

A Study on Politics Interaction Patterns between the Qing Government and the Mongolian and Tibetan Areas from the 17 to the 18th Century

【作者】 马啸

【导师】 田澍;

【作者基本信息】 西北师范大学 , 专门史, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 与传统的边疆民族政策史、民族史、清史、地方史研究角度有所不同的是,本论文从政治互动的视野,重新考察和诠释了清王朝从后金时代起到顺、康、雍、乾时期(约1616—1795),对蒙古族地区和藏族地区逐步实施政治统辖这一重大史事发生、发展与实现的过程,并运用政治互动类型分析方法,逐一建构并论述了清朝与蒙藏地区各部族政治互动的模式及其形成过程,认为清王朝从后金时代起,就形成了利用藏传佛教绥服蒙藏各部族、扩大政权基础以图中原的战略思维,先后展开与漠南蒙古诸部的相互博弈、建立了与西藏的早期积极互动联系,在实践中逐步与漠南蒙古诸部形成了以联姻-结盟为主要内容的漠南模式,入关之后,根据蒙藏各部族对清朝的态度和所处战略情势,与外喀尔喀蒙古形成了以政治绥服为主要内容的漠北模式,与漠西蒙古和硕特部确立了以羁縻藩属为主要形式的青海模式、与准噶尔部形成了以武力对决为主要内容的准噶尔模式、与土尔扈特部形成了以徕归故土为主要内容的土尔扈特模式,与藏地形成了从间接治理到直接统治的西藏模式,并依时势的变迁由近及远一一绥服上述部族。从清朝中央政府与蒙古、西藏三方的关系来说,清朝从关外时期就已建构了一种比较明晰的动态三角互动模式,创造性地挖掘并运用这种三角互动架构特有的内在机理,即利用蒙古和硕特部对清朝的顺服关系,通过册封该部首领,实现以蒙治藏,达到了对藏地的间接管理;又通过邀请达赖进京和对其进行册封,借助其宗教影响力控制和收服蒙古各部,即实行以藏传佛教治理蒙古,又依势相机采取蒙藏分离之策,最终实现了对西、北边疆民族地区的逐步收服和有效管辖。在管理上也创造性地采取了多重多样的管辖体制和机构,实施了不同的民族地方立法,实现了较为良性的民族地方与中央政府的互动,达到较好的社会控制效果。研究中特别注意从后金与蒙、藏民族政权实体和中原与边疆民族(中原与四夷)、中央与地方等三个层面对清朝与蒙藏地区政治互动内容的依次递变和性质的因势嬗变,进行了多层次多角度的挖掘,认为清朝在关外时确立绥服蒙藏的相关战略是其成功立国的开端,也是主政中原后成功治理西、北边疆,实际上也是成功治国的基点之一。其中确立与蒙藏各部族不同的政治互动模式是灵活执行这一策略的重要体现,不失时机地驾驭和应用动态三角互动机制是执行这一策略的创造性试验与施展。本项研究所采用的视角,所搭建的框架,为研究这一为史学界长期关注的老课题提供了一个新的切入点和观察点,研究结论也必将给人以多方面启发。尤其为今天正确处理族际关系,消除不安定因素,稳定边疆民族与社会,建设与开发边疆,构建和谐民族关系,从而也为建设和谐社会提供一定的历史启迪。全文由绪论、正文和结论三大部分组成。其中,绪论部分主要介绍了选题的旨意、国内外的研究状况及存在的问题、研究范围与方法、研究重点与资料来源。正文部分,第一章,运用政治互动的概念与类型,总括性的研讨了明朝与蒙古、西藏展开政治互动的背景,构建了明蒙、明藏之间的政治互动模式,分析了明朝控驭蒙藏关系的意图及其失败所产生的影响。第二章,论述了明末清初蒙藏地带民族政治实体并立耸峙,明朝、后金、蒙古、西藏四大势力介入角逐的态势,分析了后金勃兴之优势和其联蒙立国战略的形成、与蒙藏互动策略的创意和内容,划分并总结出清代前期与蒙藏地区政治互动发展的若干阶段,为下文写作做了必要的铺垫。第三章至第五章,构建了清政府与漠南蒙古、漠北喀尔喀蒙古,与漠西卫拉特蒙古诸部,与西藏的政治互动模式,并从后金与蒙、藏民族政权实体和中原与边疆民族、中央与地方等三个层面对各种模式生成的条件、过程,最终推行的管理制度,进行了研究与勾勒。第六章,探究了在政治互动视野下蒙古因素、西藏因素(藏传佛教)在清政府与蒙藏地区政治互动中的作用,分析了清政府与蒙古、西藏之间三角互动模式的内涵、机制,动态运行状况,探讨了清政府在三角互动中所处的主导地位。第七章(结论部分),对明、清两代与蒙藏地区政治互动的策略、政策和成效进行了比较研究,对清承明制的因革之处进行了比较全面的分析,指出了清朝在治理蒙藏方面的独到之处与创造性贡献,并对之进行了多角度的定性与评价。

【Abstract】 Differing from the traditional border area nationality policy history, the nationalhistory, the history of the Qing Dynasty and the place history, The paper in thepolitical interaction’s vision inspected and annotates from Qing Dynasty’s Predecessorthelater Jin dynasty time, to the ShunZhi Dynasty, KangXi Dynasty, YunZhenDynasty, QianLong Dynasty (approximately 16161795).How implemented thepolitics in the Mongolian national minority area and the Tibetan national minorityarea, and how presided the process and how this significant history events graduallyoccurred, developed and realized. At same time ,Qing Dynasty government how diduse the political interaction type analysis method, and constructed and elaborated theQing Dynasty and the Mongolian and Tibetan area various clans and tribes politicsinteraction pattern and the forming process. And believed that Qing Dynasty from thelater Jin Dynasty time, it had formed the strategic thought that use TibetanBuddhism to pacify Mongolia and Tibet tribes, and expanded political powerfoundation by the chart area south of Yellow River. the Qing dynasty governmentLaunched early time interaction with the south of the desert Mongolia tribessuccessively, and established interaction relationship with Tibet’s to relate positively,and gradually formed the pattern which built alliance relationship by marriage withsouth of the desert Mongolia as the primary. After entering the ShanHaiguan pass,according to the manner and the strategic circumstance of Mongolian and Tibetantribes to the Qing Dynasty, the Qing Dynasty formed the pattern of tookappeasement policy on the Outer Mongolia Khalkha Mongolia. the Qing Dynastyestablished the Qinghai pattern which mainly in the ways of to built the vassal staterelationship with one of the WeiLate Mongolia tribesHeShuotethat lived in Qinghai.and formed the Dzungar pattern by taking the military force to definitely , andformed Torguts pattern by the tribe returned to native land . Formed the Tibetpattern and governed it from indirectly to the direct dominant, and according tosituation vicissitude, and pacified above clans and tribes one by one. Among the QingDynasty Central authorities ,Mongolian, and the Tibet tripartite relations, the QingDynasty have constructed one kind of quite defined dynamic triangle interactionpattern from the outside the passes time. And the Qing Dynasty Creatively unearthedand utilized this kind of triangle interaction construction unique intrinsic mechanism,namely especially in the way of HeShuote Mongolia obeys the Qing Dynasty, conferredranks and titles the leaders, realizing the goal of governing Tibet by the hand ofMongolia, and achieved that indirect supervision on the Tibet . Also through invitedDalai go to the capital and conferred him rank and title, in order to control andsubdues Mongolian by the aid of his religious influence, namely implements by Tibet governs Mongolia, also adopting the plan of to separate the Mongolia and Tibet,finally realized what about the west, north the border area multinationalarea hassubdued with the effective jurisdiction gradually. the Qing Dynasty has alsoCreatively adopted the multiple diverse jurisdiction systems and the organization inthe management, had implemented the different nationality local legislations, and hadrealized the comparatively benign national place and Central authorities’ interaction,achieves the good control social effect. the research specially pay attention to whatfrom the Later Jin Dynasty , Mongolian and Tibetan national minority politicalpowers and the south of Yellow River area and border area nationality (the south ofYellow River area and Peripheral locality national minorities), the central committeeand place three stratification. From the Qing Dynasty, Mongolian and Tibetan areapolitics interaction content changes and had taken multilevel,the multipleperspectives exploration. The research showed that while the Qing Dynasty stayedoutside the passes achieved correlated strategy of pacified Mongolia, Tibet’s is thebeginning which its success help the Qing Dynasty founded a nation, also after is rulesthe south of Yellow River area, and succeed in managed the west and the northernborder area, in fact it is also one of success governing whole country basicpolicies.And the establishment carries out different politics interaction pattern wasthis strategy important manifestation nimbly with the Mongolian and Tibetan tribes,Seizing the opportunity and controlling the application dynamic triangle interactionmechanism is carries out this strategy creative experiment and to display it .The angle of view, builds the frame of this research instituted, has provided thehistory field longtermattention old topic a new breakthrough point and theviewpoint, the conclusion of research will certainly give the human by variousinspiration. Especially for today correct processing race border relations, eliminatesthe static factor, the stable border area nationality and the society, how to develop anddevelop the border area, the construction harmonious society provide certainhistorical inspiration. The entire book includes the introduction, the main text and theconclusion three major parts. The introduction part mainly introduced the selectedtopic decree, the domestic and foreign research condition and the existence question,the range of study and the method, the research key and the data source. The textualmaterial, the first chapter, the utilization politics interaction’s concept and the type,sum up deliberation and the background of Ming Dynasty, Mongolia and Tibet havelaunched the political interaction, and has constructed between Ming, Mongolia andTibet’s political interaction pattern, which analyzed the influence of Ming Dynasty tocontrol the Mongolia and Tibet to relate the intention and the defeated. The secondchapter, elaborated at the end of the Ming Dynasty and the beginning of the QingDynasty, Mongolia and Tibet region nationality political entities to exist side by sidetowers, the Ming Dynasty, the Later Jin Dynasty, Mongolian, Tibet four big influences involvement contention’s situation, has analyzed superiority of the later Jin Dynastyvigorous growth and it unites the Mongolian to build a country strategy, with theMongolian and Tibetan interaction strategy creativity and the content, divided andsummarizes clears out a generation of earlier period and Mongolian and Tibetan areapolitics interaction development certain stages, wrote the artificial essential upholsteryfor as follows. The third chapter to the fifth chapter, has constructed the Qinggovernment and Mongolia of the south desert, the Outer Mongolia Khalkha Mongolia,and the Weilate Mongolia of west desert, and Tibet’s political interaction pattern, andfrom the Later Jin Dynasty , Mongolian and the Tibetan national minority politicalpower entity and the area of south of Yellow River and the border area nationality, thecentral government and the place three stratification planes to each kind of patternproduction’s condition, the process, the control system which carries out finally,conducted the research and outline it . The sixth chapter, the research inquired thatunder the political interaction field of vision the Mongolian factor, Tibet factor(Tibetan Buddhism) in the Qing government ,the Mongolian and Tibetan area politicsinteraction’s function, has analyzed between the Qing government ,Mongolia andTibet the triangle interaction pattern connotation, the mechanism, the dynamicmovement condition, has discussed the Qing government the dominant position whichand in governs in the Mongolian and Tibetan process to the area of south of YellowRiver factor utilization and the display locates in the triangle interaction. Conclusionpart (the seventh chapter): To the Ming dynasty and the Qing Dynasty twogenerations politics interaction’s strategy about the Mongolian and Tibetan area, thepolicy and the result carried on has been studied, because to received Ming’s strategycarry on the quite comprehensive analysis clearly, had pointed out the Qing Dynastywas governing the Mongolian and Tibetan aspect the originality and the creativecontribution, and has carried on the multiple perspectives to it qualitative and theappraisal.


