

Clay Minerals and Biology Combined Remediation for Contaminated Soil with Heavy Metals

【作者】 杨秀敏

【导师】 胡振琪;

【作者基本信息】 中国矿业大学(北京) , 环境工程, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 为修复重金属复合污染土壤,恢复受损生态环境,本论文以实际重金属复合污染的酸性土壤为研究对象,以东南景天和玉米为试验材料,以粘土矿物海泡石和菌根为修复材料,进行了铅、锌、镉复合污染土壤的修复技术和修复机理的研究。结果表明:粘土矿物对复合重金属离的吸附具有选择性;粘土矿物的吸附主要是离子交换吸附和表面吸附;土壤中添加海泡石可有效降低植株体内的重金属浓度,并促进植株对磷、钙等营养元素的吸收,能提高土壤的pH值,土壤的pH值同植物体内重金属浓度呈显著的负相关,同土壤重金属的可交换态呈显著的负相关,同土壤重金属的其它形态均呈显著的正相关。海泡石的添加能同时降低三种重金属在土壤中的可交换态,在多种重金属并存情况下具有很好的重金属稳定化修复作用。添加菌根促进了植株对重金属的吸收,可用于重金属提取修复。海泡石与菌根联合修复能显著增加超积累植物东南景天的生物量和磷营养;提出了先稳定,后提取的重金属复合污染土壤原位修复方法,为重金属污染土壤的快速修复和生态重建提供了理论基础。

【Abstract】 The purpose of this paper is to treat heavy metal contaminated soil and repair the damaged ecological environment. We used the on-site heavy metal contaminated acid soil as the study object and added with Sedum alfredii H and maize as auxiliary material and treated with clay minerals and mycorrhizal and conducted research on treatment technology and mechanism of the zinc-lead-cadmium contaminated soil. The study result shows that clay minerals has selective tendency to absorb mixed heavy metal by ion exchange and surface complex methods. The study also demonstrates that adding sepiolite in soil can decrease heavy metal concentration in body of plants, improve the plant absorption of the nutrition elements like calcium and Phosphate, and increase the soil PH level. Moreover there is negative relationship between the soil PH value and plant body heavy metal concentration. The soil PH value has negative relationships between with soil exchangeable heavy metal and positive relationship with other soil heavy metal form.Adding sepiolite can degrade the three exchangeable heavy metals and stabilize the heavy metal treatment effect especially when soil is contaminated by the multiple heavy metals. Adding fungus root can help the heavy metal’s abstraction and treatment.by improving the heavy metal absorption in plants. The join remedy effect of sepiolite and mushroom root will significantly increase the numbers Sedum alfredii H and its nutrition of phosphate. This study finally concludes the’stabilization first and abstraction second’soil heavy metal remedy in soil can help accelerate the recovery of heavy metal contaminated soil and restoration the ecological environment.


