

Some Problems in Design of Concrete Plate-Column Structures

【作者】 郭楠

【导师】 郑文忠;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 结构工程, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 板-柱结构是由平板和柱通过节点连结而成的一种结构形式,通常沿其周边轴线设置一定截面尺寸的边梁以承担扭矩作用并增强结构的整体性。板-柱结构具有突出优点,但工程界仍对板-柱结构的设计方法、抗震性能等一些问题存在模糊认识,阻碍了板-柱结构的推广普及。为此,本文开展了如下研究工作。以塑性铰线理论为基础,推导了无边梁板-柱结构和设边梁板-柱结构各类板格的极限荷载计算公式,提出了通过板内钢筋的合理布置来避免不合理破坏模式的方法,分析了五种不同预应力筋布筋形式对板-柱结构板格竖向极限荷载的影响。得出了板格极限荷载主要与板内所配预应力筋和非预应力筋的数量及预应力筋的线型和预应力水平等因素有关的初步结论。提出了为模型试验结果所验证的用双向条带变形叠加来计算板-柱结构板格中心变形的思想和方法。应用这种方法分析了预应力筋布筋形式对板格中心总变形的影响,得到了预应力筋在柱轴线附近布置越集中对控制板在使用荷载下的总变形起到的作用就越明显的结论。探索了竖向均布荷载作用下板-柱结构中各类板格的内力分布规律,分析了柱网尺寸,板格边长比和柱截面尺寸对支座控制截面弯矩最大值与平均值之比的影响,建立了该比值的计算公式,提出了适合于板-柱结构的裂缝控制及验算建议。通过pushover分析和弹塑性时程分析,研究了层数、板厚、柱截面尺寸及设置边梁对板-柱结构抗震性能的影响,评价了板-柱结构的抗震性能。分析结果表明,对于按《建筑抗震设计规范》(GB50011-2001)板柱-剪力墙结构中“板柱的柱”确定柱的抗震等级,结构的配筋同时满足计算要求和相关构造措施的不大于8层板-柱结构可用于7度抗震设防区Ⅰ~Ⅲ类场地。给出了板-柱结构的适用范围和设计建议,为板-柱结构在抗震设防区的应用提供了参考依据。探讨了板柱-剪力墙结构适用的最大高度,研究了板柱-剪力墙结构进入塑性后,水平地震力在板柱和剪力墙之间的分配规律,并按刚度特征值不同,给出了板柱部分所承担的最大层剪力占结构基底剪力的百分比。分析了剪力墙布置对结构扭转效应的影响,给出剪力墙的合理布置建议。对无边梁板柱-剪力墙结构、设边梁板柱-剪力墙结构及框架-剪力墙结构进行了弹塑性时程分析,评价了板柱-剪力墙结构的抗震性能。分析结果表明,按《建筑抗震设计规范》(GB50011-2001)确定柱和剪力墙的抗震等级,结构的配筋同时满足计算要求和相关构造措施的9层板柱-剪力墙结构,可用于8度抗震设防区Ⅰ~Ⅲ类场地。给出了板柱-剪力墙结构的设计建议。

【Abstract】 Plate-column structure is a kind of structure that consists of plates and columns linked by the node. Normally, edge beams with a certain size are set along the peripheral axis to bear torsion and reinforce the integrity of structure. Although plate-column structure is excellent, there are some problems such as design method and seismic behavior not made clear in the circles of engineering, which retarded spreading this kind of structure. Therefore, the following researches were made in this dissertation.Based on the yield lines theory, the formulas of ultimate load were deduced for plate-column structures with and without edge beams. A method considering the reasonable reinforcement arrangement was proposed to avoid unreasonable failure modes. And the influence of five different disposal forms of prestressing tendons upon the ultimate vertical load on plate girds was analyzed. The preliminary conclusion was obtained that the ultimate load of plate grids were mainly determined by the total number of rebar in plate, profile of prestressing tendon and effective prestress etc.The idea and method that the deformation in the centre of plate grid could be calculated by superposing the two-way strip deformation were proposed, which were verified by model tests results. Using this method, the influence of different disposal forms of prestressing tendon upon the total deflection of plate was analyzed, and a conclusion was made that the more close the prestressing tendon arranged to the column axis, the more effective the total deformation under service load could be controled.The distributive rule of internal force in plate-column structure under vertical uniform load was investigated. In the research, formulas which consider the influence of size of grid, side ratio and column section size were suggested to calculate the ratio of maximum moment to average moment at critical cross section, and an advice on crack control and check of plate-column structure was given.By the pushover analysis and nonlinear time-history analysis, the influence of the number of story, depth of slab, column section size and arrangement of edge beams to seismic behavior of plate-column structure was analyzed. The results showed that the plate-column structures were applicable inⅠ~Ⅲsoil site of intensity 7 seismic fortification zone when the column seismic degree accords with the plate-column and shear wall structure in“Code for seismic design of buildings (GB50011-2001)”with the number of story less than 8, and the reinforcement meets the demand of calculation and construction measure. The applicable range and design recommendations provide reference for the application of plate-column structure in seismic fortification zone.The applicable ultimate height of plate column-shear wall structure was explored. The distribution of horizontal seismic force between plate-column and shear walls was investigated when the plate-column and shear wall structure entered the plastic phase, and the ratio of maximal interstory shear born by plate-column to the total shear at foundation base was given with different characteristic value of stiffness. The influence of arranging shear walls to the structural torsion effect was analyzed, and the reasonably disposed recommendation of shear walls was given. The nonlinear time-history for plate-column and shear wall structure without and with edge beam, and frame-shear wall structure were analyzed, and the seismic behavior of plate-column and shear wall structure was evaluated. The analysis results show that the 9-story plate-column and shear wall structure were applicable inⅠ~Ⅲsoil site of intensity 8 seismic fortification zone when the column and shear wall seismic degree accord with“Code for seismic design of buildings (GB50011-2001)”, and the reinforcement meets the demand of calculation and constructional measure. According design recommendations were given.


