

On Teaching Culture in the Practice of New Curriculum

【作者】 晋银峰

【导师】 蔡宝来;

【作者基本信息】 西北师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 教学文化即课堂教学文化,是师生在长期的课堂教学中形成的价值体系和行为方式,以及与之相互影响的环境氛围。教学文化研究的提出,是基于我国新课程实施中传统教学文化阻碍了新课程的课堂教学,使新课程难以深化。而现代教学文化立足新课程要求,通过反思课堂教学能够促进师生的和谐发展、保障新课程的顺利实施。这样,现代教学文化就成为本研究的价值期盼和目标追求。本研究从解读教学文化入手,设定了教学文化的理论基础,探究了传统教学文化的形成。通过问卷调查、访谈以及课堂听课等形式,揭示了新课程实施中的教学文化现状以及由于地域、年龄、教龄、职称、职务、学历等因素的不同而导致的教师对教学文化理解的差异。结合新课程的教学文化因素、现代教学文化的优点和长处、传统教学文化的缺点和不足,分析研究了传统教学文化向现代教学文化嬗变的客观动因、现实障碍以及有利条件,提出了现代教学文化构建的依据、构建的机理以及构建的策略。主要体现在以下五个方面:第一,教学文化解读。主要包括教学文化的理解、教学文化的历史发展以及教学文化研究述评。教学文化的理解从探讨文化的涵义入手,分析了文化研究对教学文化研究的启示,为教学文化的概念、内涵、类型、特点等研究奠定了基础。教学文化的发展历程以及国内外教学文化研究,能够开阔研究视域,加深对教学文化的了解。第二,教学文化的理论基础。考察教学文化的理论基础,就是要找到影响教学文化的基本学科领域,查清这些领域与教学文化的关系,探讨这些领域的理论和方法如何影响教学文化研究。结合教学文化的本质特征以及教学文化的历史发展进程,主要把心理学、文化学、社会学和人类学作为理论基础。具体来说,心理学理论主要包括行为主义心理学、认知心理学和人本主义心理学。文化学理论主要包括文化的形成、文化危机的本质、文化传递的基本模式、文化自觉,以及文化学研究中的批判方法。社会学理论主要包括冲突理论、符号互动理论、交往行为理论、群体理论、社会批判理论。人类学理论主要包括文化的评论和文化的涵化,以及人类学研究的田野方法。教学文化的理论基础,为教学文化的形成和构建提供了研究的方法和理论基础。第三,传统教学文化的形成。通过探讨影响教学文化的因素来揭示传统教学文化的形成。具体来说,包括三个方面:第一,教学文化形成的影响因素。包括民族传统文化、近代中国教育的发展历程、当前的中国国情以及文化的冲突和整合;第二,传统教学文化的价值观及影响因素。包括知识本位、学科本位、统一管理、单一评价以及教授、背诵、做题、苦学;第三,传统教学文化的形成机理。包括中国传统文化负面影响的根深蒂固、本质主义思维方式的强大影响、课堂教学中的教师文化遮蔽了学生文化以及工具性课堂教学评价体制的推波助澜。第四,新课程实施中的教学文化现状调查。主要研究新课程实施中的教学文化类型以及由于教师素质的不同而反映出来的教学文化差异。在研究方法上,主要以问卷调查、教师访谈以及课堂听课等质性研究和量化研究相结合来进行。问卷调查的对象既有教师也有学生,访谈对象主要是教师。通过对教师问卷调查的分析得知,当前的教学文化是现代教学文化,而内容相同的半开放式访谈所得出的结论说明当前的教学文化是传统教学文化,两者相互矛盾。结合学生的调查结果、课堂教学的观察,以及分析社会问题对新课程的影响,笔者认为当前的教学文化应该是传统教学文化。传统教学文化由于教师所在的地域,教师的年龄、教龄、职称、职务、学历、学校地理位置以及学校层次等人口学变量的不同又决定了实际教学文化的千差万别。教学文化的现状调查,为教学文化的嬗变和构建奠定了基础。第五,现代教学文化的构建。主要研究传统教学文化向现代教学文化的嬗变以及现代教学文化的构建。教学文化嬗变的动力和缘由是传统教学文化不能满足新课程实施的需要,而现代教学文化能够适应新课程实施的需要。教学文化嬗变不仅要分析嬗变的客观动因、现实障碍还要分析嬗变的有利条件。教学文化的构建主要研究构建的依据、构建的机理以及构建的策略。构建的依据是人的发展规律和教育教学的规律。构建的机理体现为:新课程的内涵和要求为教学文化的构建提供了理论指导、课堂教学的实践探索奠定了教学文化构建的实践基础、文化批判为教学文化的构建提供了价值省察、教师的文化检视使教学文化的构建具备了个性特征。构建的策略包括包括宏观层面、中观层面和微观层面。宏观层面的策略,意在为教学文化的构建提供一个良好的环境保障。中观层面的策略,意在提升教师素质继而为教学文化的构建提供良好的能力保障。微观层面的策略,意在通过师生课堂教学继而为教学文化的构建提供良好的行动保障。

【Abstract】 Teaching Culture, i.e. Classroom Teaching Culture, is the value system, behavior patterns and the atmosphere of mutual influence of the teachers and students which are formed in the long-term classroom teaching. Teaching culture studies are grounded on the fact that traditional teaching culture blocked the new curriculum classroom teaching and made it difficult to deepen. The new curriculum based modern teaching culture hastened the harmonious development of teachers and students and thus ensured the smooth implementation of the new curriculum through the reflection on the classroom teaching. Therefore, modern teaching culture has become the value of this study and the pursuit of goals.Starting with the interpretation of teaching culture, this paper sets the theoretical basis for teaching culture and explores the formation of traditional teaching culture. Through questionnaires, interviews and classroom lectures and other forms, the paper reveals the current situation of teaching culture and teachers’different understanding of teaching culture which resulted from teachers’geographical, age, seniority, job title, duties, qualifications and other factors in the implementation of the new curriculum. Combined with the new curriculum teaching culture factors, the advantages of modern teaching culture and the disadvantage of traditional teaching culture, this paper analyses objective causes, realistic obstacles and advantages of the evolution of traditional teaching culture toward modern teaching culture, proposes the building foundation, mechanism and strategies of modern teaching culture. Mainly embodied in the following five parts:Part One: The Interpretation of Teaching Culture. This part includes the understanding of teaching culture, the historical development of teaching culture and the comments on teaching culture studies. Starting with the discussion of the meaning of culture, the understanding of teaching culture analyses the revelation of culture studies to teaching culture studies, establishes basis for the research of the concept, meaning, style and feature, etc. of teaching culture. The development of teaching culture and the foreign studies of teaching culture can broaden our horizon in study and deepen our understanding of teaching culture.Part Two: The Theoretical Basis of Teaching Culture. To study the theoretical basis of teaching culture is to find the discipline fields which impacts teaching culture, to identify the relation between these fields and teaching culture, to explore how the theories and approaches in these fields affect teaching cultural studies. Combined with the essential characteristics and the historical development of teaching culture, this paper’s theoretical basis is laid on psychology, culturology, sociology and anthropology. Specifically, the psychological theory includes behaviorism psychology, cognitive psychology and humanistic psychology. Culturological theory mainly includes cultural formation, the nature of cultural crisis, the basic pattern of cultural transmission, cultural consciousness, as well as the critical methods of Culturological studies. Sociological theory includes conflict theory, sign interaction theory, communicative action, group approach and theory of social criticism. Anthropological theory mainly includes cultural comments and acculturation, as well as anthropological fieldworks. The theoretical basis of teaching culture provides study approaches and theoretical basis for the formation and construction of teaching culture.Part Three: The Formation of Traditional Teaching Culture. This part reveals the formation of traditional teaching culture through the discussion of the factors which affect teaching culture. Specifically, it is embodied in the following three parts: firstly, the influencing factors in the formation of teaching culture, including national traditional culture, the development of modern China’s education, current situation of China and cultural conflicts and conformity. Secondly, the value and influencing factors of traditional teaching culture, including knowledge orientation, subject orientation, unified management, single evaluation as well as teaching, reciting, doing exercises and hard work. Thirdly, the formation mechanism of traditional teaching culture, including the deep-rooted negative impact of Chinese traditional culture, the great impact of essentialism thinking pattern, highlighted teachers’culture over students’culture in classroom teaching as well as the impetus of facility-aided classroom teaching evaluation system.Part Four: A Survey of Teaching Culture in the Implementation of the New Curriculum. This part mainly studies the patterns of teaching culture and teaching culture differences resulted from teachers’different qualities in the implementation of the new curriculum. The study combines qualitative researches and quantitative researches by means of questionnaires, teacher interview and attending lectures. The objects of the questionnaires are both teachers and students. The objects of the interview are mainly teachers. The analysis of teachers’questionnaires suggests that the current teaching culture is modern teaching culture. However, the semi-open interviews based on the same content suggest that the current teaching culture is traditional teaching culture. The two results are contradictory. Combined with the result of students’survey, the observation of the classroom teaching as well as the analysis of the influence of social problems to the new curriculum, the writer believes that the current teaching culture should be traditional teaching culture. The anthropological variables such as the geographical location of teachers, teacher’s age, seniority, job title, duties, qualifications, school location and school-level lead to the diversity of actual teaching culture. The survey of the current situation of teaching culture establishes the foundation for the evolution and construction of teaching culture.Part Five: The Construction of Modern Teaching Culture. This part mainly studies the evolution of traditional teaching culture to modern teaching culture and the construction of modern teaching culture. The motivity and cause of the teaching culture evolution is that traditional teaching culture cannot meet the requirement of the new curriculum, but modern teaching culture can. Besides the objective causes and realistic obstacles of culture teaching evolution, the advantages should also be taken into consideration. The construction of teaching culture mainly studies construction basis, construction mechanics and construction strategies. The construction basis is the law of human development and the law of education and teaching. The construction mechanics can be reflected as follows: the meaning and requirement of the new curriculum provides theoretical guidance for the construction of teaching culture; classroom teaching practices lay a good practical foundation for the construction of teaching culture; cultural criticism provides value self-examination for the construction of teaching culture; teachers’culture evaluation endows teaching culture with individual character. The construction strategies include the macro-level, meso-level and micro-level. The macro-level strategy is to provide a good environment protection for teaching culture construction. The meso-level strategy is to promote teachers’quality and to provide a good capacity protection for teaching culture construction. The micro-level strategy is to provide a good activity protection for teaching culture construction via teachers and students’classroom teaching activities.

  • 【分类号】G420
  • 【被引频次】22
  • 【下载频次】1981

