

Research on the Attraction of Rural Landscape Based on Tourism View

【作者】 郑文俊

【导师】 周志翔;

【作者基本信息】 华中农业大学 , 生态学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 自“建设社会主义新农村”战略方针实施以来,全国各地新农村建设很大程度上促进了农村生产发展、改善了农村人居环境,但也出现了“千村一面”和破坏乡土景观格局等引人深思的问题。另一方面,蓬勃发展的乡村旅游业促进了城乡统筹和农民增收,提升了农村社会面貌,也导致乡村景观的无序化、城市化与商业化倾向。与此同时,农业文化遗产和村落景观保护及其旅游开发正日益受到关注,新休假制度的实施和国民休闲计划的即将出台,人们的目光逐渐转向乡村地区。在此宏观背景下,旅游视角下的乡村景观吸引力研究不仅有利于深入挖掘乡村景观游憩价值,还有利于促进乡村景观的有效保护和合理开发利用,确保新农村建设和乡村旅游业的健康有序发展。论文以景观美学和旅游美学理论、景观感知和旅游感知理论、推拉理论和景观生态学理论等为指导,系统研究了乡村景观吸引力的产生机制、系统结构、评价体系和提升路径。选择西南地区典型民族旅游地——柳州市乡村地区为实证对象,通过实地调研、问卷调查等形式搜集数据资料,运用因子分析法、灰色关联法等数学方法和景观空间格局分析、景观意象分析等研究技术,重点进行乡村景观吸引力评价和旅游提升路径研究。主要研究内容及结论如下:(一)基础理论梳理与研究方法主要阐述乡村景观吸引力的研究背景和研究意义,对乡村景观、旅游吸引力等方面的国内外研究进展和相关理论基础进行综述,明确乡村景观吸引力的概念为:在一定的乡村地域范围内,乡村景观资源所具有的通过发挥景观游赏功能而吸引旅游者前往该地的潜在或现实能力。分析研究区域乡村景观资源及开发现状,提出论文研究技术路线和基本研究方法。(二)乡村景观吸引力系统分析采用系统分析法和实证案例相结合的方法进行乡村景观吸引力产生机制、系统结构和影响因素研究。研究认为,乡村景观吸引力的产生基础缘于景观内在美学特质,吸引力产生过程基于旅游者旅游动机。旅游动机和乡村景观相互作用形成引力场,旅游者通过有效的景观感知和旅游决策行为最终形成乡村景观吸引力。乡村景观吸引力系统结构由景观拉力、市场需求推力和景观阻力3大系统构成。景观拉力系统包括景观资源拉力和景观环境拉力,景观推力系统包括旅游需求动机推力和正向的景观感知推力,景观阻力系统包括时空阻力、经济阻力和信息流阻力。并由此提出乡村景观吸引力受景观美景度、乡村性、环境友好度、景观可达性和感知度等因素的影响。通过对柳州市客源旅游问卷调查与分析,结果显示不同旅游群体对乡村景观“推力—阻力—拉力”系统感知存在差异。(三)乡村景观吸引力综合评价遵循科学性、可比性等原则,系统构建乡村景观吸引力的单因素评价指标体系和综合评价体系。提出乡村景观美景度由自然性、奇特性、有序性、多样性和文化性等5个要素层构成;乡村景观乡村性由地理环境、经济基础、景观特征、乡村氛围等4个要素层构成;乡村环境友好度由自然生态环境、社会环境和旅游服务环境等3个要素层构成;乡村景观可达性由外部可达性、内部准入性、经济可达性和信息可达性等4个要素层构成;乡村景观感知度由游前感知、游中感知和游后感知等3个要素层构成。在单因素评价体系基础上构建了包含5个目标层、19个要素层、73个评价指标层的乡村景观吸引力综合评价指标体系。采用灰色关联度模型测评了柳州市7处乡村景观旅游地吸引力,得出吸引力由优到弱的排序结果为:龙女沟>程阳八寨>下伦屯>中渡古镇>鹭鹚洲>景泉农庄>太阳村,运用聚类分析法将其分为3类,并运用雷达图法直观比较其吸引力表现特征。(四)乡村景观吸引力的旅游提升路径构建吸引力提升系统树形图,包括吸引力生成平台、转化平台与提升平台,提出乡村景观吸引力旅游提升的6条实现路径,并进行相关实证研究。研究认为,乡村景观吸引力旅游提升须强化乡村景观的“可辨性”、维持“原真性”、保持“乡土性”;加强乡土文化景观保护,特别是非物质文化景观的保护与传承;优化乡村景观空间格局,构建环城乡村游憩带;实施针对性旅游市场开拓策略;选择适宜的乡村景观开发模式。论文将景观学科和旅游学科理论相结合,从旅游视角创新分析了乡村景观吸引力的系统结构,首次构建了乡村景观吸引力评价体系,丰富和拓展了乡村景观功能评价与开发研究领域的理论和方法。实证研究成果为柳州市乡村景观资源保护与旅游开发提供科学决策依据,对广西及西南其他民族地区乡村景观吸引力培育和构建也具有示范价值。

【Abstract】 Since the strategic policy of building new socialist countryside was carried out, new rural construction all over the country have improved rural productive development and human settlements to a great extent, which also brings many problems such as village sameness and rural landscape pattern destruction. Though the flourishing development of rural tourism promoted urban and rural arrangement, increased farmers’ income and improved social visage, it also caused disordering, urbanization and commercialization of rural landscape. Meanwhile, the protection and tourism development of agricultural culture heritage and rural landscape are paid increasing attention. With the changing of holiday system and performing of national leisure program, rural area receives more and more concerns. Based on such macroscopic background, tourism study on rural landscape attraction is not only beneficial to excavating deeply recreation value of rural landscape, but also helpful to its effective protection and reasonable development.With theoretical guidance of landscape and tourism aesthetics, landscape perception and tourism perception, as well as push-pull theory and landscape ecology theory, this paper studied the formation mechanism, system structure, evaluation system and improving path of rural landscape attraction, in which Liuzhou was chosen to take case study as national tourism destination of southwest China. The data information in this paper was collected by spot investigation and questionnaire survey, then the evaluation of rural landscape attraction and tourism improving path were also studied emphatically basing on factor analysis, grey correlation method, landscape spatial pattern and landscape image analysis.Main contents and conclusions of this paper were shown as follows:(1) Basic theories and research methodsThis part stated the study background and significance of rural landscape attraction, summarized research progress at home and abroad and relative basic theories about rural landscape and tourism attraction, determined concept of rural landscape attraction, that is a potential or realistic ability which is attractive to tourists for the tourism function of rural landscape resources inside some certain rural areas. Rural landscape resources and its development situation as well as study methods were also proposed in this part. (2) System analysis on rural landscape attractionFormation mechanism, system structure and influence factors of rural landscape attraction were studied by system analysis and case study, then the conclusions were made as follows. First, rural landscape attraction originates from inner aesthetic specialty of the landscape, while its producing process depends on tourist motivation. Based on tourism motivation and rural landscape beauty, rural landscape attraction is finally formed according landscape perception and tourism decision. Second, system of rural landscape attraction is composed of three parts: landscape pull force, which included landscape resources and environment; market demand push force, including tourism demand motive and positive landscape perception; landscape resistance force, including resistance of economy, information flow as well as time and space. According to tourist questionnaire survey of Liuzhou, there were differences in the perception of ’push-resistance-pull’ system among various tourist groups.(3) Comprehensive evaluation on rural landscape attractionAbiding by scientific and comparable principle, single factor evaluation index system and comprehensive evaluation system of rural landscape attraction were built in this part. Single factor evaluation index system includes five parts: rural scenic beauty containing naturalness, abnormality, orderliness, diversity and culture; rural landscape rurality containing geographical environment, economic basis, landscape characteristics and rural atmosphere; environmental hospitality containing natural ecological environment, social environment and tourism service environment; rural accessibility containing external reachability, internal admission, economic reachability and information accessibility; rural landscape perception containing perception before, in and after travel. On this basis, comprehensive evaluation system was constructed by 5 target layers, 19 element layers as well as 73 evaluation indexes. The rural landscape attractions of 7 destinations in Liuzhou were evaluated with grey correlation model and the conclusion ranking from good to bad was that ’Dragon-girl valley >Chengyang Eight Stockade>Xialun Village>Zhongdu Ancient Town>Cormorant Island>Jingquan Leisure Farm>Sun Village’. Then they were classified into three groups through cluster analysis and their attraction features were compared using radar graph. (4) Tourism improving path of rural landscape attractionA tree diagram of attraction improvement system including generation platform, transformation platform and promotion platform was established in this part, and 6 realization approaches increasing tourism attraction of rural landscape were suggested. The verifying research indicated that some measures are necessary to increase landscape attraction, which include strengthening differentiability and maintaining authenticity & rurality, enhancing protection and inheritance of countryside culture especially nonmaterial culture landscape, optimizing spatial pattern of rural landscape and constructing recreational belt around metropolis, taking pertinence strategy to develop tourism market, choosing suitable development mode and so on.This paper combined tourism science and landscape science to analyze rural landscape attraction system structure creatively and build evaluation system of rural landscape attraction for the first time, which expanded the theories and methods of rural landscape function evaluation and exploitation. Positive research achievement provides scientific decision basis for rural landscape resources protection and tourism development in Liuzhou. Furthermore, it takes valuable example for cultivation and construction of rural landscape attraction in Guangxi and other southwest minority regions.


