

The Research on Spiritual Culture of Teachers Based on Professional Development

【作者】 李清臣

【导师】 蔡宝来;

【作者基本信息】 西北师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本研究基于生命哲学与文化学的视角,通过对三所中小学教师精神文化现状的个案考察,呈现了新课程改革背景下中小学教师精神文化的样貌,描绘了中小学教师在课程改革、课堂教学改革、教师专业发展中的生存状态与生活方式。其主旨在于从生命哲学与文化学层面解读中小学教师精神文化在课堂教学改革、教师专业发展中存在的问题,并对教师精神文化各构成要素作深层次分析,进而尝试提出构建良好教师精神文化的策略。具体内容概括如下:一是厘清文化、精神文化、教师文化、教师精神文化的概念,分析影响教师精神文化的基本理论,以便为本研究提供理论支撑。本研究认同“文化是指精神生活,尤其指在某种类型的社会生活和组织中起作用的价值观和思想体系”,“精神文化是相对于物质文化和制度文化而言的,是一定群体的共同的理想信念、价值观念、道德风尚、合作精神以及传统习俗等的综合”。文化只有与精神相结合,即只有用“精神文化”这一概念才能真正表达文化的生命本质。是故,教师精神文化是教师文化的内核和灵魂,影响和决定着教师的精神面貌,是教师发展的精神动力。它是教师在长期的教育教学实践中,在与同事、学生等交往过程中,经过反复的积淀、选择、提炼发展起来的,并为教师群体所认同和遵循的理想信念、价值观念、思维方式、道德风尚、人际关系、文化传统等。生命哲学关照下的教师精神文化,体现为对师生生活的塑造、养育和培植;在生命体验中唤醒、激扬、生成教师精神文化生活;在教学过程与师生交往中追求人的生命存在与发展。着眼于21世纪人类新精神文化的走向和中国传统文化的现代转型,当前我国教师精神文化应坚持的价值取向,包括教师精神文化要有民族性和时代性;构成个性追求与和谐合作的教师精神文化;强调“以人为本”,凸显人文精神;关注师生生命,体验生命价值。二是界定教师精神文化内在构成要素,并以周口市川汇区、淮阳县三所中小学为研究个案,对中小学教师精神文化各构成要素的现状进行考察。研究教师精神文化,首先要对教师精神文化的内在构成要素进行界定,便于在考察教师精神文化时,主要从其内在的构成要素来进行扫描,以了解教师精神文化的实然状态。在教学理念方面,主要考察教师的知识观、课程观、学生观与教学观;在专业精神方面,侧重于考察教师的敬业精神、乐业精神、服务精神、创新精神与自律精神;在专业尊严方面,主要考察教师专业自主、自信、自能与自我等情况;在人际关系规范方面,侧重于考察教师与教师、学生、学校领导以及家长的关系。三是概括教师精神文化各重要构成要素中存在的问题,并对各构成要素作应然分析,明确它们在教师精神文化建设中担当的作用。通过访谈与调查,发现教师精神文化各构成要素中存在的问题,包括教师教学理念仍显落后;教师专业服务意识欠缺;教师创新精神不够,创造性不足;教师专业自主意识淡薄,教学自主权缺失;教师间合作关系堪忧;教师与领导间的关系不容乐观等。对教师精神文化各构成要素作深入的应然分析,得出教学理念是教师精神文化建设的先导,专业精神是教师精神文化建设的动力,专业尊严是教师精神文化建设的核心,人际关系规范是教师精神文化建设的旨趣。四是提出构建良好教师精神文化的策略。教师精神文化的构建策略包括构建什么样的教师精神文化,以及如何构建教师精神文化这两个方面。在对教师精神文化内在构成各要素现状考察、问题分析、应然分析的基础上,提出要建设具有个性追求的教师精神文化;具有合作向度的教师精神文化;具有生命特性的教师精神文化;具有德性追求的教师精神文化;具有发展性的教师精神文化。而在良好教师精神文化的构建过程中,要充分考虑教师教学理念、专业精神、专业尊严、人际关系规范等影响教师精神文化的内在要素。总之,在基础教育课程改革的背景下,教育变革及其教师专业发展的范式要从关注有形的、外在的因素转向关注隐性的、深藏于人的精神世界的文化因素,“不能仅停留在规章制度、组织结构等方面的修修补补,而要致力于学校员工的价值观、教育信念、共同愿景、思维方式等的变革。”教师精神文化的构建,能使教师有意识地把追求理想的专业发展成为自觉行为,并始终保持自我更新的发展方向,为真正实现教师的自主专业发展奠定坚实的基础。

【Abstract】 Based on life philosophy and culturology, through the case studies on the status of Spiritual culture of teachers in three primary and secondary schools, this study shows the appearance of spiritual culture of teachers in primary and secondary school in the context of New Curriculum Reform, painting the survival status and lifestyle of primary and secondary school teachers in Curriculum Reform, classroom teaching reform, teacher professional development. It aims at the existing problems on spiritual culture of teachers in primary and secondary school in the classroom teaching reform, teacher professional development through life philosophy and culturology, and deep-level analyses elements of Spiritual culture of teachers, and then try to construct good strategies of spiritual culture of teachers. The summarized specific content is as following: First, this study clarifies the concepts of culture, spiritual culture, teacher cultures,spiritual culture of teachers and analyses the basic theory that influence on spiritual culture of teachers, in order to provide theoretical support for this study. This study identitied that“culture refers to spiritual life, in particular of values and ideology reacting in some type of social life and organization.”“Compared with the material culture and institutional culture, spiritual culture is the general of common ideals and beliefs, values, morality, team spirit, as well as traditional practices of some groups.”Only combining culture and spirit, can we really express the essence of life of culture, in other words, by use of the concept of“spiritual culture”. Therefore, spiritual culture of teachers is the core and soul of teachers culture. It influences and determines the spirit of teachers, and is the spirit power of the development of teachers. It is ideals and beliefs, values, ways of thinking, ethics, interpersonal relationship, cultural traditions and so on, developed in a lengthy practice of education and teaching of teachers, with exchanges between colleagues, students, through repeated accumulation, selection, extraction, and shared, identitied and followed by groups of teachers.Under the care of life Philosophy, spiritual culture of teachers embodies as follows: shaping, nurturing and cultivating the life of teachers and students; waking up, arousing, generating the life of spiritual culture of teachers in life experiences; pursuing the existence of human life and development in the teaching process and communication between teachers and students. Focus on the trend of new spirit of human culture and the modern transformation of Chinese traditional culture in the 21st century, the spiritual and cultural values that current teachers in China should stick to, including spiritual culture of teachers, should have the national character and time quality; constitute spiritual and cultural values of the pursuit of individuality and harmonious cooperation; emphasize“people-oriented”, highlight the humanistic spirit; concern about the life of teachers and students, experience life value.Second, this study defines the inherent elements of spiritual culture of teachers, using three primary and secondary schools of Chuanhui region, Huaiyang County in Zhoukou City as three case studies, makes a survey of the status of elements of spiritual culture of teachers in the primary and secondary schools. To study spiritual culture of teachers, first of all, defining the inner elements of spiritual culture of teachers, it will be easy to study spiritual culture of teachers, mainly scanned from its intrinsic elements, to understand the real status of spiritual culture of teachers. The main study focuses on views on knowledge, curriculum, students, and teaching of teachers in the aspects of teaching idea; teacher professional dedication, and enjoy spirit, service spirit, innovative spirit and the spirit of self-discipline in the aspects of professional spirit; the teachers’professional autonomy, self-confidence, self-energy and self in the aspects of professional dignity, and the relations among colleagues, students, school leaders and parents in the aspects of interpersonal relationship norms.Third, this study summarizes the problems existing in important elements of spiritual culture of teachers, and analyses the elements to clear their roles played in the building of spiritual culture of teachers. Through interviews and surveys, the existing problems are found on elements of spiritual culture of teachers, including that teaching idea of teachers is still backward; the awareness of professional services of teachers lack; the spirit of innovation of teachers not enough, their creativity inadequate; the sense of professional autonomy of teachers weak, teaching autonomy is deleted; cooperation between teachers is worrying and the relationship between teachers and leadership is not be optimistic. Based on deeply analyzing the constituent elements of spiritual culture of teachers, teaching idea is leader, the professional spirit is power, professional dignity is the core, and interpersonal relationship norms is purport in the construction of spiritual culture of teachers.Fourth, this study puts forward to strategies of construction of good spiritual culture of teachers, that should contain such parts as what kind of spiritual culture of teachers should to be builded and how to construct. Based on the status quo inspection on inner elements, problem analysis, value analysis of spiritual culture of teachers, this study puts forward to building spiritual culture of teachers with individual pursuit, cooperation, the lives characteristics, virtue pursuit and the development quality. In the construction process of good spiritual culture of teachers, we should give full consideration to the teaching idea, professional spirit, professional dignity, and interpersonal relationship, etc, inner elements to impact spiritual culture of teachers.In short, in the context of the Basic Education Curriculum Reform, education reform and teacher professional development paradigm should shift attention from the concern on the tangible external factors to cultural factors deep hidden in the people’s spiritual world.“we can not only remain tinkering in the rules and regulations, organizational structure as well as other aspects, and we need to focus on the change of views of value, educational beliefs, shared visions, ways of thinking of the school staff.”The construction of spiritual culture of teachers is enable to make teachers consciously put the pursuit of an ideal professional development to become conscious behavior, and always maintain the direction of development of self-renewal, lay a solid foundation for really achieving the autonomy professional development of teachers.

  • 【分类号】G451.1
  • 【被引频次】20
  • 【下载频次】1877

