

The Research on Persistent Effect Mechanism and Support System Construction of Edible Agricultural Products Safety Production

【作者】 李铜山

【导师】 雷海章;

【作者基本信息】 华中农业大学 , 农业经济管理, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 民以食为天,食以安为先。食品安全作为一个“天大的事”,已经成为一个全世界高度重视和急切解决的问题。就中国来说,食品安全问题关系到国计民生,食品安全生产重于泰山。但食用农产品质量安全事件时有发生的事实,政府相关政策措施成效不够明显的情况,以及笔者的调查都表明,目前中国食用农产品安全生产方面正面临着高关注度、高期望值与低发展水平、低满意度并存的不和谐状况,已经凸显出监督管理、信息披露、质量追踪等方面存在重大缺陷。而要解决食用农产品安全生产问题,绝对不能仅仅满足于个案治理,而需要从根本上分析和反思。通过分析和研究笔者发现,中国还没有实现食用农产品安全生产,其症结之所在,是因为没有建立起健全的长效机制和完善的支撑体系。也正是基于此,本论文借助于信息不对称理论、外部性理论、公共物品理论、博弈论、机制设计理论、无缝隙组织理论等多种理论,以及理论与实践相结合、定性分析与定量分析相结合、实证分析与规范分析相结合、归纳与反馈相结合、案例分析方法等多种研究方法,分析和研究中国食用农产品安全生产长效机制和支撑体系建设问题,全面拓宽相关理论分析和应用研究的深度和广度,积极探寻中国推进和实现食用农产品安全生产的路径取向和对策建议。本论文共分10章对中国食用农产品安全生产长效机制和支撑体系建设问题展开分析和研究,具体的结构安排和基本内容如下:第1章为导论。主要介绍了选题背景和研究意义,评述了国内外相关研究成果,指出了对中国食用农产品安全生产深度分析之不足,以及长效机制和支撑体系建设研究之匮乏,点明了要在明确研究思路、运用多种研究方法的基础上,对中国食用农产品安全生产长效机制和支撑体系建设问题开展深度分析和专题研究。第2章为理论研究。主要诠释了与食用农产品安全生产相关的一些概念,介绍了信息不对称理论、外部性理论、公共物品理论、博弈论、机制设计理论、无缝隙组织理论等理论基础,阐释了食用农产品安全生产的内在机理以及必要性和紧迫性,为。中国推进食用农产品安全生产长效机制和支撑体系建设提供理论支持。第3章为现状分析。主要阐述了中国食用农产品安全生产缘起和发展,洞察了中国食用农产品安全生产发展现状,剖析了中国食用农产品安全生产的障碍性因素和风险因素,论述了中国食用农产品非安全生产的集中体现及致因分析,找出了中国食用农产品安全生产还缺少完善的支撑体系和健全的长效机制,进而说明必须将长效机制和支撑体系建设作为推进中国开展食用农产品安全生产的当务之急。第4章为市场失效分析。主要进行了中国食用农产品安全生产的信息不对称问题分析、外部性问题分析和公共物品问题分析,在运用相关的西方经济学理论进行解析和阐释的基础上,论述了这些问题的主要表现、不良后果和应对措施,阐明了这些问题同时存在且都能产生一定程度的不利影响,进而揭示出中国要推进食用农产品安全生产长效机制和支撑体系建设,必须引入非市场化的政府监管手段。第5章为博弈分析。主要进行了生产者与消费者行为、合法安全生产者与潜在非法不安全生产者行为、政府执法者与生产者行为的博弈分析,洞察了食用农产品安全生产过程中各方利益的着眼点,阐明了各种参与者行为方式对食用农产品安全生产的不同影响,还进行了一些理性化的思考、讨论和启迪,进而揭示出中国要推进食用农产品安全生产长效机制和支撑体系建设,必须由政府出面强化监管。第6章为国外借鉴。主要阐述了美国、欧盟、日本等发达国家和地区食用农产品安全生产的主要做法、基本评价、理念和启示以及经验借鉴,查找了中国食用农产品安全生产长效机制和支撑体系建设中的明显缺憾,以便洋为中用地学长补短。第7章为长效机制建设研究。主要阐释了食用农产品安全生产中各种长效机制的涵义和设计要求,列举了国内试图形成这些长效机制的典型个案,解析了这些长效机制的设计目的或目前存在问题,阐述了这些长效机制的建设途径,力争形成一些隐性化、制度化了的方法,使中国食用农产品安全生产具有长久的生机和活力。第8章为支撑体系建设研究。主要阐释了食用农产品安全生产中各种支撑体系的涵义和设计目的,分析了支撑体系构建与长效机制设计之间的照应关系,阐明了现实中存在的缺憾,提出了各种支撑体系的建设思路,力争形成一些显性化、系统化了的构架,使中国食用农产品安全生产具有支撑的强劲和坚实。第9章为案例分析。主要以河南猪肉食品安全生产综合示范区建设为例,介绍了示范区概况、建设路径选择、建设运行模式和建设成效,透视了示范区建设运作情况,说明了示范区建设运行模式正是在设计和建设食用农产品安全生产长效机制,示范区建设路径选择正是在构架和建设食用农产品安全生产支撑体系,从而为本论文的主题观点提供佐证实例。第10章为结论和建议。主要归纳了本研究的重要结论,提出了有针对性的对策建议。具体包括运筹科学的建设规划,创造宽松的制度环境,促成明晰的协调体制,探索耦合的监管方式,寻求创新的发展思路,实施得力的配套措施等。最后,还进行了研究总结,指出了有待进一步讨论和研究的问题。本论文以“从实践中来,到实践中去”为研究宗旨,争取在研究视角、研究思路、研究内容等方面都有新创意。归纳出来,本论文在以下几个方面可能有所创新:一是从新的研究视角为中国食用农产品安全生产架构了新的研究框架:二是全面构建了食用农产品安全生产博弈分析体系;三是系统地提出和阐释了建设中国食用农产品安全生产长效机制和支撑体系的构想及方略。

【Abstract】 Food provides necessity for civics; safety goes with first concern for food. Food security, as the "thumping business", has been a global issue which is highly concerned and being desperately solved. For China, food safety issue influences the national economy and the people’s livelihood fatally; food safety production is more important than anything else. But the fact that the quality safety event of edible agricultural products usually happens, the condition that the effect of government’s policies and correlated measures isn’t obvious and the author’s investigations together show that recently China’s edible agricultural products is facing disharmonious condition that high recognition, high expectation coexist with slow development and low contentment, which has appeared fateful defects of supervision aspect. Not only we implement treatment on special case, but also we should analyze and rethink fundamentally, can we solve the issue concerning edible agricultural products safety production.Through analysis and research the author finds that the reason why China’s edible agricultural products insecurity production exists is China still has not established a sound persistent effect mechanism as well as perfect support system attached on support system. Based on this point, the author recurs to multifarious theories such as information asymmetry theory, externality theory, public goods theory, game theory, mechanism design theory, seamless organization theory and research methods like combining theory with practice, combining qualitative analysis with quantitative analysis, combining demonstration analysis with criterion analysis, combining conclusion with feedback and case analysis methods, struggling to analyze and research on the issue of persistent effect mechanism and support system, and explores rational solutions and countermeasures for promoting and achieving edible agricultural products safety production in this thesis.Concretely speaking, there are overall ten chapters in this thesis for analyzing and researching the persistent effect mechanism and support system of China’s edible agricultural products, with each chapter’s structure and basic content as follows:Chapter one is preface introducing subject selection background and research significance In this chapter, the author reviews on correlated research fruits at home and abroad, pointing out the limitation of deep analysis on China’s edible agricultural products safety production and shortage of research on persistent effect mechanism and support system, demonstrating clearly this thesis’s conception. That is, on the basis of ensuring research thoughts and applying research methods, the author develops deep analysis and special research on persistent effect mechanism and support system construction issue of China’s edible agricultural products safety production in order to solve correlated principal issues.Chapter two is theoretical research. In this chapter , the author annotates some conceptions correlated with edible agricultural products safety production, introducing information asymmetry theory, externality theory, public goods theory, game theory, mechanism design theory and seamless organization theory, explaining the internal mechanism as well as necessity and emergency of edible agricultural products safety production and provides the theoretical support for promoting persistent effect mechanism and support system construction of edible agricultural products safety production in China.Chapter three is situation analysis. In this chapter, the author expatiates the origin and development of China’s edible agricultural products safety production, apperceiving development condition of China’s edible agricultural products safety production, analyzing the obstacle and risk factors of China’s edible agricultural products safety production, exploring that there lacking of perfect support system and sound persistent effect mechanism and furthermore shows that it is necessary to take persistent effect mechanism and support system constructions as an urgent matter in which China’s edible agricultural products safety production is promoted.Chapter four is market invalidation analysis. In this chapter, the author analyzes asymmetric information issue, externality issue and public goods issue of China’s edible agricultural products safety production. On the basis of applying correlative western economics theories for resolution and explanation, the author discusses the principal performance, adverse consequences and countermeasures of all these issues, elucidating that all these issues coexist with each other and can engender some disadvantageous influences, and furthermore reveals that we should better introduce government’s intervention and supervision of non-market-orientation if we want to promote the persistent effect mechanism and support system construction of edible agricultural products safety production in China.Chapter five is game analysis. In this chapter, the author makes a game analysis between the producers’ and consumers’ behavior, legal safe producers’ behavior and illegal insecurity producers’ behavior and governmental executives’ and producers’ behavior, apperceiving the concerns and focalization of each party’s interests in the process of edible agricultural products safety production, explaining that different participants’ behavior have a different influences on edible agricultural products safety production. The author also takes a review, debate and inspiration in a rational way on this issue, and furthermore shows that the government must strengthen its supervision if China wants to promote the persistent effect mechanism and support system construction of edible agricultural products safety production.Chapter six is foreign reference. In this chapter, the author describes the primary practices, basic evaluation, conception, inspiration as well as experience reference concerning edible agricultural products safety production in developed countries and regions like America, European Union and Japan, and searches the obvious imperfection of persistent effect mechanism and support system support construction of China’s edible agricultural products safety production in order to learn from foreign countries’ strength to make up for China’s weakness.Chapter seven is the research of persistent effect mechanism construction. In this chapter, the author primarily explains the meaning and designing requirement of different kinds of persistent mechanisms in edible agricultural products safety production, enumerating special cases related to these mechanism up which China endeavors to build, analyzing these persistent effect mechanisms’ design purpose or the present problems, expatiating the construction approach of these mechanism, and endeavors to form some implicit and institutional methods in order to make China’s edible agricultural products safety production vigor and vitality.Chapter eight is the research of support system construction. In this chapter, the author primarily illuminates the meaning and design purpose of the support system in edible agricultural products safety production, analyzing the Correspondence relation between the support system and the persistent effect mechanism, clarifying the Reality’s imperfection, proposing the construction ideas of the various support systems, and meanwhile endeavors to form some obvious and systematic frameworks for sake of making China’s edible agricultural products safety production more strong and invigorative.Chapter nine is cases analysis. In this chapter, the author exemplifies with the comprehensive demonstration area construction of Henan pork meat food safety production, introducing the general condition of demonstration area, path selection, operation model and construction performance, disclosing the operation situation of demonstration area, and illuminates that constructing operation models of demonstration area is just preparing for designing and constructing the persistent effect mechanism of edible agricultural products safety production and that constructing path selection of demonstration area is definitely building and constructing support system of edible agricultural products safety production, which therefore provides evidence and example for this thesis’s subject ideas.Chapter ten is conclusions and suggestions. In this chapter, the author sums up the important conclusions of this research, providing the pertinent countermeasures and suggestions which concretely include planning and preparing scientific construction program, creating loose institutional environment, forcing transparent harmonious system, exploring the coupling inspection model, seeking innovative development thoughts and implementing proper correlative measures. Finally, the author concludes the research and point out the issues which need to be discussed furthermore.This thesis takes "from practice, to practice" as research principle and has originality in researching angle, researching thoughts and researching contents. To sum up, this thesis may include innovations in following aspects: firstly, the author composes and constructs original researching frame from new researching angle for China’s edible agricultural products safety production; secondly, the author builds completely game analysis system on edible agricultural products safety production; thirdly, the author proposes and explains systematically the plan and strategy on persistent effect mechanism and support system construction of edible agricultural products safety production.


