

【作者】 潘明娟

【导师】 王社教;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 历史地理学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 多都并存制度是指同一个王朝或政权在同一时期设置多座都城的制度。先秦时期存在着广泛而普遍的多都并存现象。根据《现代汉语词典(修订本)》对制度的定义:“制度是指在一定历史条件下形成的政治、经济、文化等方面的体系”,表明“制度”可以是成文的,如西周时期对营建洛邑的成文记载,春秋时期晋国对曲沃“下国”的说法,战国时期燕国下都、上都的对照以及齐国“五都”的记载等;制度也可以是不成文而约定俗成的,包括夏商政权的多都并存以及春秋战国时期大部分政权未明确记载而实际施行的多座都城同时存在的制度。因此,笔者认为,先秦时期多都并存已经形成一个“体系”,由现象上升至制度层面。先秦是多都并存制度的滥觞时期,其都城设置和都城功能对后世都城制度有着深刻而广泛的影响。本文的研究共分三个部分:第一部分即第一章绪论,通过对选题的简要分析和研究现状的深入总结,提出本文的研究思路。第二部分是本研究的主体部分,包括第二章到第九章,通过实证案例研究分别复原了夏、商、西周、晋、楚、秦、齐、燕等八个政权的都城设置的情况、各座都城的地位及都城地位的变化。第二章通过对夏代文献资料和相应考古资料的分析,推测:不论是在夏代早期还是在夏代晚期,其都邑都存在着数都并存的现象。第三章探讨了商代的都城迁移和多都并存制度。商代早期的都城,从考古发掘来看主要有偃师商城和郑州商城两座,对比其规模,得出结论:郑州商城为文献记载中的郑亳,是早商的主要都城,偃师商城为文献记载中的西亳,是早商的军事性陪都。商代中期,可能实行圣都俗都制度,俗都屡次迁徙,而圣都不变。到商代晚期,安阳殷墟是主要都城,这一时期,出现在文献记载中的都城还有“成汤之故居”,可能为陪都,朝歌为离宫,不能看作是都城。第四章探讨了西周时期的多座都城设置与都城地位的变化。西周时期的多都并存制度是非常明确的,岐周、宗周、成周三座都城依次向东。其都城功能和政治地位各有不同。从都城功能来看,在西周时期,岐周是宗教祭祀意味较为浓厚的都城,是圣都;宗周承担着主要都城的功能,是行政都城;成周主要承担前线都城的功能,军事意义较浓。从政治地位来看,在西周时期,宗周一直是主都,而岐周和成周均处于陪都地位,只不过到西周中晚期岐周都城地位逐渐降低,而成周的政治地位愈益重要。第五章研究了晋国的多都并存制度,晋的都城发展包括三个阶段:从叔虞封唐开始到晋昭侯封桓叔于曲沃是晋国都城发展的第一个阶段,翼与绛为同地异名,晋有唐和绛(翼)两都,唐的设置略早于绛,在西周中期废弃,唐在废弃之前可能与绛并存了一段时间。从晋昭侯封桓叔于曲沃开始到晋景公迁都新田是晋国都城设置的第二个阶段,曲沃从割据政权的政治中心演变为晋国新政权的圣都,绛为晋的主都。第三个阶段从晋景公迁都新田开始至晋国灭亡,新田为晋都,旧都绛和圣都曲沃地位明显下降,文献记载少有提及。第六章探讨了秦的圣都制度与都城体系。秦封为诸侯之后有八座都城西垂(西犬丘)、汧、汧渭之会、平阳、雍、泾阳、栎阳、咸阳。从都城的宗教地位来看,这些都城可以分为圣都与俗都两大类,西垂、雍为圣都,其他都城是不同时期的俗都;从都城的军事地位来看,可分为前线都城和根据地都城,一般来说,俗都都是前线都城,是为了开拓疆土而建都的,圣都为根据地都城。在战国时期,秦人有两座圣都:西垂与雍。第七章分析了楚国的都城。春秋战国时期楚国的主要都城为南郢,楚国在南郢以北建立了多座军事性陪都,是其称霸诸侯、抗拒中夏的战略要地;同时,鄂城是南郢的东部门户,也是春秋时期楚国的陪都之一。第八章通过分析文献,复原了齐在春秋战国时期的多都并存制度,认为:临淄长期作为主要都城,对齐国的政治、军事发抨了重要作用。从春秋后期开始,齐国陆续在边疆的军事重镇设置了四座陪都,与临淄合称“五都”。笔者认为齐国五都应为临淄、高唐、博、平陆、邺殿,其中,临淄无疑是齐国主都,而其他四都则是军事性陪都。这种多都设置方式,是一种有效的边疆控制手段。第九章探讨了燕的多都并存制度。在西周晚期偏后的时候,燕惠侯将燕都从房山琉璃河董家林城址迁至蓟城,此后直到燕被秦所灭。蓟城在大部分时间里一直是燕国主要都城。战国时期,由于燕国要南向中原与其它六国征战,因此,在南部军事重镇相继建立了易与下都武阳两座陪都。第三部分包括第十章和第十二章,探讨了先秦多都并存制度的确立及发展,多都并存制度形成的原因及其对后世的影响。

【Abstract】 The system of multi-capital is a system that several capitals are established at the same time to the identical dynasty or the political power.Widespread and universal phenomenon of multi-capital exists in the pre-Qin period.According to "Modern Chinese Dictionary(Revised edition)" to system definition:"The system is refers to the system on politics,economy,culture and so on which forms under certain historical condition." We can know that the system may not only be written just as the record of Xizhou Dynasty’s new capital Luo-yi,Jin Dynasty’s Qu-wo" the less important capital" in the Spring and Autumn Period,Yah Dynasty’s Wu-yang" the less important capital"&Qi Dynasty’s "five capitals" in the Period of Warring States,and so on;but also be unwritten just as the multi-capital system of Xia and Shang Dynasty as well as putting several capitals existing at the same time in practice but no record in the Spring and Autumn Period&the Period of Warring States. Therefore,the author believed that,it has already risen to the system of multi-capital from the phenomenon of several capitals existing at the same time in pre-Qin period when is the source time of the certain system that influence to the later generation.There are three parts in this article:The first part is the lst chapter- introduction.The author draws his thoughts in this chapter by analyzing and summing up the present research about this field.The second part is the body of this whole article which from 2nd to 9th chapters that recover the capitals establishment situation,the capitals class of eight dynasties(include Xia,Shang,Xizhou,Jin, Chu,Qin,Qi,Yan).Through to analysis the literature material of Xia and the corresponding archaeology material, The 2nd chapter extrapolates that,it has the phenomenon of several capitals existing at the same time of Xia Dynasty,early period and later period.The 3rd chapter discusses the Shang Dynasty’s capital migration and the system of multi-capital.Analyzed from archaeology excavating,we know the capitals of Shang Dynasty’s early term are the less important capital Yan-shi,which is Xi-bo in literature,and the important capital Zheng-zhou,which is Zheng-bo in literature.At Shang Dynasty’s medium term,it may be put the system of holy capital&secular capital in practice,which the secular capital migrates continuously when the holy capital fixes on one city.At later term of Shang Dynasty,An-yang is the important capital as well as "Tang’s former capital" is less important capital when Chao-ge is a palace but not capital.The 4th chapter discusses the establishment of several capitals and the change of capital’s class in Xi-zhou Dynasty.The system of multi-capital is consist of Qi-zhou,Zong-zhou&Cheng-zhou,in which each capital has different function and different class.Analysis from the capital function,it is clear that Qi-zhou is a holy capital with strong religious atmosphere when Zong-zhou is an administrative capital with undertaking the main capital function and Cheng-zhou is a frontier capital with strong military function;Analysis from the capital class,it is clear that Zong-zhou is important capital when Qi-zhou and Cheng-zhou are less important capitals with Qi-zhou’class lower gradually as well as Cheng-zhou’s higher gradually.The 5th chapter studies the system of multi-capital of Jin Dynasty.There are three stages in the development of Jin’s capital:the first stage is from Shuyu to Jin Zhaohou,when Yi&Jiang are the one capital which exists with an other capital Tang at the same time;the second stage is from Jin Zhaohou to Jin Jinggong when Qu-wo is Jin’s holy capital and Jiang is the important capital;the third stage is from Jin Jinggong to the last monarch of Jin when Xin-tian is the new important capital and Qo-wo’s holy class lower.The 6th chapter discusses Qin’s holy capital system and the multi-capital system.By the religious class of capital,it can be classified holy capital,which includes Xi-chui&Yong,and secular capital,which includes others in different stage.By the military class of capital,it can be classified frontier capital,which is secular capital with established for extension territory,and rear capital,which is holy capital in general.Xi-chui and Yong both are holy capitals of Qin Dynasty.Through to analysis the literature,the 7th chapter analyzes Chu Dynasty’s capitals.The important capital is Nan-ying in the Period of Spring and Autumn and the Period of Warring States when several less important capitals are established to be strategic bases at north of Nan-ying,and the capital E is eastern gateway of Nan-ying.The 8th chapter covers the system of multi-capital of Qi Dynasty in the Period of Spring and Autumn and the Period of Warring States.The conclusion is that Qi’s long-term important capital is Lin-zi which plays the vital role on the respect politics and military,and other four capitals(include Gao-tang,Bo,Ping-lu,Ye-dian) are less important military ones.This way that to establish five capitals,is an effective method to control border area.The 9th chapter discusses the system of multi-capital of Yah Dynasty.Ji-cheng is Yan’s important capital for long time.At the Period of Warring States,Yi and Wu-yang both are less important capitals which established at the military cities for making war to other six countries south of Yan.The last part is the 10th&12th chapter,the author discussed the development phase,the reason,&the influence to the later generation of the system of multi-capital in Pre-Qin period.

  • 【分类号】K225;K221
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】1013
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