

Research on the Inner Chapters of "Chuang-Tzu"

【作者】 史国良

【导师】 陈晓龙;

【作者基本信息】 西北师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 本论文分为四个部分:第一部分为庄子与《庄子》文本考辩;第二部分从社会历史背景、庄子的自由设定与道、齐物的关系以及大鹏的象征意义等方面分析《庄子》内篇的主要思想,通过探究《内篇》各篇之间的逻辑线索,揭示庄子自由思想的发展过程及其特色;第三部分主要讨论《内篇》思想的文学表现;第四部分阐述庄子《内篇》对玄学、道教、禅学的影响及其相互之间的关系。第一章:考辩庄子个人生平、交游、学术源流及弟子等情况。通过对《庄子》文本的梳理,理清《庄子》文本的流传、分篇及作者等大致情况,另外提到晋郭象《庄子注》的问题。按照目前学界一般看法是,《庄子》内篇出自庄子的手笔,而外杂篇则基本为后学所做。比之《庄子》全篇,内篇应该能更准确地体现庄子的思想。从一定程度上说,研究《内篇》也就是研究庄子本人思想。第二章:通过考察社会历史背景,说明庄子从对个体生命的关注入手,试图解决生存乃至社会困境。道提供了庄子思想的理论起点,而齐物就是要以相对主义破除自我中心观,是通往自由的认识论前提。《逍遥游》篇中大鹏形象的寓意表明庄子追求精神自由的理想。《逍遥游》和《齐物论》两篇基本奠定了庄子思想的主干基调,代表庄子对自由思考的阶段性的成果。《逍遥游》篇末未能妥善解决的“无用之用”引出后面几篇的思想发展。从《养生主》篇开始,庄子遇到解决精神与肉体统一的问题。由单纯无用妥协变成缘督以为经,游刃有余(《养生主》);又改正为“直寄”,以“社树”身份保全生命(《人间世》);后又从“直寄”向“恶”的方向转化,避免为世所用。最初单纯无用——缘督以为经——直寄——恶,一个无可奈何的过程,从《德充符》起,依旧病态残缺,但是“德”的光辉内在显现出来,突破全身的考虑;《大宗师》篇向道的回归,索德于形外。最后《应帝王》,无为而治。个体精神自由之外,对个体生命的安顿一再考虑而不得。最后发现,解决个人问题的前提是解决社会问题,个人问题与社会问题统一于自然无为中。虽然仍是不切实际的规划,然而突出了庄子的社会关怀情愫。第三章:庄子的思想与《庄子》的文学性相得益彰、相映生辉。此章从《庄子》内篇的寓言特色、寓言形象的具体分析、篇章结构特色、语言文字以及变化多端的文章结构和创作手法等方面分析庄子《内篇》思想的文学表现,此外也涉及了《庄子》内篇与文学意境理论的关系。第四章:《内篇》精神的后世回响,阐述《庄子》内篇与后世的玄学、道教理论以及禅学之间的密切关系。《内篇》中有关“道”的本体特点、“心斋”、“坐忘”等方法对魏晋玄学、道教、禅学中理论体系有多方面的直接和间接影响,此外,庄子追求无拘自由的飘逸人格魅力也深刻影响了后世。

【Abstract】 This dessertation is divided into four chapters. The first chapter introduces main circumstances of Chuang-Tzu himself and the book of“Chuang-Tzu”. The second chapter centers on the essential thought of inner chapters of“Chuang-Tzu”from social and historical background, studing of Tao,“qiwu”, and“xiaoyao”. The third chapter mainly discusses the structure and sequence of inner chapters and logical developing course of Chuang-Tzu’s thought which is reflected from the inherrent structure and sequence. The forth chapter focuses on the literary expression of the thought of inner chapters. The fifth chapter analyses the relation between inner chapters of“Chuang-Tzu”and metaphysics, Taoism and Zen.First chapter introduces the personal circumstance of living, relationship, source of scholarship and disciples, the text’s spreading, dividing and author of the book of“Chuang-Tzu”, as wele as the“Commentaries”of GuoHsiang. On the general opinion of learning fields, inner chapters is written by Chuang-Tzu himself, and outer and other chapters written by his discples. inner chapters can reflect the thought of Chuang-Tzu more accuratly than other chapters do. So, research of inner is in a sense the research of the thought of“Chuang-Tzu”The second chapter begins from the social and historical background, tells that Chuang-Tzu started with personal life to solve the difficul position of person and society. Tao is theory foundation of Chuang-Tzu’s thought, and the viewpoint of“equality of things”helps to break with the concept of self center and make way to the absolute freedom. The image of Peng represents the ideal charater of pursuing the freedom.“the happy excursion”and“on the equality of things”established the foundation of Chuang-Tzu’s thought. But this two chapters just come into a achievement of pre-stage and it still has the problem of body life. Unsettled“utility of useless”leads the development of other chpaters. From the“the fundamentals for the cultivation of life”, the trouble of how to managing spirit and body both completely comes to Chuang-Tzu, simple useless becomes the way of“pursuing the middle course”, and then become the way of pretending to be an altar to preserce one’s life, but that is not enough, Chuang-Tzu has to choose body’s incompleteness to against being used. In the chapter of“the cultivation of life”, body is still incomplete, but virtue emerges, that is a turn. Considering of Tao again leads a solution, the presuposition of solution of personal life is the solution of governing of the whole society, so, the best way to govern is to let things alone and let them act as they can.The third chapter focuses on the literary expression of the thought of inner chapters. By analysing the Characteristic of“Chuang-Tzu”’s fable, literal material, fabled image, strutural charateritic, using of language and writing, changing and relating structure, and so on, we can see that the thought and the literary make each other behave better in“Chuang-Tzu”.in this part, relation between“Chuang-Tzu”and literal theory of artistic conception is also involved.The fourth chapter discusses the resounding of spirit of“Chuang-Tzu”’s inner chapters in later ages. Noumenal characteritc of Tao,“fasting of mind”,“sitting in fogetfulness”of inner chapters closely related with the concepts of metaphysics, Taoism and Zen, inner chapters of“Chuang-Tzu”affect metaphysics, Taoism and Zen deeply, no mater directly or indirectly.

  • 【分类号】B223.5
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】1050

