的核心作用。而各相关政府间国际组织要重视在人权和可持续发展的语境中解释自身职能,扩展组织权限,并充分利用好自身机制参与促进全球公共卫生的实践;同时各个组织和机制之间要建立长期的,稳定的和制度化的合作关系,形成政府间国际组织参与全球卫生治理的合作和协调网络。国际法要给予国际非政府组织在全球卫生治理中的主体地位、法律人格和提升其参与能力,充分发挥其在全球卫生治理中的重要作用。本文在结构上分为导论、正文和结论三大部分,其中正文共五章:第一章《全球卫生问题与公共卫生全球合作》,主要研究公共卫生产生的历程,以及国际公共卫生合作的过去与现状,从历史的角度把握公共卫生全球合作。同时也将国际关系理论中关于全球公共物品、全球治理和国际机制理论应用到全球卫生领域,论述全球卫生治理的内涵和必要性以及国际法在全球卫生治理中的作用及其面临的挑战,以期为全文提供一个背景性的理论分析框架。第二章《世界卫生组织及其国际立法》,主要考察作为领导全球卫生治理的国际组织——世界卫生组织产生与发展的过程,并结合《世界卫生组织组织法》和其参与国际关系实践分析其功能、结构以及近期的功能转型等问题;本章着重对世界卫生组织国际立法进行研究,其中主要涉及到《国际卫生条例》的制定和修改以及《烟草控制框架性公约》的制定。第三章《世界贸易组织与公共卫生全球合作》,本章主要探讨健康与自由贸易的关系,及解决两者冲突的方法。其中涉及到对GATT1994第二十条(b)项,SPS协定、TRIPs协定和《多哈宣言》、GATS协定等法律与政策文件的分析。本章提出在国际贸易与公共卫生价值目标一致性的基础上,WTO可以通过利用自身决策机制、争端解决机制,并与其他国际组织合作解决自由贸易与公共健康的协调问题。第四章《国际人权机制与公共卫生全球合作》,阐明健康领域全球治理最主要的主体就是国家。只有各国能真正履行国际义务,加强国内基础健康设施,为每一位公民提供平等的基本医疗救助,全球健康才能真正实现。本章从国际人权法律中的健康权出发,论证国际法在促使各国加强国内健康建设方面所起到的作用。重点在于对国际人权机制、联合国千年发展目标以及世界银行等在实现健康权方面所起的作用进行研究。第五章《国际非政府组织与公共卫生全球合作新机制》,随着全球化的深入,国际非政府组织在公共卫生全球合作中发挥着重要的作用。本章分析了世界卫生组织与非政府组织关系,提出在现有的国际法框架内,国际非政府组织无法有效地参与全球卫生合作决策,因此国际法要给以国际非政府组织在全球卫生治理中的主体地位、法律人格和提升其参与能力。公私合营是国际非政府组织与国际政府间组织在全球公共卫生事务方面的合作中的一种方式,它使非政府组织在全球卫生治理中能发挥更为重要的作用。艾滋病全球基金是卫生领域内比较重要的公私合营组织,本章对其组织机构、运作模式等做了重点研究。在正文的第二、三、四、五章中,都以最后一节联系中国的法制与实践,作了相关的阐述,意在促进我国在全球卫生合作的法律制度建设过程中发挥更大的作用。

【Abstract】 Globalization has brought about free exchange of capital, merchandise and personnel, and contributed to the growth of global economy so that it has laid a good foundation for the improvement of human health conditions. However, the negative influences of globalization on human health deserve more attention. Under the condition of globalization, public health problems are easy to go beyond the borders of nation states and become global public health problems. As a result, more and more attention has been paid to how members of the international community cooperate effectively to deal with the unpredictable global public health crises.This article is based on International Law and global health governance theories. Global health governance requires that various agencies of different levels, such as nation states, international governmental organizations, international non-governmental organizations, see protecting human health right as one of their common goals, cooperate and coordinate well with each other, and work out and implement canons, rules, plans and policies to solve global public health problems. Therefore, I focus my study on how relevant international laws should reform to create an institutional protection for global health governance. Nation states should fulfill their obligation concerning health right as stipulated by the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights so as to give full scope to their crucial role in global health governance. And international governmental organizations should, in the context of emphasizing human right and sustainable development, explain their function, extend the power of their organizations, and make good use of their mechanisms so as to realize the goal of global public health. A long term, stable and systematic cooperation should be established among various organizations and mechanisms. So, a cooperative and coordinative network can be formed, which allow international governmental organizations to take part in global health governance. International Law should recognize subject position and law personality of international non-governmental organizations and raise their participation ability so as to fully realize their capacity in global health governance.My dissertation is divided into three parts, namely introduction, the main body and conclusion. There are five chapters in the main body. Chapter one "Global health issue and global public health cooperation" traces the origin of public health and uses a historical perspective to see the past and present situation of international public health cooperation. In order to give this dissertation a theoretical framework, I apply theories of international relations, such as global public goods, global governance, and international regime, to the study of global public health. By doing so, I try to elaborate the meaning and necessity of global health governance, the role of International Law in it and the challenges the International Law faces in fulfilling that role.Chapter two "World Health Organization and its international legislation" studies the origin and development of World Health Organization (WHO), which leads global health governance. I also try to analyze the function, the structure and the recent functional transformation of the organization by studying both WHO constitution and WHO’s participation in international relation. This chapter stresses the study of the international legislation of WHO, which mainly deals with the establishment and amendment of International Health Regulations and the establishment of Framework Convention on Tobacco Control.Chapter three "World Trade Organization and global public health cooperation" looks at the relationship between health and free trade and the ways to resolve the conflicts between them. By doing so, I analyze law and policy documents, such as TRIPs, Doha Declaration, and GATS. I argue that when there is a common goal between international trade and public health, with the help of other international organizations, WTO can use its decision- making mechanism and dispute settlement mechanism to resolve the problems between free trade and public health.Chapter four reveals that the main subjects of global governance in health realm are nation states. Only when nation states fulfill their international obligations, strengthen their basic health facilities, and provide equal basic medical care for their citizens, can the goals of global health be realized. This chapter starts from the health right, which is part of international human right law, so as to look at the role of International Law in driving national states to enhance the construction of domestic health. I particularly pay attention to the contributions of international human right mechanism, Millennium Development Goal of the United Nations and World Bank in realizing health right.Chapter five explores the role of international non-governmental organization. With the deepening of globalization, international non-governmental organizations play an important role in global public health cooperation. This chapter looks at the relationship between WHO and non-governmental organizations. It argues that within the existing framework of International Law, international non-governmental organizations cannot effectively participate in the decision making process of global health cooperation. Therefore, I think that International Law ought to grant non-governmental organizations subject position and law personality, and enhance their participation capabilities. Public-private partnership is one of the ways that international non-governmental organizations and international governmental organizations cooperate in global public health affairs, which enables non-governmental organizations to play a more important role in global health governance. The Global Fund to Fight HIV/AIDS, TB and Malaria is one of the important agents among this category. Hence I study its structure and mode of operation in this chapter too.I use the last sections of chapter two to five to explore the law and practice in China. The purpose is enhancing China’s role in the legislative process of global public health cooperation.


