

The Implementation of Integrated Science Curriculum in Junior Middle School

【作者】 郝琦蕾

【导师】 王鉴;

【作者基本信息】 西北师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 “课程综合化”是基础教育课程改革的目标之一,国家规划了“小学阶段以综合课程为主,初中阶段设置分科与综合相结合的课程,高中以分科课程为主”的课程结构。综合科学课程是综合课程的主要类型,是我国基础教育课程体系的重要组成部分,提倡开设综合科学课程是国际科学课程改革的趋势。综合科学课程在培养与提高未来公民的科学素养上,具有独到的优越性。可是,综合科学课程在我国的推行和实施却存在着很大的难度,一些校长、教师、家长及社会各界人士不了解、不理解综合科学课程,大多数教师原有的专业知识结构不能满足综合科学课程的教学需要。综合科学课程实验遇到重重阻力,实验范围并没有随着课程改革范围的扩大而同步扩大。“如何有效地实施综合科学课程”是当前基础教育课程改革中亟待解决的问题。本研究梳理了课程实施的相关理论;综合课程实施的国内外研究现状;综合课程以及两种综合科学课程的相关理论。在此基础上,主要采用了问卷调查、个案研究、半结构式访谈、课堂观察、教学案例研究方法,以A市114位科学课教师,3所初中的9位科学课教师,B市173位科学课教师,2所初中的9位科学课教师,以及科学教研员、学校领导、教研组长等为问卷调查和访谈的研究对象,从综合科学课程(即科学课程)实施中,科学课教师观念(知识观、课程观、教学观)及其课堂层面(对教学目标、教学内容、教学方法、教学评价等)的课程决策角度着手,来研究已有十几年开设综合科学课程经验的A市和B市两个地区,综合科学课程的实施现状,寻找影响两地科学课程实施的主要因素,并对两种综合科学课程模式进行比较,提出促进综合科学课程有效实施的策略及相关建议。研究结论:1.A市和B市科学课教师观念①78.6%的A市科学课教师,73.3%的B市科学课教师具有科学课程倡导的知识观念。43.8%的A市科学课教师,50%的B市科学课教师认为知识仅是客观存在,此外27.1%(A市),28.2%的(B市)科学课教师对于知识的学习是被动接受还是主动建构方面,具有的观念与科学课程倡导的观念不一致。②两地科学课教师多数具有“经验说”课程观,具有调适的课程实施取向,与科学课程倡导的观念相一致。多数教师认同综合课程是一种课程设计,多数教师不赞同开设综合课程,分科教学是多数教师心目中实现课程综合化目标的最佳途径。③88.4%的A市科学课教师,84.1%的B市科学课教师所具有的教学观念与科学课程所倡导的观念相一致。不同类型学校、不同职称、不同专业背景以及不同性别的B市科学课教师在教学观的个别方面存在着认识上的显著差异。2.科学课教师课程决策79.4%的A市科学课教师在教学层面的决策行为是科学课程提倡的行为,与科学课程倡导的观念比较一致。科学课教师常用的教学方式依次是教师组织引导,学生小组合作探究;教师讲授,演示实验,作业练习;讲授,利用多媒体课件辅助教学。67.1%的B市科学课教师在落实课堂教学目标时首先关注知识与技能目标;科学课教师常用的教学方式首先是以讲授为主,启发引导,练习实践(34.7%),而采取学生小组合作探究教学的较少(15.6%)。52.4%的教师间的交流与合作是很少进行的。教师合作交流的主要内容还是集中于知识点的讲解与落实巩固。3.科学课程实施的主要影响因素与有益经验大多数两地科学课教师具有科学课程倡导的知识观、课程观、教学观,教育观念的转变已不是当前科学课程实施中需要尽快解决的突出问题。但是先进的教育理念最终能否转化为教师自觉而且有效的行为,还受到许多因素的制约。其中有科学课程实施的社会环境(上级教育主管部门领导、学校领导、家长、教师等社会成员的支持与理解),有科学课程实施的外部资源条件保障问题(包括实验条件的改善,配套学具资料等),有教师素质提高的问题(包括教师培养与培训,教师专业发展的校本教研氛围等),还有科学课程本身的特性因素(如教材需要改进,课时不足等)。A市个案学校科学课程实施的有益经验是建立科学大教研组,促进教师之间的交流与合作;B市个案学校科学课程实施的有益经验是—校本教研:校长的专业引领。4.两种综合科学课程模式的比较:B市科学(7-9年级)课程是适应“六·三”学制,贯穿整个初中阶段的一门综合理科课程,由于要应对中考,因此在知识与技能方面要求相对比较高。在“五·四”学制下,A市科学(6-7年级)课程安排在一至五年级自然课程之后、八至九年级的分科科学课程之前,是一门承上启下的综合性基础课程,相对来说在知识与技能方面的要求比较低,重在了解科学。从课程理念与课程目标来看,两种科学课程核心理念是相同的,即“提高每一位学生的科学素养”。两种科学课程的分目标都包括了科学素养的四个方面。5.促进综合科学课程实施的建议:①分科与综合两种科学课程共存才能保证学生知识基础和思维结构的全面性。②根据不同地区的经济发展水平与已有的教育基础,确定适合的分科与综合科学课程的比重,采用多样化的课程整合模式,探索不同类型的综合科学课程。③探索适宜的综合科学课程推进模式,“先经济发达地区,然后再逐步向次发达地区推进”模式,“实验区相对集中”推进模式,“分步全面推行”+“必修与选修相结合”的模式……先小范围试点,再大面积推广。本研究还提出,建立有利于科学课程实施的外部支持系统:寻求广大社会成员的理解与支持,行政的推动、政策的保证,改善科学课程实施的条件,研究与改革科学课考试评价体系;提高教师素质:重视未来科学课教师的培养,加强在职科学课教师的培训,培植合作的教师文化等建议。

【Abstract】 “Curriculum integration”is one of the objectives of curriculum reform in basic education, and the national blueprint of curriculum structures is“an integrated curriculum in primary school, a combination of subject and integrated curriculum in middle school and subject curriculum in high school”. The integrated science curriculum is the main type of integrated curriculum, and it is one of the major components in the basic education curriculum in our country. Advocating the establishment of an integrated science curriculum is a trend in an international science curriculum reform. Integrated science curriculum has its unique advantages in cultivating and improving the scientific literacy of the citizens of the future. However, great difficulties exist in the implementation of the integrated science curriculum in our country, as a number of principals, teachers, parents and social circles do not know about and can not understand the science curriculum, in addition, most teachers with the original structures of professional knowledge can not meet the teaching demands of the integrated science curriculum. The integrated science curriculum experiment has encountered one obstacle after another, and the experimental scope does not enlarge with the expansion of curriculum reform.“How to implement the integrated science curriculum effectively”is an issue which requires urgent solution in the current basic education curriculum reform.This study first combs the relevant theories on curriculum implementation, and then the current research status of the implementation of integrated curriculum at home and abroad, finally the relevant theories on integrated curriculum and also two types of integrated science curricular. On this basis, the study mainly adopts five methodologies: a questionnaire, case study, semi-structured interviews, classroom observation, and teaching-case study. The subjects include 114 science teachers from city A, 9 science teachers from three middle schools, 173 science teachers from city B, 9 science teachers from two middle schools, and science teaching and research staff, school leaders, heads of the teaching and research groups. Proceeding from the implementation of the integrated science curriculum (i.e. science courses), the views of science teachers (view of knowledge, curriculum and teaching), and the curriculum decision-making perspective at classroom level (including the teaching objectives, teaching contents, teaching methods and teaching evaluation, etc.), the present study aims to investigate the current status of the implementation of the integrated science curriculum in city A and city B (both cities have more than ten years experience in offering the integrated science curriculum), tries to find out the major factors affecting the implementation of science curriculum in two cities, has a comparison between the two modes of integrated science curricular, and finally addresses the strategies for effective implementation of the integrated science curriculum and also put forward some relevant suggestions.Conclusion of the present study:1. The views of science teachers in city A and city B.①78.6% of the science teachers in city A, and 73.3% of the science teachers in city B had views advocated by the science curriculum. 43.8% of the science teachers in city A, and 50% of the science teachers in city B thought that knowledge alone was an objective existence. In addition, as for the questions on whether there was a passive acceptance or active construction of knowledge in the process of learning, 27.1%of science teachers in city A, and 28.2% in city B held views different from those supported by the science curriculum.②A majority of science teachers in both cities had view of course based on experiences, with an orientation of adaptation to the implementation of curriculum, which was consistent with the view advocated by the science curriculum. Most teachers agreed that an integrated curriculum was a curriculum design, whereas the majority of teachers disagreed with the establishment of an integrated curriculum, and a large number of teachers regarded subject curriculum science teaching as the best method to achieve the curriculum integration.③88.4%of science teachers in city A, and 84.1% of the science teachers in city B had views of teaching advocated by the science curriculum. In city B, the science teachers’recognition of the individual aspects of the views of teaching varies according to different types of schools, professional titles, majors, and genders, and the difference reaches a significant level.2. Curriculum decision-making of the science teachers.the decision-making behaviors of 79.4% of science teachers in city A during teaching was in accord with those advocated by the science curriculum. The teaching methods commonly used by science teachers were the following: the teacher played the role of organizer and guider, and the students studied collaboratively in groups; the teacher taught and demonstrated the experiment, and the students operated the practice; the teacher taught, aided by the multimedia courseware. 67.1% of the science teachers in city B were primarily concerned with knowledge and skill objectives during the process of fulfilling the objectives of classroom instruction; the teaching methods commonly used by science teachers included lecturing (predominant), inspiring and guiding, and then practice (34.7%), and there was less collaborative study in groups for the students’part (15.6%). The exchanges and cooperation between 52.4% of the teachers were rarely carried out, and cooperation and exchange between teachers focused on explanation of the knowledge points and its implementation and consolidation.3. The major factors influencing the implementation of science curriculum and rewarding experience.Most of the science teachers in city A and city B had views of knowledge, curriculum and teaching advocated by science curriculum, therefore, the updating of the view of teaching is not a prominent issue required to be resolved in the current implementation of the science curriculum. However, a lot of factors constrain the final transformation of the advanced educational ideas into the teachers’conscious and effective action. The factors include the social environment needed to implement the science curriculum (the support and understanding given by the directors in the education department of higher authority, school leaders, parents, teachers and other social members ), the guarantee of the external resources to implement the scientific curriculum (including the improvement of experimental conditions, an corollary learning equipments, etc.), the improvement of the teachers’qualities (including the education and training of teachers, an school-based teaching and research atmosphere for the professional development of teachers, etc.), and also the characteristic factors of the science curriculum (such as the need to improve teaching materials, insufficient teaching hours, etc.). The rewarding experience of the implementation of the science curriculum in the school as a case study in city A, is to organize science teaching and research groups in large size, and to promote exchanges and cooperation between teachers; the useful experience of the implementation of the science curriculum in the school as a case study in city B, is school-based research, that is, the professional guidance of the school principals.4. The comparison of the two models of the integrated science curricular.Science (Grade 7-9) curriculum in city B is adapted to the“six ? three”school system, which is an integrated science curriculum running throughout the entire middle school phase, and in order to cope with the secondary education test, there is a high requirement on the knowledge and skills in this curriculum. Under the“five ? four”school system, science (Grade 6-7) curriculum in city A is arranged from Grade 1 to Grade 5 after the natural course, and from Grade 8 to Grade 9 before the subject science curriculum. This curriculum is a comprehensive and basic one which is also a connecting link, and there is a comparatively low requirement on knowledge and skills, and the focus is on the science understanding. From the point of the curriculum concepts and objectives, the two science curricular are the same in its core ideas, that is,“to improve each student’s scientific literacy”. The sub-goals of these two types of science curricular include the four aspects of scientific literacy.5. Suggestions on the implementation of the integrated science curriculum.①Only a coexistence of the subject and integrated science curriculum can ensure the comprehensiveness of the structures of the students’knowledge base and thinking.②We should determine a proper proportion of the subject and integrated science curriculum on the basis of economic development level and the current basic education in different areas, and we should employ a variety of curriculum integration models and explore different modes of integrated science curriculum.③We need to explore appropriate models to promote integrated science curriculum, a“first in economically developed areas, and then gradually advancing to the sub-developed areas”model,“a relatively experiment-intensive area”promoting model,“a comprehensively step-by-step implementation”plus“a combination of compulsory and elective”model ...... First, there should be a small-scale pilot, and then a large-scale promotion. This study also suggests that an external support system should be set up, which is beneficial to the implementation of the science curriculum, e.g., the search for the understanding and support from the members of a large number of social communities, the administrative policies to ensure and improve the conditions for the implementation of science curriculum, the research and reform of the examination and evaluation system for science curriculum. The teachers’qualities should also be improved, e.g., great importance should be given to the training of the science teachers of the future, the training of in-service science teachers should be strengthened, and it is necessary to foster a culture of cooperation between the teachers, etc.

  • 【分类号】G633.98
  • 【被引频次】4
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