

Reform and Reconstruction: The Research on High-quality Classroom Teaching

【作者】 纪德奎

【导师】 李定仁;

【作者基本信息】 西北师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 课堂优质化是指能够生成优质课堂文化和课堂关系、具有优质的课堂组织与教学,使课堂真正发挥多种功能、完成多重任务,最终使学生达到新课程标准的三维目标并促进师生共同可持续、和谐地发展的过程。在优质教育和新一轮课程改革的背景下进行课堂优质化研究,有助于扩大优质教育供给、推动素质教育和新课程改革的深化,有助于提升教师素养和促进教师专业发展,它也是消解课堂异化和促进师生优质成长的理想平台。课堂优质化具有和谐的表征、蕴含生命的真谛、涵泳责任的承诺、呈现德性生活的样态、促成真正学习的发生、允许个体差异的存在、体现资源分配的公平和保持时空场域的开放等特征。因此,可将课堂优质化理解为一种课堂形态、一种课堂理念和一种课堂境界,三者之间的动态转化过程就是课堂的变革与重建过程,即课堂优质化的建设过程,也是基于课堂实际“已经达到的发展水平”向课堂的“可能的发展水平”不断跨越式发展的过程。通过文献梳理发现,课堂优质化有着一定的思想与理论渊源,夸美纽斯的《大教学论》中便蕴含着深邃的优质教育教学思想,巴班斯基的教学过程最优化理论就是对课堂优质化进行的最好尝试。当前我国的课堂优质化研究是基于一定的理论基础,对课堂进行多学科、多视角、多层次的透视、整合与重构的研究。从课堂研究的发展历程来看,它是课堂研究在经历了译介、独立探索、解构研究阶段后而逐渐达到的一个相对完善的新研究阶段,这为课堂研究提供了一个全新的视野。通过对甘肃省九个地区的715名初中教师和466名学生进行问卷调查和个别访谈得知,当前课堂整体建设程度与学生的实际需求存在距离,课堂理念层面与现实操作层面出现落差,教师教学能量呈现不足与分化,学生课堂投入出现失衡。出现这些问题的原因是多方面的:一是课堂改革没有牢固地镶入文化之中,缺乏改革氛围,致使改革行为未能持久,影响着课堂优质化建设的效果;二是学校现有的管理模式限制着课堂改革理念的落实,新课程改革所倡导的理念与现实的学校管理制度模式存在着冲突,致使很多理念在课堂上无法充分的体现出来,无法为其提供足够的空间与运作机会;三是课堂变革停滞于观念层面,只强调观念的改变,甚至认为课堂变革等同于观念变革,忽视基础条件和方法,造成观念与行为的相悖;四是改革惰性和局限思考削弱了教师课堂改革的能量;五是课堂培养中的自扰现象阻碍了学生的发展;六是反映新理念的课堂标准的缺损。研究还发现,针对当前课堂改革现状,面临两项紧迫任务,一是结合具体情况,生成一个体现新理念的、具有导向和激励功能的新课堂标准;二是根据当前课堂实际,重新确定课堂优质化的建设基点和建设取向,探索可行的课堂优质化建设路径,藉以消解当前课堂改革中存在的问题。课堂优质化标准的生成,一是考察国外古今著名学者关于课堂标准的论述,寻找不同国域里课堂的基本精神、共同特点和要求,借鉴其研究视角和研究取向,为生成课堂优质化标准提供有益启示;二是关注国内有关课堂标准的最新研究,尤其是一些经过长时间课堂实践所获得的权威学者的成果,归纳共性,区分差异,以此作为生成课堂优质化基本标准的理论基础;三是本人通过田野实践,实地考察当前课堂标准的使用情况以及人们心目中理想的课堂标准,作为课堂优质化标准生成的实践依据。在此基础上,从文化、过程和质量维度实践生成了课堂优质化标准框架,标准框架包括三个维度十一宗内容二十七项指标,并在实践中对其进行了有效性验证。课堂优质化的建设构想是基于原有课堂发展的基础上,遵循课堂优质化标准框架,借鉴学习型组织理论,重新确定了以生为本的建设基点,以服务、质量、长效和发展为建设取向。通过建立学习型组织,改变课堂形态;构筑共同愿景,创建和谐文化情境;重构学习共同体,搭建知识创新平台;教师要以智慧提升品位,以故事活化教学,以礼仪增添魅力,打造优质课堂;要赋权学生,培养学生研究者,使学生获得权力意识和批判能力,拥有与时俱进的学习理念和持续不断的自我超越能力,最大限度地优质发展。

【Abstract】 High-quality classroom teaching refers to the process which has the capability of creating high-quality classroom culture, classroom relationship and high-quality classroom organization and teaching which can make the classroom finish multi-level tasks, thus can achieve the three-dimensional goals in new curriculum standards and promote the sustainable and harmonious development of teachers and students. Under the background of the ideas of high-quality education and new curriculum reform, the research on high-quality classroom teaching contributes to the expansion of high-quality education supply, the promotion of quality education and new curriculum reform and helps to the improvement of teachers’quality and their professional development. Therefore, the research on high-quality classroom teaching provides an ideal platform for elimination of classroom alienation and for the promotion of the growth of teachers and students in high quality.High-quality classroom teaching, characterized with harmony, vitality and responsibility, presents the life-like state with virtue, promotes the occurrence of the real learning, allows the existence of individual differences, reflects the fairness of resource allocation and keeps the openness of space and time. Based on this, the construction of the high-quality classroom teaching is the process of reform and restructure in which there exists a transformation among classroom form, classroom idea and classroom realm, i.e. a leapfrog development process from“achieved level”to“achievable level”.Based on the literature review, the thesis presents the theoretical origin of high-quality classroom. They are Jan Amos Komensky’s theories about high-quality education in his Didactica Magna and the theory of teaching optimization byЮрийКонстиновичБабанский. The present domestic literature mainly focuses on the study of integration and restructure with the features of multidisciplinary, multi-angle and multi-level. As far as the history of classroom teaching research is concerned, the present study achieves a new stage after the classroom research experiences the stage of translation from foreign literature, the stage of independent exploration and the stage of deconstruction, thus it provides a new perspective for classroom research.By a survey and interview of 715 teachers and 466 students in junior high schools distributed in 9 districts in Gansu Province, the thesis proposes that there is a gap between classroom construction and students demand, a gap between conceptual level and operational level and an imbalance between teaching input from teachers and teaching output from students. The reasons include: 1) Classroom teaching reform is not deeply rooted in culture and there is a lack of reform environment which cause the reform not last long, thus influence the effect of reform; 2) There exists a conflict between the present management model of school and teaching ideas proposed by new curriculum, which cannot provide enough space and time for classroom teaching reform; 3) There is a misunderstanding which only thinks of classroom reform as changes in values and ignores basic conditions and ways, thus leads to a inconsistence between values and behaviors; 4) The inertia of reform and limitation of thinking reduce the teachers’activity; 5) The self-interference in classroom training hinders the development of students; 6) There is a lack of the classroom standards based on new curriculum. In accordance with the above findings, the thesis proposes that the two main measures should be taken: the first is to set the oriented, incentive standards which reflect the ideas of new curriculum; the second is to make a new position for the starting point and orientation of high-quality classroom teaching and to explore new channels of high-quality classroom teaching.In this thesis, the setting of high-quality classroom teaching standards is based on three aspects: 1)By inspecting the main literature about high-quality classroom teaching from the past to the present, the thesis seeks the theoretical core with common spirit and similar features and makes a reference of the research perspectives and orientation from different scholars which provide the useful and effective inspiration; 2) By examining the latest research orientations about high-quality classroom teaching in the country, especially some authoritative conclusions made by those scholars who have long experiences of teaching practice, the thesis makes a deductive and inductive analysis which is made as the theoretical base; 3) By making a field study, the thesis makes a survey of the present state of classroom teaching standards which is made as the practical evidence. Starting from the levels of culture, process and product, the thesis develops a standard framework of high-quality classroom teachings which include three levels, eleven aspects and twenty-seven indicators and gets an effective verification.In this thesis, the construction of high-quality classroom teaching, based on the present classroom condition, makes a re-position of student-oriented starting point and sets service-quality-effect-development orientation by following standard framework of high-quality classroom, consulting the theoretical opinions about learning-based organization. The main contents include changing classroom pattern by building learning-based organization, creating harmonious cultural environment by constructing shared vision and building knowledge innovation platform by restructuring learning community. In the classroom teachers should create high-quality classroom by enhancing grade by wisdom, enlivening teaching by stories and adding charm by etiquette. Meanwhile, students should have the learning idea of advancing with the times, the capability of sustainable self-transcendence and by giving students rights and training them student-researchers, the students will get the maximum development.

  • 【分类号】G632.4
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】1636

